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ALM Grand Final vs Victory 23/24


Well-Known Member
I got into Gosford at around 1 to get a good parking spot and have lunch with my family, before walking around for a while prior to game time.

Gosford really isn't a destination spot. It's central, and a good place for the stadium, but I wouldn't recommend Gosford to someone travelling in to spend a day. It's had troubles over many years with council and development, but I'm sure we all remember how significant of a hit it took with Erina Fair being only a short drive away.

There have been several efforts from the council to revitalise Gosford, and I do think the only way anything's ever going to happen is through the Mariners.


Well-Known Member
I gave the Vucks Sake a go as well and my god.
Their umming and arhing and lengthening the last word while they were pushing their brains to finish a thought or sentence was unbearable.

Some of their game observations were similar with Victory defending lead etc.

However they called out Danny for his movement jumping and getting down for saves, they obviously haven’t watched him get us through the AFC and final series.

And I felt their complaining about Gosford went so far that I actually believe they think Gosford is pretty much what the Coast is.
I was waiting for a ‘but I’ve heard the beaches are awesome’ etc but it never came.

They must be corporate Melbourne people in their little bubble of cafe, gentrified Melbourne.

Anyway was 50% nonsense and the rest was really hard to listen to with their very annoying way of speaking.

Thankyou to Pete, Moz and our POD lads for being 1000% better and more professional than that ear bleeding shit show.


Well-Known Member
It seems very emotive (understandable to a point), hypothetically is poppa had held out the extra 5, would there reaction have been as negative about everything? I doubt it.

They insulted everything from the Stadium to the Ref, and tried to legitamize it all because they're salty because they had it and lost it.

f**k the Vuck, I honestly compare these pricks to WSW supporters now.


Well-Known Member
They must be corporate Melbourne people in their little bubble of cafe, gentrified Melbourne.
If those muppets were 'corporate Melbourne people' I despair for the state of Victoria and the country.

Their constant mention of how proud they were at the volumes of beer drunk don't sound the chardy/shiraz sipping "I'm from Melbourne so I'm posh" set to me.

And anyone who can't get a radio to work in the car is either a few tiles short of a roof, or driving a clapped out bogan van.


Well-Known Member
Just on the merch again, is it just the jerseys that will need 2 sizes up? Or all of the clothing? Or are jumpers/shirts etc normal size?


Well-Known Member
Just on the merch again, is it just the jerseys that will need 2 sizes up? Or all of the clothing? Or are jumpers/shirts etc normal size?
Last years hoodies are normal sizes so expect similar this year. I think it’s the shirt that’s a tight fit.

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