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Mariners Squad 2023/2024


Well-Known Member
I think Doka will settle on the right side in front of storm, they didn’t play the usual formation or style whilst Doka was on today and he still looked bright.

Jing is more suited to the wing role too, he didn’t offer a whole lot up front, trying not to judge too harshly though. It’s extremely early on.


Well-Known Member
I had no expectations and can’t believe how similar it was to last year, positive was we did way better at the shoot out this time as last year was horrendous. Not overly concerned about the Aust Cup and probably helps us not to be involved in three comps.

Lots of experimenting in that game and perfect time to do it. You could tell we have had less pre season then Shitney as we were more gassed than them at the end. Courageous effort though to turn it around and almost steal a win.

Can’t stand games officiated by Faghani even when we are not playing. Just no consistency and the game is just a hack fest with grabbing and pulling shirts. Kuol was being tackled when we had corners.

Redmayne went well beyond what is allowed, he did a forward roll for FFS. And stupid Faghani did nothing. A yellow would have pulled into line but no that would make sense.

I’m not hanging any players out to dry after that game as we nearly won it and have only had about two weeks of pre season. What I seen was good team spirit again and a good effort by everyone. Rubbish ground that was like an ice rink didn’t help either team. First time I’ve watched at WIN and wasn’t overly impressed with the ground.

Forum Phoenix

Well-Known Member
We absolutely did play a formation with a #10 role tonight - diamond midfield with Maxi screening, Doka right, Niz left, and Tulio as the 10

Yeah. I didn't mind it, but thought Doka was getting lost defensively. And our usual FB's overlapping was impacted too. I don't think Tulio was lost as much as I just don't think he was fit enough to ghost or play at the high tempo.

Interesting times.

@Archie. For mine I think with a player like Tulio in the modern game what matters more than whether he's playing as a traditional 10, false nine, striker or winger... is that you can consistently get him on the ball so his creativity can come to bear whilst other players are doing enough that it genuinely allows him the freedom to get the time and space he needs to and not just be man marked or bullied out of games.

Tulio played well in tight combinations last season. But also got a lot of ball in open space too.
The above may prove harder without Cummings as he drew a lot of defenders, but would also read/feel when he needed to drop deep and could also create himself and Kuol (who i love) isn't like for like in this I think. Also Beni who's mazy runs cross field runs drew a lot of attention. Theo can do this though.

Or... you can put him in a more traditional 10 role and feed a lot of ball through him but he's also more easily targeted. Today Niz had far greater control of the play and influence on how we moved forward and attacked. But we're obviously just at the beginning again. Looking forward to seeing how it plays out.
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Well-Known Member
Would have liked to keep him but swapping him for Aquilina, him scoring a few, covering Faz illnes recovery and getting us a fee is some pretty tidy business indeed. Jets owners must be spewing about the money we’ve been able to get for players that were average for them.
Lets not laugh too loud.....we let lewis miller go for free and they sold him for big dollars without playing a game.
We used to be embarrassing..............clearly its funny when its Scum f**k up.....but lets not get too high and mighty.

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