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Mariners Squad 2023/2024

Rising Sun

Well-Known Member
I've never seen him play as a RB so that's a big ask for him (also paid up member of the Dan Hall fan club)
In Montys system the RB plays high up the pitch and needs to create. That's not his thing.
I wonder if there is a CM in there but I fear he will leave us before the season starts
As Pat says he has slotted into RB (and LB) off the bench and looked comfortable - definitely enough to provide cover at least. As to whether he could be a starter there, that's a tbd. But he did show plenty going forward when he played midfield (off the bench) away at City.

I actually joined the Dan Hall fan club after seeing his first few games in the youth team where he played RB (Glassock and Miller had a lock on the CB positions at the time).


Well-Known Member
I don't know how reliable this is

From the outside it did seem that maybe some fences had been mended at the back end of last season. Monty made sure to get him on with a decent amount of minutes in the GF, in the second window ahead of Theo and Moresche in the 3rd.

With the amount of games we need to play it's entirely possible he would get more minutes by staying.


Well-Known Member
Hally is more than capable of forcing us to forget his minor blip of crap form last season and explode this coming season.
And it wasn’t like he had a falling out with Monty that he wasn’t playing regularly, he lost form and then others were irrepressible ahead of him. He showed great attitude to keep turning up with effort and professionalism. He’s a hugely popular guy amongst the squad too.


Well-Known Member
And it wasn’t like he had a falling out with Monty that he wasn’t playing regularly
I wouldn't be too quick to write off the possibility. No inside info to support it but he appeared to be in the doghouse in a big way after that Aus cup red card. Much more so than others who have made costly mistakes. Missed the squad entirely 7 times, unused 3 more times. Did string some decent minutes together possibly out of necessity with suspension and national duties.

Big Al

Well-Known Member
Would make sense since we sold Triantis.

Hall could be starting RCB (his preferred position) and Kaltak stays at LCB

Or he could be the sub if Farell or Paull get the LCB spot and Kaltak moves over to the right.

He would be ahead of Windust as was ahead of him last season and nothing says otherwise.

Makes sense to keep him. Also depending on where he might have gone they may get new recruits which put him in a worse position than staying


Well-Known Member
Paul Ayongo seems to have finally found a club coming on at 63 minutes for Swift Hesperange (Luxemburg)
in a 1-1 draw first leg first qualifying round for the Champions League. Reported as a free transfer from us on Monday. looks like the Romanian club never happened.
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