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The EPL thread


Well-Known Member
It's trivial, but if they were to eliminate all the draws and simply split the results evenly between wins and losses they could've won the league.

Manchester United  28/6/4 - 90
Liverpool 25 /11/2 - 86

Change that to 30/0/8 (5 draws become wins, 6 become losses) and they'd have been on 90 points too. Obviously if the split were 6/5 it would make for 31/0/7 - 93pts.


Well-Known Member
re-read the post.

f**k it, re-read the first two words, try it a second time, and then re-read the post.

i'm making a trivial but logical point. it's in the realm of 'if my dick had a nail it'd be a finger'.

there's nothing quite so insufferable as a manchester united fan in gloat mode and unfortunately it's either that or the nearly as bad sulking and bitching mode and the only difference between the two is the DVD sales. FFS...

at least it makes those times when united *don't* win all the more enjoyable for everyone else. ;)

anyway, on other news, apparently Rafa's interested in Michael Carrick, and if he stumps up GBP10 mill he might be able to get him.

Sir Alex Ferguson never ceases to amaze. Just when you thought the knight in whining armour could no longer stun with his skills, we find out that in addition to his football prowess he is a tip-top post-impressionist painter. This effort, we believe, was daubed by the Scot last Saturday and is, according to critics, "a masterful rendering of the anguish endured by managers of clubs in flux or plain old decay, in this case, evidently, Portsmouth's Paul Hart."

That tableau has been compared to certain works of Vincent van Gogh, which is apt really, as the Scot's management is also beginning to bear uncanny resemblances to that of the Dutch brush-wielder. Famously, Van Gogh cut off his own ear (though some historians now claim it was, in fact, Gaugin who lopped it off in a fit of pique but the Dutchman was so drunk at the time that he thought he'd done it himself, or something), whereas Ferguson is currently in the process of lopping off his own nose, apparently to spite his face. At least that's what the Mill deduces from reports that he will deplete his already inadequate squad by flogging both Anderson and Michael Carrick before the transfer window closes.

Word is the manager has fallen out with both players, neither of whom made it even so far as the bench for United's trip to Wigan at the weekend. Barcelona are said to be eager to liberate Anderson from Old Trafford, while Fergie's old chum Rafael Bentez, wants Carrick, whom he fancies as a decent replacement for Xabi Alonso. Fergie isn't particularly keen on sending him to Anfield, of all places, but money is so tight around Old Trafford that if Rafa can come up with 10m the deal will be done. That's a mighty big 'if', though.


Well-Known Member
dibo said:
re-read the post.

Calm down chief, it's called "banter between rivals".

Re: the Carrick and Anderson rumour - The Guardian is on the high end of the reliability scale for these sorts of things (as opposed to the garbage The Sun and The Daily Mail print), will be interesting to see how this proceeds.

F*ck knows who we'd get in on such short notice as replacements for them though..... our midfield isn't the most creative in the world at the moment.


Well-Known Member
Carrick and Anderson ?? seem strange that liverpool would chase them, they scouse midfield seems packed as it is, and playing with two dm's at home..ehhh no idea.


Well-Known Member
Sym said:
Carrick and Anderson ?? seem strange that liverpool would chase them, they scouse midfield seems packed as it is, and playing with two dm's at home..ehhh no idea.

'Pool only wants Carrick to fill an Alonso shaped hole in midfield - I don't think that'd be too bad, but it's not exactly a one for one swap. Mind you, for a net gain of GBP30 million Hicks and Gillett would have to be pretty happy and anything that keeps Lucas out of the side will keep Liverpool fans happy. Anderson will probably wind up somewhere on the continent at a cut-price deal. He'd be a superstar at the level of Girondins Bordeaux or thereabouts.

serious14 said:
The Guardian is on the high end of the reliability scale for these sorts of things (as opposed to the garbage The Sun and The Daily Mail print), will be interesting to see how this proceeds.

I go straight to The Guardian partly because it's reliable and partly because it's the paper of choice for bleeding heart socialists like myself. I go to the New York Times for American news too. ;)

My guess is that it won't happen because the owners are too cheap and stupid to realise that Carrick for less than what they spent on Johnson is a great deal.


Well-Known Member
dibo said:
I go straight to The Guardian partly because it's reliable and partly because it's the paper of choice for bleeding heart socialists like myself. I go to the New York Times for American news too. ;)

The Guardian is one of the first websites I go anytime I log on because of the quality of their journalism - I do my best to ignore it's slight (HA!) left leanings.  ;)

Re: Lucas - Liverpool's Hutch??


Well-Known Member
serious14 said:
The Guardian is one of the first websites I go anytime I log on because of the quality of their journalism - I do my best to ignore it's slight (HA!) left leanings.  ;)
Closet socialist.  :D

serious14 said:
Re: Lucas - Liverpool's Hutch??

No, because Hutch can play football.


Well-Known Member
dibo said:
Sym said:
Carrick and Anderson ?? seem strange that liverpool would chase them, they scouse midfield seems packed as it is, and playing with two dm's at home..ehhh no idea.

'Pool only wants Carrick to fill an Alonso shaped hole in midfield - I don't think that'd be too bad, but it's not exactly a one for one swap. Mind you, for a net gain of GBP30 million Hicks and Gillett would have to be pretty happy and anything that keeps Lucas out of the side will keep Liverpool fans happy. Anderson will probably wind up somewhere on the continent at a cut-price deal. He'd be a superstar at the level of Girondins Bordeaux or thereabouts.

serious14 said:
The Guardian is on the high end of the reliability scale for these sorts of things (as opposed to the garbage The Sun and The Daily Mail print), will be interesting to see how this proceeds.

I go straight to The Guardian partly because it's reliable and partly because it's the paper of choice for bleeding heart socialists like myself. I go to the New York Times for American news too. ;)

My guess is that it won't happen because the owners are too cheap and stupid to realise that Carrick for less than what they spent on Johnson is a great deal.

If the Guardian was any further left they'd have a photo of Lenin on front of every issue!



"Whhhhose that twat from Argentina
Whose that money grabbing whore
Carlos Tevez is his name
And he hasnt got a brain
and he wont win any trophies anymore"

llolol- top chant


Well-Known Member
brennan said:

"Whhhhose that twat from Argentina
Whose that money grabbing whore
Carlos Tevez is his name
And he hasnt got a brain
and he wont win any trophies anymore"

llolol- top chant

lol best chant ever

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