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Mariner stuff not worthy of a whole thread


Well-Known Member

It's a nice little puff piece, though it doesn't really follow through on it's title of how the CCM approach is transferable to the broader league
It's obvious, right? All the other clubs need to be excellent at identifying and developing talent. I can't believe they're not on to it already...

If you'd told me five years ago there'd be an article with that title, I'd have to have you escorted off the premises as you'd clearly over-consumed.


Well-Known Member
It's obvious, right? All the other clubs need to be excellent at identifying and developing talent. I can't believe they're not on to it already...

If you'd told me five years ago there'd be an article with that title, I'd have to have you escorted off the premises as you'd clearly over-consumed.
Five years ago?

I think that goes for all of us.


Well-Known Member
Despite all the dark years that seemed to drag on - in the 18 years of the a-league we have been in 5 grand finals (as long as you don't try to name them, then you'll only remember 4).

Basically, we've been in more than a quarter of all gfs. Epic. With an a actual chance of being in a 6th in 19 seasons, which is approaching being in a third of all grand finals


Well-Known Member
Despite all the dark years that seemed to drag on - in the 18 years of the a-league we have been in 5 grand finals (as long as you don't try to name them, then you'll only remember 4).

Basically, we've been in more than a quarter of all gfs. Epic. With an a actual chance of being in a 6th in 19 seasons, which is approaching being in a third of all grand finals
In the first few years (despite there being only 8 teams) we were quite phenomenal at punching above our weight. The teams were more even then in terms of resources but we were still the poor cousins and didn't even fill our roster some years. Lawrie started that first season on 100k while Littbarski was on about 800k. SFC lost about 6mill that first season, despite being champions.

It's quite fascinating the way Lawrie went about putting his team together in that first season. All described in my book - I hand out free copies sometimes at Bay Road pre-match. Feel free to contact me if you'd like one - I still have a couple of boxes that Mrs Allreet? wants out of the garage.


Well-Known Member
In the first few years (despite there being only 8 teams) we were quite phenomenal at punching above our weight. The teams were more even then in terms of resources but we were still the poor cousins and didn't even fill our roster some years. Lawrie started that first season on 100k while Littbarski was on about 800k. SFC lost about 6mill that first season, despite being champions.

It's quite fascinating the way Lawrie went about putting his team together in that first season. All described in my book - I hand out free copies sometimes at Bay Road pre-match. Feel free to contact me if you'd like one - I still have a couple of boxes that Mrs Allreet? wants out of the garage.
Mate I’d love a copy! I don’t make it to bay rd pre-game these days sadly but I’m sure we can arrange something


Well-Known Member
In the first few years (despite there being only 8 teams) we were quite phenomenal at punching above our weight. The teams were more even then in terms of resources but we were still the poor cousins and didn't even fill our roster some years. Lawrie started that first season on 100k while Littbarski was on about 800k. SFC lost about 6mill that first season, despite being champions.

It's quite fascinating the way Lawrie went about putting his team together in that first season. All described in my book - I hand out free copies sometimes at Bay Road pre-match. Feel free to contact me if you'd like one - I still have a couple of boxes that Mrs Allreet? wants out of the garage.
Will be back in oz at the early next month , would love a copy , if that's ok .


Well-Known Member
I'll probably be at Bay Road on Saturday night - will say so here if not.

Presuming I am, I'll bring a few copies. If you don't catch me there, come to Bay 17 (if it's not raining) and just yell our for Allreet? Or failing that, Deans you cnut!!!


Well-Known Member
I hope they buy you a beer in return at least.
Will you be there on Tuesday night. If so you can buy me a beer along with all the others who bought a copy.
Hey Rod. Probably not on Tuesday as I have to go into town on Tuesdays and get home late.

I'll probably be there Saturday though. You're worth a beer any time.

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