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Our Beloved Monty


Well-Known Member
The language around this is changing rapidly...

These articles never state the source of their information, usually because they've copied the story from another media outlet who made it up after they saw a comment on reddit.

Maybe it's true but it seems very unlikely unless there's a big payout for the club.


Well-Known Member
I think we have to get used to Monty being discussed this way. Do I think he will take this job - no. Does he want his named discussed for jobs in England and Scotland - of course.

The name recognition (as a manager), particularly if we have another good season both here and in Asia will stand him in good stead. My concern would be if we are travelling well mid season, here and Asia, and Sheffield United are struggling. An offer there would be too hard to refuse.


Well-Known Member
A couple of consideration points for Monty may also be that it is a good time to make the move as far as his kids having a year to get used to the country before moving into high school, etc.
No idea of-course but as a parent all things like these come into play.

And secondly after 2 strong seasons, what if the team does actually flop this year.
Loses his value and momentum.

I highly doubt that will happen but you never know.


Well-Known Member
A couple of consideration points for Monty may also be that it is a good time to make the move as far as his kids having a year to get used to the country before moving into high school, etc.
No idea of-course but as a parent all things like these come into play.

And secondly after 2 strong seasons, what if the team does actually flop this year.
Loses his value and momentum.

I highly doubt that will happen but you never know.
agreed i think personally now is monty best chance i suspect if monty goes we may have a caretaker for afc cup


It was an ex coach who felt so threatened that he got Cahn fired.
Absolutely deserves a shot if and when the time comes
For those in the know, would Cahn ride this horse again?

It wasn't a great ride last time. Seriously lost his 20c on that horsey ride.


Well-Known Member
A curse on you and your family. May all your chair legs be uneven.
im just pointing out the fact as someone pointed out there could be reasons for monty wanting to express interest we are going to lose him at some point whether its now or at the end of season either way im ready for the fact he will likely be overseas within the next 12 months


im just pointing out the fact as someone pointed out there could be reasons for monty wanting to express interest we are going to lose him at some point whether its now or at the end of season either way im ready for the fact he will likely be overseas within the next 12 months
I get it. As does every other Mariners fan. I'm telling you...,...... No.
Listen mate, what are you talking about, there's no transfer here. Here,,,,, there's no transfer.
Transfer, no.

No transfer.



However, in all seriousness. Monty first have the convo with cumdog about coming back in 2, if he's not here for that 2. Monty will be here for the next 2 to 3 and will leave for a big job.

Defs not hibs.

Hibs. ?????


Well-Known Member
For those in the know, would Cahn ride this horse again?

It wasn't a great ride last time. Seriously lost his 20c on that horsey ride.
Yep. He was very close to getting the gig last time. Whether or not he’d be on the shortlist this time is another question, with different people leading the recruitment charge. He’d be close to the top of my list.

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