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"I for one welcome our insect overlords" - The Politics Thread

FFC Mariner

Well-Known Member
How is he a fascist? That is just another leftist term for silencing truthful discourse, along with the terms racist, misogynist and a host of others.

A truly honest society should welcome open debate and discussion of opposing viewpoints and shouldn’t seek to silence or censor someone, just because their position might be viewed by one side of the aisle as being controversial.
Tommy Robinson resume

Robinson has been active in far-right politics for many years. He was a member of the British National Party (BNP), a British fascist political party, from 2004 to 2005. For a short time in 2012, he was joint vice-chairman of the far-right British Freedom Party (BFP). He co-founded the far-right English Defence League (EDL) in 2009 and led it until 8 October 2013. In 2015, he became involved with the development of Pegida UK, a now-defunct British chapter of the German far-right Pegida. From 2017 to 2018, he wrote and appeared in videos on the Canadian far-right website Rebel News.

He is a fascist.


Well-Known Member
How is he a fascist? That is just another leftist term for silencing truthful discourse, along with the terms racist, misogynist and a host of others.

A truly honest society should welcome open debate and discussion of opposing viewpoints and shouldn’t seek to silence or censor someone, just because their position might be viewed by one side of the aisle as being controversial.

Hate speech and threatening to harm people is not truthful discourse. Just saying.

Hello Sailor

Well-Known Member
Do i allow my ISP to track me watching that stuff - no thanks. I can get on my own watchlist thanks.
Unlike you I had never heard of this fellow before this doco was posted on the forum so, unlike you , I was unable to pre-judge him. I took what was presented at face value and it seems to be a quite frightening story.
An unwillingness to view the evidence before making a judgement pretty much sums up the whole tragic point of the video.
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Well-Known Member
They have to be or Trump/Farage/Dutton would get no votes at all. Sooner this fad gets swept away the better. Hopefully we wont have a memorial in every town dedicated to those who had to give their lives so we wouldnt have to live under those types of regimes
Yeah bro cos Dutton, Trump or Farage are on the same level as Stalin or Hitler.
In fact, Trump has done more for global security than Biden. Just out of curiosity, was Hiter left wing, centre or right wing?

Hello Sailor

Well-Known Member
Trump has done more for global security than Biden
I disagree with this. The world is a more dangerous place because of Trump's erratic, dishonest and dictatorial behaviour. Cosying up to Putin and Nth Korea, telling Putin to do what he wants in Eastern Europe, admiring the notion of unlimited terms, saying that there were good folks on both sides of a race riot, saying that Hitler did good things, being indiscreet about the nuclear capabilities of its forces, attacking his own democracy, abusing the legal system and never taking responsibility for his screw ups.

Hitler was originally a lefty and then embraced nationalism to have a broader base. He was an extremist and never a moderate of the centre.


Well-Known Member
I disagree with this. The world is a more dangerous place because of Trump's erratic, dishonest and dictatorial behaviour. Cosying up to Putin and Nth Korea, telling Putin to do what he wants in Eastern Europe, admiring the notion of unlimited terms, saying that there were good folks on both sides of a race riot, saying that Hitler did good things, attacking his own democracy, abusing the legal system and never taking responsibility for his screw ups.

Hitler was originally a lefty and then embraced nationalism to have a broader base. He was an extremist and never a moderate of the centre.
“NATO was busted until I came along,” Trump said at a rally in Conway, South Carolina. “I said, ‘Everybody’s gonna pay.’ They said, ‘Well, if we don’t pay, are you still going to protect us?’ I said, ‘Absolutely not.’ They couldn’t believe the answer.”

Trump said “one of the presidents of a big country” at one point asked him whether the US would still defend the country if they were invaded by Russia even if they “don’t pay.”

“No, I would not protect you,” Trump recalled telling that president. “In fact, I would encourage them to do whatever the hell they want. You got to pay. You got to pay your bills.”

Trump's saying if NATO members don't pay more of their GDP into defense spending, Russia could effectively do what they wanted anyway.

What exactly is outrageous about this?


Hello Sailor

Well-Known Member
“NATO was busted until I came along,” Trump said at a rally in Conway, South Carolina. “I said, ‘Everybody’s gonna pay.’ They said, ‘Well, if we don’t pay, are you still going to protect us?’ I said, ‘Absolutely not.’ They couldn’t believe the answer.”

Trump said “one of the presidents of a big country” at one point asked him whether the US would still defend the country if they were invaded by Russia even if they “don’t pay.”

“No, I would not protect you,” Trump recalled telling that president. “In fact, I would encourage them to do whatever the hell they want. You got to pay. You got to pay your bills.”

Trump's saying if NATO members don't pay more of their GDP into defense spending, Russia could effectively do what they wanted anyway.

What exactly is outrageous about this?

Everything that comes out of Trumps mouth is self serving, often false, and tedious in the use of hyperbole. I would take anything he says with a VERY large pinch of salt.

What evidence was there that NATO was busted? None that I know of. Sure, the non US members could have paid a fairer share but that doesn't mean that it was busted. This alliance functioned very well in preventing the expansion of a belligerent Warsaw Pact/USSR/Russia westwards for decades and still does. Its the fear that Ukraine would join such an alliance that made Putin double down on his partial invasion of Ukraine. In fact it backfired since nonaligned neighbours such as Finland and Sweden have since joined this very functional alliance.

Big noting himself with comments like “No, I would not protect you,” “In fact, I would encourage them to do whatever the hell they want.” is self serving for domestic political purposes. Note that he says this at a rally.

A real stateman would be diplomatic, have this discussion behind closed doors, and not spout this crap.
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Hello Sailor

Well-Known Member
I dont know what or who you are referring to with 'Sky cookers' but I do recall Trump making a creepy inappropriate comment about his daughter's beauty. As for Vance I had never heard of this until you trotted it out but Snopes has debunked it. Of course that doesn't stop morons from reposting it as fact.
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Well-Known Member
Banning fascists isnt risk averse - bloke is scum. He has legged it overseas to escape the law. An asylum seeker if you enjoy irony.
How is he a fascist?.........because he calls for controlled immigration and a stop to two tier policing. Legged it overseas to avoid a jumped-up incarceration. A wise move.
Did you actually WATCH this video? The fascists in this video are the ones who threatened to persecute kill and rape the children of those who dare to have an opposing view.
Hold on HS. That's far to truthful. Next you will be telling me the opening Olympic ceremony was a tawdry shitshow rather than a delightful whimsical LGBT and left wing celebration of f**k all to do with the Olympics.
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Well-Known Member
Unlike you I had never heard of this fellow before this doco was posted on the forum so, unlike you , I was unable to pre-judge him. I took what was presented at face value and it seems to be a quite frightening story.
An unwillingness to view the evidence before making a judgement pretty much sums up the whole tragic point of the video.
100%. Default reaction to Tommy Robinson's name is racist/facist. Same ignorant response from the anti semites that chant PLO slogans supporting a terror organisation that murders and rapes children and women.

I have never heard Tommy Robinson say anything racist. He simply speaks the truth.....but that truth is not palatable for the mainstream media. I have also never heard him lose a debate.

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