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Ángel Torres


Well-Known Member
Police don’t press charges without a decent amount of evidence, especially in matters of sexual assault of a high profile person.

You are correct, that in NSW the defendant is presumed innocent until proven guilty, however a simple accusation is not enough for a police officer to obtain an arrest warrant which judging from the information coming out, they have used a warrant.

Whether he is innocent or not. We shouldn’t take sides, championing him or saying he is innocent because we do not know.

Presumed innocent in a court of law ≠ innocent of malfeasances. Innocent in the eyes of the law is for protections to be in place for an accused persons. The public should not blindly accept that everyone is innocent, nor blindly view everyone is guilty. The public should shut the f**k up, like the club and let it run its course. During that time, stand him down. Should he be found not guilty, then the club will more than likely once again show their support

(depending on what else is found during the trail, ie. the way he communicates to women, threats ect.)

They definately do prosecute with minimal evidence. They now have an obligation to the supposed victims to persue in cases like this even if evidence is minimal. I see it regularly, I work in the court.

The presumption of innocence is an inherent right of all accused persons, to ignore that right is to allow the presumption of guilt to rule.

No one is championing that he is innocent, but he has to be afforded the basic right of innocence until judged..


Well-Known Member
They definately do prosecute with minimal evidence. They now have an obligation to the supposed victims to persue in cases like this even if evidence is minimal. I see it regularly, I work in the court.

The presumption of innocence is an inherent right of all accused persons, to ignore that right is to allow the presumption of guilt to rule.

No one is championing that he is innocent, but he has to be afforded the basic right of innocence until judged..

His rights are being upheld by our courts, I hardly see why we need people screaming from the rooftop “he’s innocent until proven guilty”. Because he is not, he is presumed innocent.

The police must pursue every single allegation to the point of pressing charges? Going to a judge, presenting evidence, convincing a judge to sign off on a warrant, then charging them, having a bail hearing, have pre trial hearings, discovery and so on? I feel like there’d be a lot of noise about this from almost everyone involved. Are you certain that is the case because that just seems absolutely outrageous and could be misunderstanding a ‘new world’ mindset where police officers actually have to take women seriously.

Like is there any information you can share where it states police and the courts must prosecute anyone and everyone accused of violence towards women regardless of the probability a crime took place?


Well-Known Member
Maybe this legalese debate doesn't need to happen in this thread ay

Mate, you're right, it doesn't.

Anyone who want to understand what I'm saying go to a court and watch the coercive tactics and horse-trading the prosecution deals in. (You won't be able to see it in these type of case they're closed, but the tactics happen in all their. cases).

The innocent until proven guilty is the presumption of innocence. There is not grey here, it's black or white, he's presumed innocent, or he's not, and he's presumed guilty.

Like I said I'm done on the subject here.
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Well-Known Member
His rights are being upheld by our courts, I hardly see why we need people screaming from the rooftop “he’s innocent until proven guilty”. Because he is not, he is presumed innocent.

The police must pursue every single allegation to the point of pressing charges? Going to a judge, presenting evidence, convincing a judge to sign off on a warrant, then charging them, having a bail hearing, have pre trial hearings, discovery and so on? I feel like there’d be a lot of noise about this from almost everyone involved. Are you certain that is the case because that just seems absolutely outrageous and could be misunderstanding a ‘new world’ mindset where police officers actually have to take women seriously.

Like is there any information you can share where it states police and the courts must prosecute anyone and everyone accused of violence towards women regardless of the probability a crime took place?
People would rather defend predators than believe victims and it will always be this way unfortunately


Well-Known Member
This is all hyperbole and posturing. None of us know the allegations, the circumstances or the facts.

From a football point of view his season is over, we're losing a critical player (like it or not) at a crucial point in our season.

The response tomorrow night will show what we are really made of, as a team, as a club and as fans. Best we can do is show up in numbers and sing, the team needs us now more than any point in this season. I'll be adding my voice tomorrow night.

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