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The EPL thread


Well-Known Member
as they say, let those without sin...  :p

who f**ks their teammate's girlfriend?

come on, open your one eye for a second - that's f**king bad conduct! he should consider himself lucky he wasn't chased out of the dressing room with pitchforks and flaming torches. i don't care what team you support - it's dodgy and he can't expect the trust and respect of his teammates after that.


Well-Known Member
considering it's apparently happened over a year ago(if it did even happen) fairly sure he hasn't lost the support of his players, and if it leads to him scoring winners in games, I rly don't give a fcuk, after all..it is his private life.


Well-Known Member
City beating Portsmouth 2-0 with 5 to go.
Pompey have played some decent football though


Well-Known Member
hasbeen said:
I watched the Arseole v MU game, and MU absolutely murdered them ... good to see

Fergie just tells everyone to stay in 2nd gear all season and save the overdrive for the annual spankings of the Islington French Schools XI.

F*cking love it. ;)

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