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Round 27 - F3 Derby #44, @ Gosford


Well-Known Member
My grandson's U/13 match this morning was way more entertaining than the 15 minutes I bothered to watch tonight. At least his team fought back from 0-3 to 3-3 before they went down 3-4 at the death. They showed a f**k-load more passion than those imposters wearing yellow & navy tonight. Who ever told them they were footballers?
I'm an old bastard and I was tired tonight, so I decided to stay home and watch on TV. I'm still debating which was the best decision I made today: staying home or turning off at 15 minutes. I'll be surprised if MM lasts until the start of next season, not because he'll get sacked but because he'll quit in despair.
Well at least this shit of a season has finished, now I can happily go back to watching Collingwood; at least they have some idea how to play the game that pays their wages.


Well-Known Member
The season finished yesterday when Sydney got their trophy. Tonight didn't happen. Now that I have said that.

Congratulations Josh on a great career. Hope to see you around the club for years to come. At your peak you should have been the Socceroos left back in front of Carney and Jamieson. Always played the fame hard but fair and mostly with a smile on his face. You will be missed!!


Well-Known Member
Not on this seasons form!

I like Rosey alot. Good player in his day and a nice guy. Probably played 2 years too many...................... but who wants to retire early.


Well-Known Member
Got home not long ago...

Hopefully my keys turn up when I call lost property tomorrow, left early with the group I was with and forgot to take them with me. How fitting...

In short? Only hindsight will put tonight in perspective. It was either the making or the breaking of this club, and I don't know which.

Had everything to play for, this was the type of situation CCM would have stood up for in seasons past. Even 4 years ago, you know they would've given it a real effort and left with something. This was their chance to finish a forgettable season on a high and they f**ked it miserably...

If MC wondered why he should spend more on the squad, tonight he got the counter-argument in bucketloads. Another 6 months of that and there won't be a team to support. End of story. He either changes tack and makes the signings this club desperately needs, or we're stuffed.

And f**k the Scum. I hope they go get shirts printed about tonights' game then watch their team bow out in straight sets in the only decent season they've had in a decade.

I'm off to bed. Good riddance to the game in this country right now. If you think CCM are the biggest problem then you're asleep at the wheel.


Well-Known Member
My season roundup: I think, even when it turned out Asdrúbal was unable, with luck the season could've gone OK. Although spending way under the cap, we had a competitive 11. 11 is not enough though and with injuries and suspensions affecting Hiariej, Brama and Baró, Okon's tactical naïveté and his coldness towards the players that allowed a drinking culture to develop, entrenched by long layoffs from training, many games we could've won we lost. Once we'd gone 9 games without a win, a losing culture started to set in, and in the end we went 18 rounds - playing everyone twice - for only one win, against the team that finished 9th by sensationally exploiting City's well-known complacency in the final round.
Tonight Jets were coming off 3 successive losses. Lawrie McKinna was in their crowd, mobbed, as we played them back into form with a back 5 of staggering ineptitude, mounting around 10 mins of decent football. Over the season we conceded 15 goals to them. During our mid season goal drought, Sydney scored 18 goals. We've proved, I think, that fielding a team without effective strikers will get you the spoon.
What really sets this season apart from the Walmsley spoon season is the despair of the fans. We have more members, who can go to every home game for free, than ever before, and their seats are empty. Charlesworth says he personally loses $1m a season, but the gates this season and next will surely double that. All we can hope for is a decent show from the Socceroos this summer.

Capn Gus Bloodbeard

Well-Known Member
We got the f**king spoon.
I actually thought that with a new coach watching, and with MM saying that the boys will be playing for their contracts, they would have gone out with a bit of pride. I actually thought that could have fired up the boys - all it needs is a bit of adrenaline to pull a win out of nowhere
Disgraceful. I'm glad I didn't watch.
Equally the highest number of goals every conceded, I did not in my worst nightmares think that would happen.
When I left to go out tonight, WP-MCY was 1-1. I was actually safe in my knowledge that Nix weren't going to win and our game didn't matter.
f**k that.
It hurts to cop the spoon again. A small spiteful part of me though is almost glad that some of these incompetent idiots on our team who are stealing match fees under false pretences of being a soccer player are copping the shame of the spoon.

Now that I've seen the highlights..wow. I mean, yeah, there's the usual issue of our defence not marking and strolling back instead of running.

But Kennedy was so incompetent that he actually looks like he was deliberately letting those goals in. I mean, he LOOKS like he placed bets on the Jets to win big. He was inexplicably bad. Does raise the question of where the hell was Sully to not sub him off after the third goal. I mean, not that it matters. Who knows, maybe he was unwell or had some other reason for bringing the worst keeper performance the HAL has ever seen. But if he was unwell or had something taking his mind out of the game, he shouldn't have started.

It's so bizarre. We've seen what our players are capable of....so it's not the roster that lead to such a stupidly bad last 3rd of the season, surely.
I mean, I still can't figure out why our defenders don't give a shit, but that's been a problem for 3 years.
But to not even play with pride any more? To not even try when the spoon is on the line?
I mean, after a performance like that, how sure are we that the boys didn't pool some bets on the Jets tonight? On one of their famed big nights on the town?
Heck, at least that would provide a rational explanation. I feel like just turning up and not giving a f*** would actually be worse.
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true believer

Well-Known Member
I was having dinner when i read the score.
I waited till we got back to the hotel to tell mrs tb . Damn good time to be in thailand

Capn Gus Bloodbeard

Well-Known Member
Kennedy should be taken out the back and thrown into Brisbane waters. Just saw 'highlights'. His keeping was fkd
Yep. His phone needs to be checked for betting sites. The inexplicable fumbles and dives OVER the ball were very, very suspicious.
He really needs to be thoroughly investigated after this. Or we need a public explanation on why he seemed to be sarcastically pretending to stop the ball. Even the penalty they scored was suss, given how clearly the direction was telegraphed.
We should just start shooting at our own goal. We might get to score a few and it won't make much difference to the final score
Probably, given Kennedy seems to have been paid on a per-goal basis.


Well-Known Member
But Kennedy was so incompetent that he actually looks like he was deliberately letting those goals in. I mean, he LOOKS like he placed bets on the Jets to win big. He was inexplicably bad. Does raise the question of where the hell was Sully to not sub him off after the third goal. I mean, not that it matters. Who knows, maybe he was unwell or had some other reason for bringing the worst keeper performance the HAL has ever seen. But if he was unwell or had something taking his mind out of the game, he shouldn't have started.

I heard a lot of people say this at the game. So I put myself through the torture of watching it again. We were dreadful - but Kennedy was by no means the worst. I would say that Liam has probably played himself out of a contract and Hoole is lucky he has a year left.

First goal - Baro goals in fromt of him as he is set and so he has no sight of the ball.
Second goal - ROD was offside.
Third goal - he had the shot covered off McGree's foot but it took a touch off a defender after he dived which pushed it wide of him.
Four goal - Kennedy at fault where he hurt his thumb.
Fifth goal - I thought was BK error at the ground and from the front replay but the other replay shows NTS takes him out with an elbow to the head. just before Ben plays at the ball.
Sixth goal - Jake gives away the penalty
Seventh goal - Kennedy is covering the near post as he should and it goes into the far corner.
Eight Goal - Kennedy should have done better.

So BK was primarily responsible for 2 goals. One where he dislocated his thumb and one at the end when he was surely shell-shocked after what was the worst defensive display from a Mariners team I have seen..

Of the 11 non-retiring players coming off contract only Pain, Rowles and Golec (if he can return from injury) would be better than 50/50 to be offered a new contract.


Well-Known Member
The hardest part about this loss is the fact that the Newcastle fans can celebrate for the next few days. They dont need to go to work on Monday

Capn Gus Bloodbeard

Well-Known Member
My thoughts @pjennings:
Goal 1: Baro needs to get smacked for just casually jogging back. So sick and tired of seeing that shit from him. Hoole did poorly to lose his man, but this was really Baro's fault
Goal 2: Roy looks level to me. Whoever was marking him is at fault there
Goal 3: Ball had to get through 3 defenders (HOW??) but Kennedy badly misjudged the dive.
Goal 4: Ball bounces out of Kennedy's hands. This was an easy save, kicked straight at him.
Goal 5: Can put this one down to the defenders again, not protecting the keeper or sticking to the player (how are professionals not doing stuff we all get taught in juniors??)
Goal 6: penalty, nfi what Kennedy was thinking there. Stupid tackle though
Goal 7: Kennedy stands and watches, makes no attempt to save it. Although Brama was directly behind the ball and inexplicably doesn't stop it.
Goal 8: Kennedy dives OVER the ball in what looks more like a sarcastic pretence of trying to stop the ball. Though he probably stopped giving a shit at this point.
Really, the highlights looks like Kennedy was unwell, like he had a viral infection or something. That's about the only explanation I can think of for that performance.
Not having seen the game I can't talk to the rest, but I can imagine from how terrible the defence was.

Forum Phoenix

Well-Known Member
Oh shit balls eh. That was insanely next level, can't make this shit up kind of brutal. Shaun have we earned our stripes yet?

Full credit to all the fans who stuck it out till the end. Proves we're quite literally the best supporters in the country.

Only positive, is I'm glad Mulvey got to see the level of the challenge that he just walked into and why we're all so wildly pissed off. I don't blame Sully for that. I can't believe Okon or Jolic never even uttered a single word of self criticism or apology for this "legacy".

This is one seriously poisoned chalice now. If Mike's contract is now lying torn up in the stands where he was watching the game... I wouldn't blame him.

Agree on the Kennedy outrage. Choking like that, in THAT game, is just unforgivable. I honestly don't think I can bare to see him in our shirt again as I will never trust him to perform in a big game again.

This is a side who has not just been crippled by their previous manager but is also full of dead wood. And it should be a very hard look into the mirror for them all.

Ok, we did create opportunities and score some goals and could of had a couple more. Pain, Hoole, Lachie and Trent, each had moments going forward, but all were shit house defensively and I've been saying it for a long time, at HAL level, Powell is a useless pretend striker. We were clearly better once TBT came on. But it was our lack of defense in midfield first and foremost and then our backline, with our keeper starring in a beyond abysmal display.

Of our starting 11, only 2 from 7 of our defensive players deserve to be kept imo, Baro and Rowles. The backline were horrible and with the scoreline they look like the logical target, but were offered the worst protection from a defensive midfield that I've possibly ever seen. We play with two holding mids and that's what they do? You have to be kidding me. The Jets ran through our mids at pace and with such ease that our backline, shit as they were, were at total sixes and sevens running backwards so often that they were cut open constantly and easily. And on top of that Kennedy literally decided to give the game to the scum.

Even Wout, on the back of tonight, despite his pedigree, I now have very serious doubts about whether he is passed his used by date and is worth keeping. And anyone who still thinks L Rose is a holding mid is f**king dreaming. Sure he looked ok when we had no strikers on and 4 midfielders around him flooding the mids and parking the bus, but tonight while he was good on the ball a couple of times, in his PRIMARY role he was worse than useless and competed very hard with Powell, Kennedy and McGing, for worst on the pitch in a game where the competition WOP was the stiffest I've ever seen. He's a lacklustre 10 or DM without the D. So he has to go.

Mulvey has to do a clean out like a boss mobster, recruit like a genius, and then coach like a god, or next year may really be the end of us. Not sure how you can serve up a wooden spoon to eat an 8-2 shit sandwich from your most hated rival while your ex founding coach and former mayor looks on laughing and drinking beers in a scum shirt, and think there's going to be plenty of people happily signing up as members next season.

I will. But that just makes me clearly insane. And a lot of people are not rusted on barnacles determined to stay stuck to the hull of this ship of fools even as we sink into the abyss.

So with Charlesworth unable to lose more than a mill a year... we're under done and our squad compared to others is going to stay under done. The only hope now I can see is the fact that it has also been 3 unproven coaches in a row that has truly sealed our fate, and all 3 have in differing ways driven our teams, culture and club ever deeper into the ground. If Mulvey can turn that around. It will be an incredible achievement and he may well be all that saves our cub. No pressure Mike. You will have my unwavering support. (until 8 games into next season).

Chin up guys. Impossible to get worse than this. So our future is either an end of suffering via death, or improvement.
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