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The EPL thread


Well-Known Member
Chelsea are such a likeable team.

How anyone can be a fan of Drogba is beyond me. Peanut brain with brute athleticism. His fit in the goal box was hilarious and deserved a yellow.


Well-Known Member
poko said:
I'll be expecting that photo of you in Blue asap, Serious.

Hahahaha, not only could I get nowhere near the ground (Tube closures and no buses), but I didn't actually get to see the game (is it really that hard to find a pub in West London that has Sky??  Apparently so - Andrew, that one that you sent me didn't end up having it - they lied!!!).  Awaiting the replay that's on tomorrow before I say anything.

Sym said:
Don't think you could handle it serial, a ground with actual singing/chanting

Sorry sorry, I'd forgotten you'd been to Old Trafford and heard it for yourself.  ;)


Well-Known Member
serious14 said:
poko said:
I'll be expecting that photo of you in Blue asap, Serious.

Hahahaha, not only could I get nowhere near the ground (Tube closures and no buses), but I didn't actually get to see the game (is it really that hard to find a pub in West London that has Sky??  Apparently so - Andrew, that one that you sent me didn't end up having it - they lied!!!).  Awaiting the replay that's on tomorrow before I say anything.

Sym said:
Don't think you could handle it serial, a ground with actual singing/chanting

Sorry sorry, I'd forgotten you'd been to Old Trafford and heard it for yourself.  ;)

i watched liverpool vs chelsea at some pub in earl's court whose name escapes me - there were about 3 with sky on.

Not Aloi$i FC

Well-Known Member
Sean said:
Chelsea are such a likeable team.

How anyone can be a fan of Drogba is beyond me. Peanut brain with brute athleticism. His fit in the goal box was hilarious and deserved a yellow.

This. And his hairdo last night put shame on all females around the world.

The cheating bastards were rather fortunate to win last night. United should be quite proud of their effort, they deserved a draw and could've even snuck the win if they kept the pressure on.


Well-Known Member
serious14 said:
dibo said:
i watched liverpool vs chelsea at some pub in earl's court whose name escapes me - there were about 3 with sky on.

_12 hours ago_ chief, where were you??  :p

sleeping - CGAF staying awake to watch that shite. had you asked a few days ago i coulda told you. for future reference, the best one was as you exit earl's court tube - cross the road and turn left, it's the first one you get to on the right. had a big screen and all.


Well-Known Member
dibo said:
serious14 said:
dibo said:
i watched liverpool vs chelsea at some pub in earl's court whose name escapes me - there were about 3 with sky on.

_12 hours ago_ chief, where were you??  :p

sleeping - CGAF staying awake to watch that shite. had you asked a few days ago i coulda told you. for future reference, the best one was as you exit earl's court tube - cross the road and turn left, it's the first one you get to on the right. had a big screen and all.

But you watch Liverpool??  ;)

And thankyou - duly noted.


Well-Known Member
United got what they absolutely deserved, acted like a bunch of c**ts and johnny evans should of been sent off twice, his 'challenge' on drogba was fkn stupid.

Nowhere near as high scoring as I expected, doesn't matter though, better team won.

Terry : D


Well-Known Member
Sym said:
United got what they absolutely deserved, acted like a bunch of c**ts and johnny evans should of been sent off twice, his 'challenge' on drogba was fkn stupid.

Nowhere near as high scoring as I expected, doesn't matter though, better team won.

Terry : D

Difference between that and the way Chelsea act 50 games a season being?


Well-Known Member
I hope you Scouse twats are utterly ashamed with that disgusting dive by En-Gog.  F*cking pathetic.

2-2 at fulltime.  Pity you c*nts had to cheat to get the point.


Well-Known Member
serious14 said:
I hope you Scouse twats are utterly ashamed with that disgusting dive by En-Gog.  F*cking pathetic.

2-2 at fulltime.  Pity you c*nts had to cheat to get the point.

Why? How many late penalties do United seem to get at OT? How many away sides have been awarded penalties at OT this decade? Your manager bawls out referees weekly (bi-weekly in the case of midweek games) and goes unpunished. Your club is somewhere behind Harmid Karzai in its claim of the moral high ground.


Well-Known Member
*fails to see what this has to do with United*

You had to cheat, _blatantly_, to draw at home to Birmingham - congratulations.



Well-Known Member
If you surrender every goal from a penalty or free kick that C. Ronaldo dived to win over the time he was at the club, your trophy cabinet would be a little barer. Pots and kettles.

It's worth mentioning that this is on the basis that it *was* a dive, not having seen it I can't actually seen it yet (as I was driving to work at the time). Remember that a player needn't make contact for it to be a foul. If defender slides through when not playing the ball, or even carelessly or recklessly then it's a foul.

Law 12:

A direct free kick is awarded to the opposing team if a player commits any
of the following seven offences in a manner considered by the referee to be
careless, reckless or using excessive force:
kicks or attempts to kick an opponent
trips or attempts to trip an opponent
jumps at an opponent
charges an opponent
strikes or attempts to strike an opponent
pushes an opponent
tackles an opponent

In this case, if the referee deems that the defender tried to trip him or that the tackle is careless or reckless then it's a foul.


Well-Known Member
The .gif of the dive is right there in my post chief, have a look.

If you're going to call that anything but a simulated attempt to draw a foul, then you're blind.  Carsley did not touch him.

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