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"I for one welcome our insect overlords" - The Politics Thread

Hello Sailor

Well-Known Member
I dont think many people find Dutton likeable yet Labor is worried about the opposition winning the next election. I think this says more about the Albanese government recognising that they are on the nose.

Big Al

Well-Known Member
I dont think many people find Dutton likeable yet Labor is worried about the opposition winning the next election. I think this says more about the Albanese government recognising that they are on the nose.
To be honest I agree not many libs like him but there isn’t any one else knocking the door down.

I think labour is more worried about a minority government controlled by the greens then loosing to liberals.

Polls are shit as we know but it appears libs can’t push over the threshold needed knowing Greens and Labor will work together.

NT while only small was a an interesting result recently.

Lets see. I think it will be closer than many think


Well-Known Member
To be honest I agree not many libs like him but there isn’t any one else knocking the door down.

I think labour is more worried about a minority government controlled by the greens then loosing to liberals.

Polls are shit as we know but it appears libs can’t push over the threshold needed knowing Greens and Labor will work together.

NT while only small was a an interesting result recently.

Lets see. I think it will be closer than many think
It will be close but NT is not something to take too much notice of. It is smaller than the Central Coast. The LNP are very unlikely to win a majority at the next election. They are essentially running up their base. They need to win back the teal seats and everything they are saying is just shoring up and potentially adding more teal seats.

Labor will also lose seats - some to the LNP - more so to the independents and a minority ALP or LNP is more likely than either winning in their own right.

TBH I see the greens following the path of the democrats under Meg Lees and the way. They are just a party of complaint without responsibility. Case in point is higher density housing development within 400m of railway stations. All for more housing - but against any proposal that does it - including those that promote cleaner travel.


Well-Known Member
Let’s trot out the old fascist slur eh? Honestly how about coming up with something more original?
Not happy with my descriptive creativity hey... I can come up with other descriptions if you'd prefer.

Disclosure - I'm a swinging voter and not aligned to any party. My comments aren't based on that. But Dutton is undeniably the furthest right leaning viable political leader since Abbott.
In fairness I said borderline. He has shown a preference for police state policies, but hasn't gone too far - yet. It's clear which way he'd like to go though.

He's also heavily under the thumb of vested interests. As is labour. But Dutton is prepared to act in their favour.
Nuclear is a smokescreen to delay a move away from fossil fuels. Pretty much all scientists and economists say it's a non-sensical move yet he persists on behalf of those who profit from business as usual.
This doesn't mean the current government has done much better. They had other intentions but have also been hemmed in by the same vested interests, and it is also not good enough.

Get defensive about it if you like, but there it is.
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Well-Known Member
The biggest issue in recent years/decades is that we all see that living conditions are deteriorating and people aren't happy overall. Each new government brings hope of change and gets in on that platform - then they don't deliver. People are then again disenfranchised and vote the other way. Repeat.

The issues are larger and more systemic than government alone and the entire worldwide economic model needs a rebuild.


Well-Known Member
Basically from the New Deal onwards western mixed economies delivered pretty well using Keynesian policies where govt intervened during downturns but receded and made way for private enterprise in the good times. Then Thatcher, Reagan, Douglas and later Howard introduced the Friedmam 'Chicago School' of monetarism and their trickle down economics.

Most Western economies are mixed economies but they are now privatising the profits and socialising the losses.

FFC Mariner

Well-Known Member
Not happy with my descriptive creativity hey... I can come up with other descriptions if you'd prefer.

Disclosure - I'm a swinging voter and not aligned to any party. My comments aren't based on that. But Dutton is undeniably the furthest right leaning viable political leader since Abbott.
In fairness I said borderline. He has shown a preference for police state policies, but hasn't gone too far - yet. It's clear which way he'd like to go though.

He's also heavily under the thumb of vested interests. As is labour. But Dutton is prepared to act in their favour.
Nuclear is a smokescreen to delay a move away from fossil fuels. Pretty much all scientists and economists say it's a non-sensical move yet he persists on behalf of those who profit from business as usual.
This doesn't mean the current government has done much better. They had other intentions but have also been hemmed in by the same vested interests, and it is also not good enough.

Get defensive about it if you like, but there it is.
The weird potato head has to win 18 seats. Win.
Labour may lose some but it won't be to them.
Greens will continue to creep into the gentrified inner cities Libs won't win those.
Only the rich can afford to support them (plus naive liberal arts students)
Let Murdoch, Fordham and all the other merchants of hatred talk about a close race.
It isn't. It won't be
18 seats to Herr Potato head. 18
PS is there a more natural successor to Jones than Fordham. Wonder what his grubby secret will be?

true believer

Well-Known Member
To be honest I agree not many libs like him but there isn’t any one else knocking the door down.

I think labour is more worried about a minority government controlled by the greens then loosing to liberals.

Polls are shit as we know but it appears libs can’t push over the threshold needed knowing Greens and Labor will work together.

NT while only small was a an interesting result recently.

Lets see. I think it will be closer than many think
the libs will be lucky not to lose more seats.
labor made the same mistake by not going after murdoch with a royal commission . instead
their being caught up in US sourced, billionaire funded ,christofascist culture wars .
brazil has led the way with with musk .
albanese needs to get a set or go
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Well-Known Member
Not happy with my descriptive creativity hey... I can come up with other descriptions if you'd prefer.

Disclosure - I'm a swinging voter and not aligned to any party. My comments aren't based on that. But Dutton is undeniably the furthest right leaning viable political leader since Abbott.
In fairness I said borderline. He has shown a preference for police state policies, but hasn't gone too far - yet. It's clear which way he'd like to go though.

He's also heavily under the thumb of vested interests. As is labour. But Dutton is prepared to act in their favour.
Nuclear is a smokescreen to delay a move away from fossil fuels. Pretty much all scientists and economists say it's a non-sensical move yet he persists on behalf of those who profit from business as usual.
This doesn't mean the current government has done much better. They had other intentions but have also been hemmed in by the same vested interests, and it is also not good enough.

Get defensive about it if you like, but there it is.
I don’t dispute some of what you say but I do just get tired of the term fascist seemingly being trotted out as a throwaway tag these days. True fascists were utterly evil and despicable people and whilst some may still exist in certain dark places of the world, using a term like that to describe a mainstream politician demeans the true meaning of the term and is over the top in my opinion.

We are all free to vote for whomever we feel best represents our own views and beliefs and I can assure that I am not a Dutton apologist and will not be voting Liberal at the next election, so read into that what you will.

A minority government with checks and balances held by someone other than the lunatic and irresponsible Greens might not be a bad thing for the future of our country but I guess we will see what happens.

FFC Mariner

Well-Known Member
Stan is showing "White Riot" the story of the Rock against Racism movement in the UK late 70's. What is scary is its the same lies from the fascists. Yes, as someone who went to football in those days as a kid, the NF were an unashamed fascist party- natural heirs to the black shirts.

Supported by the Met Police too

Eric Clapton - stopped a concert in Birmingham to call for "deportation of the Coons", Rod Stewart demanded all migrants be forcibly repatriated (he moved to LA)

Bowie giving Nazi salutes in his Thin White Duke period and said “I believe Britain could benefit from a fascist leader”.

The "elites", government, Police, industry (Murdoch and Gina now here) have a vested interest at pointing at black kids in council blocks as the people to blame for all their ills. No different today. The problem is not the poorest, the problem is the richest.

The energy and sheer anarchism of the music is brilliant too. Anything with Poly Styrene has me hooked.


Well-Known Member
the libs will be lucky not to lose more seats.
labor made the same mistake by not going after murdoch with a royal commission . instead
their being caught up in US sourced, billionaire funded ,christofascist culture wars .
brazil has led the way with with musk .
albanese needs to get a set or go
lol we'll see how labor goes in qld at the upcoming state election. There's a reason they've set fares to $.50 from gold coast to brisbane. They're trying to bribe the populace using taxpayer funds. Unfortunately, I didn't come down in the last shower.

FFC Mariner

Well-Known Member
lol we'll see how labor goes in qld at the upcoming state election. There's a reason they've set fares to $.50 from gold coast to brisbane. They're trying to bribe the populace using taxpayer funds. Unfortunately, I didn't come down in the last shower.
It's a state election. Greens will encroach in inner cities and wealthier suburbs just like everywhere else. Libs base is dying off and they don't have clue how to move to the centre because their paymasters won't let them

true believer

Well-Known Member
lol we'll see how labor goes in qld at the upcoming state election. There's a reason they've set fares to $.50 from gold coast to brisbane. They're trying to bribe the populace using taxpayer funds. Unfortunately, I didn't come down in the last shower.
you mean the queensland government with the best economy in the country and is in surplus ?
please your advocacy for the queensland coal industry which might have to start paying some tax
is adorable .
and won't queenslanders love having 14,000 public servant sacked again .so the coal industry and the white shoe brigade .may rape and pillage for the next 4 years .
you know cando 2.0 .

good luck with that queensland
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