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The EPL thread


Well-Known Member
FFC Mariner said:
Jimmy said:
I wonder how well Eidur Gudjohnsen will go at spurs.
Will he get a game? Great squad player though and proven at this level

Trying to remove the blue stain on his soul may prove harder tho
31, struggling for starts with Monaco and we already have 4 good strikers we r trying to keep happy...wouldnt say he has me too excited. Surely this means Pav will be gone?

re: the blue stain...rumour has it he is a tottenham fan, but its very hard to believe

FFC Mariner

Well-Known Member

A Premier League footballer has won a gagging order stopping the public learning about his affair with a team-mates girlfriend.

The so-called super-injunction was granted by a High Court judge under human rights laws.

The married England international successfully claimed that exposing his infidelity would be a breach of his right to a private and family life.

So draconian is Mr Justice Tugendhats order that even its existence is supposed to be a secret.

(The alleged players name did appear briefly on an unofficial FFC MB. LOL if true)


Well-Known Member
hmm..two guys who absolutely hate Chelsea throwing out rumours about them..
what do you think about the moon landing while your at it ?

FFC Mariner

Well-Known Member
Sym, stop being a twat and read this



Well-Known Member
and this as well FFC


even if it is 442 they still might be right, if so, lol

FFC Mariner

Well-Known Member
Hey Sym, some more for you to be proud of:



Well-Known Member
Sym said:
his missus is a lot better then the french bird
didn't happen.

lol its now all over the web and yet you still claim it didnt happen  ::)



Well-Known Member
Sym said:
ahhhh soooo believable

see the sarcasm !?

Actually, I posted that after it was confirmed in about 7 different places.  ;)

P.S. If you knew a single thing about EU and UK law you'd know that not a single paper/media outlet/website would dare name names if they didn't want to be slaughtered for millions of pounds/euro/dollars in libel.

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