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The EPL thread


Well-Known Member
These southerners are all either dodgy Arfur Daley types or stuck up Tory twats who voted for Thatcher.

Why would anyone trust one of them with their football team ?  :p


FFC Mariner said:
Sacked in the morning, you're getting sacked in the morning


That signage is a bit ironic.


Well-Known Member
On the norverners/scots vs southerners thing - while looking at the past is all well and good, it also assumes that the future is going to follow the pattern.

There are reasons why you might suggest it would (the relatively weaker following of sport generally in the south and stronger following of other sports - rugby and cricket especially) and the working class north's deeper attachment to its two great working class games - football and its distant poorer cousin rugby league.

I get the feeling that darn sarf, football's something that is a welcome distraction on a Saturday or occasionally on a Tuesday night, while oop norf the rest of the week is the unwelcome distraction from football.

On the flipside - football management now is a different gig. I think there's a lot more to do with management structures, business strategy and strategic planning than in the past for the bloke with the letters on his tracksuit.

You might find over coming years that the best managers of the future will be people pretty much groomed for it from the start, with a reasonably accomplished footballing background but also likely things like degrees in sports science or perhaps even MBAs. Football is and has always been a deeply cerebral pursuit, but I think now the various bits of expertise are becoming so specialised that chairmen will be looking to the academic as well as the footballing histories of young managers.

The romance of a coalminer's son managing a side to the European Cup is unlikely to be repeated unless the coalminer's son was also doing a degree or two while they played.


Well-Known Member
FFC Mariner said:
Sir Alf Ramsay

Alf didn't have to do much.

He had the Russians help so he couldn't really fail................ :popcorn:

And Dibo you're right about the coalminers son never managing a European cup winning side again.

Thatcher seen to that  ;)

FFC Mariner

Well-Known Member
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FFC Mariner

Well-Known Member
Arabmariner said:
FFC Mariner said:
Sir Alf Ramsey

Alf didn't have to do much.
He had the Russians help so he couldn't really fail................ :popcorn:

Alf Ramsey, tactical genius

During his time at Ipswich, Ramsey began experimenting with a new style of play that would eventually lead to success in the World Cup and led to his England team being styled, "The Wingless Wonders". As natural wingers were not always known for their defensive qualities, Ramsey started dropping them in favour of attacking midfielders who could also drop back strong in defensive roles. This system proved revolutionary as it often baffled opposing fullbacks, who would naturally expect to see a winger coming down the flank at them once the ball was kicked off: instead, the attacking midfielders and strikers were taking the ball through the middle of the defence and scoring. This style of play proved successful at Ipswich, but really showed its worth when England traveled to Spain to play a friendly with them before the World Cup. As Bobby Charlton remarked, "The Spanish fullbacks were just looking at each other while we were going in droves through the middle". To go to Spain (who were, after all, the reigning European Champions) and win easily was a rare achievement for England, and clear evidence that Ramsey's techniques were working.


Well-Known Member
I do often wonder what the next big tactical development will be (last major change seems to have been the evolution of the DM).

Hopefully it's a more attacking one...... 4-2-3-1 (all the rage these days) shits me.


Well-Known Member
serious14 said:
Hopefully it's a more attacking one...... 4-2-3-1 (all the rage these days) shits me.

it's not 4-2-3-1 that's the problem, it's the Pim Verbeeks of the world who refuse to use it in to generate the sort of free, open attacks that it can and should be used for. too many managers (and fans, it seems) see only the defensive solidity in the 4-2-3-1.

they don't see that you've got six players whose job is deliberately crafted in favour of attack. the pointman obviously, the many headed hydra of attacking midfielders and then the fullbacks wrapping around. if you've got four men standing still at the front of it and fullbacks determined to stay at home, it doesn't work.

it's a grey matter issue, not a formation issue.


Well-Known Member
Does Rafa's use of it not annoy the living shit out of you?? Especially with that waste-of-space Lucas??

I just don't see it deployed that often (anywhere) in an attacking sense.


Well-Known Member
chelski and liverpool both scored shitloads of goals playing with it (or a variation on it) last season. done right it's a thing of beauty. done wrong and you want to take your eyes out with a spoon, or better yet, the offending manager's.

FFC Mariner

Well-Known Member
O'Neill from Villa seems to be the current goss for Rafa's replacement.

Ego is easily big enough to cope with the job - learned from Clough.

Reckon he would do an awesome job personally

FFC Mariner

Well-Known Member
Net goss seems to think Brown or Bruce as the culprit

A PREMIER League manager spent more than an hour in the company of hookers in a "Thai" vice den, The Sun can reveal.

And when confronted by our reporters as he left, the married boss smiled and shamelessly admitted he knew it was a brothel.

Read more: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/2782226/Married-Premier-League-boss-caught-in-a-brothel.html#ixzz0aVbeDPIS



Well-Known Member
I'd argue not purely because the article talks about million pound deals and tens of thousands on player wages, hardly things happening down the south coast at the moment. Also they said the manager smiled, his face would break just trying to.

But in reality who actually cares what a man does in private, many people would visit that place every day so I don't really see the problem.

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