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Mariners Squad 2024/2025 ALM and ACL Elite


Well-Known Member
Someone has updated DWH wiki page 6 days ago to say he is now with Penang in Malaysia.

If true I am glad for him from all reports he was a decent and hard working man.... further I always believed he was poorly advised in his early career to play as a striker... you can count on one hand players of his size who can play up front.... hard for him to win balls in the air and not the strength hold play back to goal... should have played as an attacking mid were his speed and energy would have had more space to work in...


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
As far as DWH goes it is a pity he didn't get a chance when Nizzy moved up to be a 10 as he would have used his pace playing off the shoulder of the last defender to run onto those defence splitting passes that the little bloke was so good at.All hypothetical now and as the club had such a tremendous season without him no use worrying about it.However I hope he goes well wherever he lands.


Well-Known Member
It's a spot we could use some depth but would be a blow to Paull / Diesel's hopes of getting minutes. Can't imagine whoever ends up 4th choice will see much action.


Well-Known Member
It's a spot we could use some depth but would be a blow to Paull / Diesel's hopes of getting minutes. Can't imagine whoever ends up 4th choice will see much action.

Jacko has been toying with three at the back. This could result in one of Paull/Diesel starting

Big Dog

Well-Known Member
Needs more context.

I'm experienced and can play CB but I am definitely would not take the worry out of that spot. 🤣
I’ve heard whispers of a very experienced centre back but my heart couldn’t take the rumour to be wrong. I’m standing back and waiting and not cursing anything.
I hadn't heard the whispers so was surprised when I saw him. Hoping it happens because I think Paull and Diesel have a ways to go. Reports I got from the friendly was they were solid but not a performance that demanded selection.


Well-Known Member
Another quality CB will make a big difference to our season. Diesel to sub in or add to 3 at the back, Paull is 2nd choice to Diesel from what I've seen so far


Well-Known Member
Jacko has been toying with three at the back. This could result in one of Paull/Diesel starting
I would have thought first option there would have Doka and Mauragis at wb, Roux, Kaltak and experienced CB in the middle. Then Diesel or Paull to sub in or plug gaps from absence. Though you could play Storm at WB and push Doka forward too but I'd be more comfortable with Storms output at CB over WB in a back 3.

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