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"I for one welcome our insect overlords" - The Politics Thread


Well-Known Member
Looks a real stand up guy - assaulting a police officer, mortgage fraud and contempt of court.

Highly doubt he assaulted the Police. The contempt of court was for outing the Muslim Pedo Grooming gangs.....so yeah thats makes him a stand up guy. I believe the Mortgage fraud was dubious.

Again...complete double standards.

From Aljazeera News....

In August 2014, a groundbreaking report by former senior social worker Alexis Jay revealed that an estimated 1,400 children had been sexually abused in the town from 1997 to 2013, predominantly by Pakistani-British men. It revealed that council staff and others knew of the abuse but turned a blind eye to what was happening and refused to identify the perpetrators in part for fear of being branded racist.

The report laid bare the disastrous consequences of failing to prevent predatory men – of whatever racial background, for whatever reason – from accessing vulnerable victims.

In response to the report’s damning revelations, so many in positions of power looked straight into the cameras and said “lessons will be learned.”

Tragically, however, what happened in Rotherham was not an anomaly.

About 60km (35 miles) down the road in Rochdale, Greater Manchester, girls were also being abused, as they were all over the UK.

Last month, the latest in a long line of reports found that the National Health Service crisis intervention team in Rochdale had referred 260 victims to children’s social care services and these referrals has “not been acted on over the years”.


Well-Known Member
Highly doubt he assaulted the Police. The contempt of court was for outing the Muslim Pedo Grooming gangs.....so yeah thats makes him a stand up guy. I believe the Mortgage fraud was dubious.

Again...complete double standards.

From Aljazeera News....

In August 2014, a groundbreaking report by former senior social worker Alexis Jay revealed that an estimated 1,400 children had been sexually abused in the town from 1997 to 2013, predominantly by Pakistani-British men. It revealed that council staff and others knew of the abuse but turned a blind eye to what was happening and refused to identify the perpetrators in part for fear of being branded racist.

The report laid bare the disastrous consequences of failing to prevent predatory men – of whatever racial background, for whatever reason – from accessing vulnerable victims.

In response to the report’s damning revelations, so many in positions of power looked straight into the cameras and said “lessons will be learned.”

Tragically, however, what happened in Rotherham was not an anomaly.

About 60km (35 miles) down the road in Rochdale, Greater Manchester, girls were also being abused, as they were all over the UK.

Last month, the latest in a long line of reports found that the National Health Service crisis intervention team in Rochdale had referred 260 victims to children’s social care services and these referrals has “not been acted on over the years”.

You defend a man you know nothing about:


Hello Sailor

Well-Known Member
The reference to double standards has got me thinking [a dangerous thing I know :) ]

Aboriginal warriors and leaders who resisted european colonisers are championed by the left.
Indigenous britons are condemned for resisting colonisaton.

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Well-Known Member
The reference to double standards has got me thinking [a dangerous thing I know :) ]

Aboriginal warriors and leaders who resisted european colonisers are championed by the left.
Indigenous britons are condemned for resisting colonisaton.

Are the Britons (celts) resisting or are the invaders the Angles and the Saxons.

Hello Sailor

Well-Known Member
Are the Britons (celts) resisting or are the invaders the Angles and the Saxons.
Very good point. and dont forget the french. Perhaps it depends on whether they are descended from, identify as, and are accepted by their community as indigenous. :)

The aborigines weren't homogenous either. There were distinct subgroups which suggested multiple movements into OZ by different groups.


Well-Known Member

true believer

Well-Known Member
If you believe the Media, you will have a stilted view of everything. If you believe what you read on Google then you have a serious problem.
the fact that he comes out and says that trumps is a victim of the courts. shows you how full of shit the guy is.
he says alex jones is a great guy .you know the guy that said the sandy hook child massacres, parents were "crisis actors"
he is a f'cking dog act grifter .worst than a charlatan like nigel farage .

be better

Hello Sailor

Well-Known Member
Assaulting a Police officer who tried to stop him beating up his then girlfriend
This is quite a common problem in indigenous communities here too. Lets just brush it under the carpet or excuse his behaviour as 'intergenerational trauma' brought about through the loss of country and culture.


Well-Known Member
Nice job he did whipping up his deluded followers in Southport last night. Safely hiding from the Police he spread rumours online that the killer was Syrian.
He wasnt
Chanting "no surrender" - lovely
Are you joking? The Murderer was a Rawandan, everyone apart from you knew that.....don't know if you remember what happened over there Tony?
In the the same week a Nigerian Muslim tried to murder a British soldier in Kent, stabbing him 12 times. In the same week 2 Pakistani brothers (allegedy coke dealers...lovely) assaulted two female Police officers at Manchester airport before being subdued.....leading to pearl clutchers to demand the one effective Police officer be suspended.
Your pathetic limp wristed....." i see nothing" response is why the UK is in such a mess and why anger is surged in Southport and elsewhere. Its actually f**king insulting to the poor families whose lives have been ruined by these f**ked up freaks that left wing loonies are blaming everyone but the culprits.
The world has gone mad.


Well-Known Member
the fact that he comes out and says that trumps is a victim of the courts. shows you how full of shit the guy is.
he says alex jones is a great guy .you know the guy that said the sandy hook child massacres, parents were "crisis actors"
he is a f'cking dog act grifter .worst than a charlatan like nigel farage .

be better
The left wing stooge comes to centre stage. My friend and my brother. I love you TB but this is sickening. This has been the most disgusting week in UK politics since all the Muslim sex case trials were deliberately hidden.

YOU really need to do better. I'm actually too upset to converse with any of you f**ked up apologists after what has happened in Southport.


Well-Known Member
Sad bit is once the far rat brag right and the lonnie left sat at the edge but the net allows the idiot in every village to form a group and they all know how to type and off to their keyboards they go... both are growing from the edge into the centre.

This has kinda resulted in people being able to live in their own bubble and demonise the other side and both left and right post extreme views often lies and often based on zero evidence but they are spreading and largely go unquestioned.


Well-Known Member
Assaulting a Police officer who tried to stop him beating up his then girlfriend

What a piece of shit!

But you know, all those internet lies and police court records. It just may be a case of the bloke being so misunderstood and bad reporting from a predominantly right owned media cartel.

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