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Mariners Squad 2023/2024


Well-Known Member
He was being chased by a Japanese side for a lot more than what we offered to keep him here. Can’t understate the importance of his retention.

Ability wise… Tulio is, in my opinion and I’ve said it from day one, the best player to ever wear our jersey. And we haven’t seen what’s left in his locker yet.
Just a consistent glimpse in the 2nd half of last season. If Moresche does say as I hope and expect and also stays fit, he could help bring out the rest of my boy Tulio’s ability.

Ancient Mariner

Well-Known Member
Dingo has been adequately replaced imho by Kuol.
Sammy can be replaced by Theo.
Beni does need replacing and although he was unusual he was very effective. His replacement with be important business by Monty.
We also need to replace Nector with a quality starting CB.

I'm feeling quietly confident Ulysis.
It will be a very different team to last years and will take time to come together.
If you think back last years team was really a 2 year build to reach its peak. I think we will be looking at a similar timeline to reach that sort of peak again. There will be a fair bit of shuffling of players before it all fits.

I too am feeling confident. I am just not expecting instant success.


Well-Known Member
Announced as Noah Smith, I'm happy with that, nice guy who gelled well with the squad and was a decent player to boot. Aligns with rumours McGarry is off.


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