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Our Beloved Monty


Well-Known Member
This is exactly the sort of thing the FRG should be involved with, shame ours isn’t up and running yet

Rising Sun

Well-Known Member
I think we know they are off. Who the f**k follows them is the scary question.
If they even interviewed Moon someone needs their head slapped
If they even put his name on the whiteboard during a brainstorming session then everyone involved needs their head slapped.

I am assuming Moon is just a wind up. The only person who would think appointing him is a good idea is Danny Townsend and that is only because he would no longer hold the record for biggest vibe-killer in Australian football history


Well-Known Member
This is exactly the sort of thing the FRG should be involved with, shame ours isn’t up and running yet
Could this be the time/place when the fans who chipped in for a say on the board make a noise?

The fan representative group that's being set up now, isn't set up for a say on how the club is run.
It's for fan representation across the league.
The APL will use it to make bad decisions and then say "We consulted with fans about it".

The only way fans would get a say on the board or in the running of the club is through a fan ownership model. And we'd need to own a decent percentage of the club before I feel we got an official say in how it's run.

As fans of the club, do we deserve to have a say in how it's run?
Yeah, maybe, we are the ones were here before everyone at the club, and we'll mostl likely be here when all the people at the club leave too.
Without fans, the club's dead.
But, without an owner, the club is dead too.
They're the ones putting in the big money at the moment, so they get the say on how it's run and who manages it.

Will we disagree with decisions made?
Most likely, but that's how it is.
I know I'll be vocal about any terrible decisions.


Just can't believe this is a thing days out from second competitive match. Just doesn't sit well. Don't believe Monty should be going to Hibs and I don't believe they will ever compete with Rangers and Celtic apart from those 2 collapsing.
I think it's a massive mistake.

Anyway, hopefully it doesn't set his career back too much.


Well-Known Member
Hopefully it doesn’t go well and $300k + beach starts looking pretty good again.

I mean I hope he does well and goes to EPL but moving around sideways would be wasteful.

Maybe his style would actually mean a top 6 club in Spain or Italy.


Well-Known Member
Just can't believe this is a thing days out from second competitive match. Just doesn't sit well. Don't believe Monty should be going to Hibs and I don't believe they will ever compete with Rangers and Celtic apart from those 2 collapsing.
I think it's a massive mistake.

Anyway, hopefully it doesn't set his career back too much.

Yeah I can’t help but agree with you on this one, dog shit timing most of all. Should’ve held out for a Championship gig or even a high table league one side. A bad result or 2 and hibs fans will turn on him and Serg and their tinpot board will pull the trigger like they’ve done time and time again.

And the one that irks me the most is, as I’ve said before, he’s done the rebuild signings wise. Retained the players he could and signed the players he wanted and highly likely had a say in the quality youth who were recently let go. Massive calls for the club. And then leaves 2 weeks before our first Asian adventure in years.

I dunno, I’ll forever and a day respect the man for what he gave us as fans. Icon of our football club. But it’s just horrendous timing that could have huge ramifications.


Well-Known Member
I think I'm the only one with a vaguely positive opinion of Warren Moon.

I think he got hamstrung by the Bakries and the Roar literally didn't have a training base for most of his tenure. Not to mention the horror that Redcliffe turned into for them.

He got a lot out of Roar on a shoestring budget and they did relatively well during covid.

Their last season was pretty dire but I'm not sure if that was Moon or basically the Roar's whole organisation collapsing.

In saying all that, Ben Cahn would be a much better pick, he has done wonders with both Olympic FC and Melbourne Knights since leaving us.

But if for some reason Ben Cahn can't take the job I wouldn't be altogether disappointed with Moon.


Well-Known Member
I think I'm the only one with a vaguely positive opinion of Warren Moon.

I think he got hamstrung by the Bakries and the Roar literally didn't have a training base for most of his tenure. Not to mention the horror that Redcliffe turned into for them.

He got a lot out of Roar on a shoestring budget and they did relatively well during covid.

Their last season was pretty dire but I'm not sure if that was Moon or basically the Roar's whole organisation collapsing.

In saying all that, Ben Cahn would be a much better pick, he has done wonders with both Olympic FC and Melbourne Knights since leaving us.

But if for some reason Ben Cahn can't take the job I wouldn't be altogether disappointed with Moon.
You may be right but you can’t always blame the club, good managers make do and that is what Staj and Monty did. Look at the try hards before them who mostly whinged they were not given enough money. It was Moon’s game plans that stick with me, he had some good young talent but went defensive just to get results and keep his job and we know how that turned out. Might as well have tried to out score his opponents like we did.

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