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Mariners Squad 2023/2024


Well-Known Member
Good shot stopper but absolutely horrendous with the ball at his feet. His distribtution was my biggest gripe with him when he was here. Can't be carrying that in the modern game anymore.

It is the simple fix if Danny decides to not go on but I think this team is past Birraz now. Not sold on Warshawsky yet but I would rather back him and Peraic-Cullen.


Well-Known Member
I’d have him back, but I wouldn’t shaft Danny mid-season to do it.
Exactly. Would be a next year plan.
Depends ultimately on his missus. This whole move to Europe was prefaced on her desire to.be closer to family. Or at least thats my understanding.
It was, 100%. However, I think she’s his biggest supporter and would go wherever he can play regularly and is happy. Last window they almost ended up in Israel.

They still have a house at Terrigal. I still would be stunned if they returned this soon, if I’m honest. I’m still expecting him to pop up in Perth.


Well-Known Member
That said - Danny has made a number of critical, high level saves that have been the difference this season.
This is a huge point…
I may have a short memory but I feel like Danny has been, overall, better with his straight up shot stopping/reflexes so far this season than last season. The plan to retire may be already signed sealed… and only Danny could say how his body is, maybe a slim chance he could go round again. Who knows, we’ll see. I wouldn’t be against it, I love the bloke. Genuine club legend.


Well-Known Member
This is a huge point…
I may have a short memory but I feel like Danny has been, overall, better with his straight up shot stopping/reflexes so far this season than last season. The plan to retire may be already signed sealed… and only Danny could say how his body is, maybe a slim chance he could go round again. Who knows, we’ll see. I wouldn’t be against it, I love the bloke. Genuine club legend.
honestly, let him end his career on a high before he starts declining. He deserves it.

FFC Mariner

Well-Known Member
Not sure if this is hearsay but the boys on RBTV reckon we're getting in another Brazillian.

20 minute mark.
All the local gossip seems to be 2 poms.
Who knows?


Well-Known Member
Tulio, Faz
& please not be Nizzy/Ballard, Kaltak, Hall.

Hopefully DWH, Kuol return, might be early sale of Di Pizio, Reek or Paul/Windust.

4 is a lot of true.
They playing with the heart strings a bit.

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