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Mariners Squad 2023/2024


Well-Known Member
Yep, really. Shit call IMO but what would I know. His parents were both there in CCM gear tonight, both fairly philosophical about his release.
I don’t get it, but I’m also trying to understand the release of the Bayliss Bros.
Genuinely ruined my evening reading that news. Hope he doesn’t get rocked too hard by the news and picks himself up pushes forward, excellent young player.

Big Al

Well-Known Member
At this level the biggest issue post ACL is mental and that first tackle (given the player has access to the top surgeons and around the clock rehab).

He has well and truely got that out of the way.
Still early days, he has only played a couple of games. Looking for 6 months to make sure the knee is ? plus consistent games.

Don’t get me wrong not knocking him at all just saying leaving and post knee might be a bit premature but certainly sounds like he had a great game

Big Al

Well-Known Member
Kasalovic got released this week unfortunately.

Boggles the mind tbh.
Do you know if it’s MJ, Saab or others making these decisions or all of them?
I thought he looked good in NPL and his couple of games/cameos

Sounds like the NPL team might look very different

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