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Mariners v $ydney FC


Well-Known Member
Auburn Mariner said:
Also, congrats to the Marinators Club for the excellent new merchandise. To the lovely Karen Hall, if my wife approaches you to buy any more merchandise, please tell her that her husband is preparing divorce papers on grounds of excessive purchasing!!

lol mate that's classic


Well-Known Member
Quick summary:
Mariners spanked in centre midfield by Corica and Musialik. Live with it and learn. Hutchinson and Porter not up to it this game.
Bojic saved Boogaard's arse more than once. Young Nigel looked like his head was elsewhere. Slow off the mark, some poor defensive lapses. Wilko was ditto but less so IMHO.
Cole's free kick goal was very well hit, but saveable if Danny had seen it in enough time.

I feel that Lawrie should wear the blame for this loss. He put Boogaard on as LB, didn't pull Petrovski but took Porter off for Mrdja - asking Petrovski to fill in as Centre mid for final stages of match. He had a technically gifted player in Osman sitting on the bench, when he could have replaced Boogs (btw, why play someone who is having their first game of the season for a full 90, Lawrie?), shuffled Clarkey into CB and put Osman in as RB (where he did very well last season prior to injury), play was concentrated on feeding Elrich on right wing in 2nd half. Cacares had to go looking for the ball, barely little was coming to him. All these things contributed to the loss, and the management of the team didn't instil enough confidence in the players at the start. However, if we had managed to snare the first goal instead of chasing it, maybe the players would have lifted.

Jedinak is needed back ASAP, or breath some fire into Porter in these matches, or put Osman in there. Hutchinson was playing too deeply back & was unable to break out and attack too many times - losing attacking creativity in our plays. Someone should be having some serious kind words to Wilko - he looks out of form and needs either a rest or someone's shoulder to cry on. If Boogs keep up the form he showed last night, he may find himself captaining the Youth Team if that is allowable. I am hoping that with Bosnich in the nets, our defense will lift and act more disciplined. Maybe they don't listen to Danny, or is Danny not saying anything before a shot on goal, about the line breaking down?

Overall rating of game last night:  :p  :p  :p


Well-Known Member
Firstly about this...

Greenpoleffc said:
Well we got what we deserved from the game. Absolutely nothing.

Our piss poor passing and inability to keep the ball was blindingly obvious (again) and one wonders when we might realise that this league is now more technical and "effort" is not enough.

SFC just passed us off the park and were organised and broke quickly. Pass, organise, pace..........3 things we cant do.

As for the players:

Danny - Disaster. Almost Trottesque in the 1st half and a mean person might think he could have got to the freekick for their winner??

Clarkie - Mr dependable but can you see the winner of HAL V4 with a Clarkie in their line up?? No, me either

Boogs - V solid 1st game back. Class act

Wilko - Thought he couldnt get worse that last week. I was wrong

Bojic - LB is not his position but he is a good footballer. We will no doubt train him out of his annoying habit of trying to play the ball out of defence soon though.

Hutcho - Overwhelmed in CM but did well

Porter - Today he started to look like he was out of his depth at this level

Car-Chair-Arse - Our most creative player by far but goes missing more than Tommy

Elrich - Shit IMHO. Cant run, cant cross, cant tackle.

Saso - Outstanding in a poor side that played badly.

Matty - Has there ever been a footballer who has come on so fast in just 2 years?? MOM for his close control alone

Mrdja - only got a few mins and managed to miss a free header and stuff a freekick.

Oh well, V2 again then

When I read this last night, I was not only stunned by the unabashed negativity (i.e. the number of players who GPFC didn't recognise any positive contribution) I actually wondered if we were at the same match. Of course his intelligence and football knowledge must be far greater than mine - and also Lawrie's because I understand he saw some positives too.

Fair criticism where it's due, OK. No question, some of the guys didn't have their best game - I'm thinking Wilko, Boogs, Porter and Hutch here more that the new midfielders. And I saw enough to feel hopeful about the season.


Well-Known Member

I actually had a fairly good night last night. A-League at Bluetongue was back.

Don't get me wrong I HATE losing to Sydney but I actually thought the lowest point (worse than Cole's screamer FK and FT) of the night was Boogs / the defence's glaring error for the first goal - I then feared a real tough night and thought we picked up from there.

FFS, 2-2 would have been a representative result last night. In reality, just two things: Porter's in-the-box brain explosion last week and our failure to capitalise on the pressure we did apply late in the game (we never do well against 10) - stand between where we are now and being on 6 points on top of the league. And it's only Round 2 of 21.

Also, with other football codes still on, the Olympics and a cold night the low crowd wasn't unexpected and still our highest crowd to date for our first home game.

From Bay 40 (marginally closer to The Bay than The Cove) I heard the Marinators loud and clear at times, sometimes louder than The Cove. Impressive 'cause I've done the maths ;)

Just wish it wasn't 4 weeks til the next home or derby away game.


Well-Known Member
I cannot believe people are whinging about crowd figures. It happens after every round one and we go on to surpass last season's average as we will again this season.

First up home crowds:
Season one - 5917
Season two - 4644
Season three - 9052
Season four - 10972


Well-Known Member
yellowcake said:
Firstly about this...

Greenpoleffc said:
Well we got what we deserved from the game. Absolutely nothing.

Our piss poor passing and inability to keep the ball was blindingly obvious (again) and one wonders when we might realise that this league is now more technical and "effort" is not enough.

SFC just passed us off the park and were organised and broke quickly. Pass, organise, pace..........3 things we cant do.

As for the players:

Danny - Disaster. Almost Trottesque in the 1st half and a mean person might think he could have got to the freekick for their winner??

Clarkie - Mr dependable but can you see the winner of HAL V4 with a Clarkie in their line up?? No, me either

Boogs - V solid 1st game back. Class act

Wilko - Thought he couldnt get worse that last week. I was wrong

Bojic - LB is not his position but he is a good footballer. We will no doubt train him out of his annoying habit of trying to play the ball out of defence soon though.

Hutcho - Overwhelmed in CM but did well

Porter - Today he started to look like he was out of his depth at this level

Car-Chair-Arse - Our most creative player by far but goes missing more than Tommy

Elrich - Shit IMHO. Cant run, cant cross, cant tackle.

Saso - Outstanding in a poor side that played badly.

Matty - Has there ever been a footballer who has come on so fast in just 2 years?? MOM for his close control alone

Mrdja - only got a few mins and managed to miss a free header and stuff a freekick.

Oh well, V2 again then

When I read this last night, I was not only stunned by the unabashed negativity (i.e. the number of players who GPFC didn't recognise any positive contribution) I actually wondered if we were at the same match. Of course his intelligence and football knowledge must be far greater than mine - and also Lawrie's because I understand he saw some positives too.

Fair criticism where it's due, OK. No question, some of the guys didn't have their best game - I'm thinking Wilko, Boogs, Porter and Hutch here more that the new midfielders. And I saw enough to feel hopeful about the season.
:goodpost:  I agree  :popcorn:


kevrenor said:
yellowcake said:
Firstly about this...

Greenpoleffc said:
Well we got what we deserved from the game. Absolutely nothing.

Our piss poor passing and inability to keep the ball was blindingly obvious (again) and one wonders when we might realise that this league is now more technical and "effort" is not enough.

SFC just passed us off the park and were organised and broke quickly. Pass, organise, pace..........3 things we cant do.

As for the players:

Danny - Disaster. Almost Trottesque in the 1st half and a mean person might think he could have got to the freekick for their winner??

Clarkie - Mr dependable but can you see the winner of HAL V4 with a Clarkie in their line up?? No, me either

Boogs - V solid 1st game back. Class act

Wilko - Thought he couldnt get worse that last week. I was wrong

Bojic - LB is not his position but he is a good footballer. We will no doubt train him out of his annoying habit of trying to play the ball out of defence soon though.

Hutcho - Overwhelmed in CM but did well

Porter - Today he started to look like he was out of his depth at this level

Car-Chair-Arse - Our most creative player by far but goes missing more than Tommy

Elrich - Shit IMHO. Cant run, cant cross, cant tackle.

Saso - Outstanding in a poor side that played badly.

Matty - Has there ever been a footballer who has come on so fast in just 2 years?? MOM for his close control alone

Mrdja - only got a few mins and managed to miss a free header and stuff a freekick.

Oh well, V2 again then

When I read this last night, I was not only stunned by the unabashed negativity (i.e. the number of players who GPFC didn't recognise any positive contribution) I actually wondered if we were at the same match. Of course his intelligence and football knowledge must be far greater than mine - and also Lawrie's because I understand he saw some positives too.

Fair criticism where it's due, OK. No question, some of the guys didn't have their best game - I'm thinking Wilko, Boogs, Porter and Hutch here more that the new midfielders. And I saw enough to feel hopeful about the season.
:goodpost:  I agree  :popcorn:

:thumbup: I agree. I can never understand all the doom and gloom here every time we lose a match. If you need to win every week to feel good about your team, stick the likes of Man U and Chelsea who can buy those kind of results, but thats not why I support this club. I think we deserved more than we got from the game last night and most of the players performed a hell of a lot better then reviews here suggest.


Well-Known Member
I must have watched a different game as well as I saw plenty of positives and thought we outplayed them, except for the first twenty when our defence was diabolical. This was as much the coach's fault as the players.

These stats support we were the better team:



Well-Known Member
. disappointed but it is not all bad, will try and keep it brief (and there have been a half dozen or so posts since i've been typing)

. danny seemed a bit off last night, wasn't really taking charge - the only time i saw him really communcating with the defence was after the fact. whether or not he could have done anything about the goals i don't know but i just felt he could have. bringing bozza on towards the end i thought was an idea for a number of reasons

. the backs seem to be lost, don't know if they need more help from behind, but they definitely need some steel in front of them - they were always scrambling in defence (and doing ok at that) but nobody was breaking down the play beforehand. pedj may have been caught short (menaing height) in the middle and boogs was definitely beaten for pace out wide - the swap was the best thing and i'm interested to know who initiated it

. the middle was a struggle. caceres seems to run the ball too much sometimes - too many touches into too much trouble but it is good to see someone taking them on. elrich surprised me in that he can be quick when he wants to be, but he seemed a bit one dimensional and dylan in the middle could make the difference here - may need to watch sydney's first goal to see how effective a cutback can be. hutch sometimes seems to be trying to do all things and since you can't do everything seems pretty ineffective, caught in between a lot. porter may just be lacking in experience but sometimes his positioning is off at the critical time and tends to wait for the ball a bit (and gets his pocket pinched)

. based on last night i also would not mind seeing pedj move into dm, he tackles well, positions himself well and is comfortable with the ball under pressure. scares me sometimes when he was coming forward when still playing in the centre (tackling or playing the ball), so it could be a good thing - boogs should not be playing out wide at the back

. for me matty and sash were the best for us. matty seems to have his confidence up and it is serving him well. sash, i think, knows the competition there will be for a spot up front and is playing accordingly - he wants to make sure he is starting every game (its the yellows that really annoy me)


Well-Known Member
Stavros said:
kevrenor said:
yellowcake said:
Firstly about this...

Greenpoleffc said:
Well we got what we deserved from the game. Absolutely nothing.

Our piss poor passing and inability to keep the ball was blindingly obvious (again) and one wonders when we might realise that this league is now more technical and "effort" is not enough.

SFC just passed us off the park and were organised and broke quickly. Pass, organise, pace..........3 things we cant do.

As for the players:

Danny - Disaster. Almost Trottesque in the 1st half and a mean person might think he could have got to the freekick for their winner??

Clarkie - Mr dependable but can you see the winner of HAL V4 with a Clarkie in their line up?? No, me either

Boogs - V solid 1st game back. Class act

Wilko - Thought he couldnt get worse that last week. I was wrong

Bojic - LB is not his position but he is a good footballer. We will no doubt train him out of his annoying habit of trying to play the ball out of defence soon though.

Hutcho - Overwhelmed in CM but did well

Porter - Today he started to look like he was out of his depth at this level

Car-Chair-Arse - Our most creative player by far but goes missing more than Tommy

Elrich - Shit IMHO. Cant run, cant cross, cant tackle.

Saso - Outstanding in a poor side that played badly.

Matty - Has there ever been a footballer who has come on so fast in just 2 years?? MOM for his close control alone

Mrdja - only got a few mins and managed to miss a free header and stuff a freekick.

Oh well, V2 again then

When I read this last night, I was not only stunned by the unabashed negativity (i.e. the number of players who GPFC didn't recognise any positive contribution) I actually wondered if we were at the same match. Of course his intelligence and football knowledge must be far greater than mine - and also Lawrie's because I understand he saw some positives too.

Fair criticism where it's due, OK. No question, some of the guys didn't have their best game - I'm thinking Wilko, Boogs, Porter and Hutch here more that the new midfielders. And I saw enough to feel hopeful about the season.
:goodpost:  I agree  :popcorn:
If you need to win every week to feel good about your team, stick the likes of Man U and Chelsea who can buy those kind of results, but thats not why I support this club. 
I don't know if you've noticed but Greenpole is a Fulham supporter.He can hardly be accused of following a team just because they win!
marinermick said:
These stats support we were the better team:
You can read stats and make them mean just about anything you want them to mean.If you think these stats mean we were not crap you were watching a different game to me.

If the team were crap they should be told they were crap instead of all this pat them on the back and "hard luck boys" nonsense.

By the way it won't stop people like me,GP and plenty unhappy DIEHARDS from turning up but shit like that won't attract the casual fan imo.


Well-Known Member
. oh yeah, and i thought the crowd was ok, all things considered - from where i was sitting it actually looked like more than it was (was a little surprised in that regard)

. the doom and gloom reports come out after a loss mostly due to frustration i reckon, as a few obvious errors mean the difference .... and it always hurts to lose

. plus i reckon shannon cole is a dick - well taken penalty, nice celebration .... but caught a glimpse of him stepping his shoulder into clarky's back as he backed up waiting for a goalkick - don't really need that shit and i think a lesser man would have decked him (or maybe i'm reading too much into it, anybody else see it?)


Well-Known Member
Lawrie has to put his hand up for last nights loss.  As mentioned by others playing Boogs at left back for the first 15 minutes cost us 2 goals.  As soon a Bojic (man of the match for us) went accross there we looked pretty solid.

If Jedi is not back next week I would like to see Bojic pushed into mod as it is obvious that Hutch and Porter are not up to the task of holding the centre midfield given the last 2 performances.

Overall though we competed well all over the park and created chances.  I have far more confidence in this years squad than last but we look to be a midfielder short.


Well-Known Member
. the midfield is such a tricky proposition for us at the moment because it is so completely different to last year. hutch has been the only constant to date - and he seems confused, so i think it needs time (and jedi)


Well-Known Member
I am starting to think that the standard required in midfield in the A league has improved beyond the capabilities of Hutch.  Also I wish we would stop him taking corners and free kicks as his delivary is very poor.


Well-Known Member
Speaking of free kicks, once Mrdja lined up for that free kick last night I said to my wife to watch the ball as it goes sailing onto the railway lines... I wasn't too far off the mark. It's good to see him back :)


New Member
pokey said:
We did not hear Bay 16 chant once from our seats... We could hear the cove loud and clear... but what happened guys?! (Is it wrong that I kind of giggled when they were up 3-2, and the Cove were chanting "Danny! What's the score" ? Yeah, I'm getting a lifetime ban for that one aey?)

I went over to join in some festive singing around half time, a bit before...and all the chants faded out after a few seconds!!

Defense was awful...just awful.

Hopefully though, we can recover and have a good game againt the Roar next weekend.
Let us learn from it, put it behind us and get absolutley wasted in QLD :D Bring it on!

obviously you will all already be prejudiced against me and disregard what i have to say, but i couldnt hear you guys at all when the cove quitened down after singing we cant hear you. there was just this gloomy silence. come on guys have some fun and get behind your team. :D

one thing i have to admit is that the huge sea of yellow was an impressive sight following petrovski's goals. very cool.

you guys should catch the cole train back to the cove. then youll learn a thing or too about real chanting. :thumbup:

p.s. bikinigirl i think u might be reading into it a bit too much. granted im a sydney supporter and i didnt see it but he's pretty much a 24 year old a-league debutant. how arrogant can you be after getting first signed up at a relatively old age (for football)? i dont think hes going to be aggravating anybody on purpose in his second ever a-league game.


Well-Known Member
Arabmariner said:
If you think...we were not crap you were watching a different game to me.
S'pose how bad "crap" is means different things to different people. Between your "crap" and Greenpole's "piss poor" and "deserved...nothing", I must have been at a different game. (I now wonder where the f*ck I was  :eek:)

I'd like to think I don't unobjectively look at the team I support through rose-coloured glasses. If I saw crap I'd call it too. Last night was better than my crap.

If you want to look at them through your shit-coloured glasses, that's your call - however much it shits me. I'm glad you're both diehards who'll continue your support as much as I'm glad as I'll (apparently) be at a different game.


Well-Known Member
If its a dead ball kick from the spot in the goalkeepers 18 yard box, its a penalty. See Sasho's 1st goal

If its a dead ball kick from outside the goalkeepers 18 yard box, its a free kick. See the kick in the 2nd half that Mrdja sent over the grandstand.

Sorry, shits me when people get it mixed up :)


Well-Known Member
sydneyfan said:
obviously you will all already be prejudiced against me and disregard what i have to say, but i couldnt hear you guys at all when the cove quitened down after singing we cant hear you. there was just this gloomy silence. come on guys have some fun and get behind your team. :D

one thing i have to admit is that the huge sea of yellow was an impressive sight following petrovski's goals. very cool.

you guys should catch the cole train back to the cove. then youll learn a thing or too about real chanting. :thumbup:

p.s. bikinigirl i think u might be reading into it a bit too much. granted im a sydney supporter and i didnt see it but he's pretty much a 24 year old a-league debutant. how arrogant can you be after getting first signed up at a relatively old age (for football)? i dont think hes going to be aggravating anybody on purpose in his second ever a-league game.

Agree with you. We were quiet, cant agrue with that.

Cole is quite a good player, with a great gift. I can tell you all right now, if I scored a CRACKER like that in my 2nd a-league game, id be jumping into the f**king stands like Tevez did after his 1st west ham goal, so iv got no problem with his flips, and good on him for showing some passion.

Keep going with the posts like this make, and you wont find many enemys here :)

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