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Mariners v $ydney FC

FFC Mariner

Well-Known Member
About 10k I think???

At least that scum monkey boy got sent off.

We also reckoned Danny had been at Bozza's gear before the game


Well-Known Member
Also how far does mrdja appear to be from starting how would you line the team up with fit Mrdja on fire simon n sash and big dm returning next week he said during half time that he's playing for sure next week could've played today if needed.


Well-Known Member
Greenpoleffc said:
Well we got what we deserved from the game. Absolutely nothing.

Our piss poor passing and inability to keep the ball was blindingly obvious (again) and one wonders when we might realise that this league is now more technical and "effort" is not enough.

SFC just passed us off the park and were organised and broke quickly. Pass, organise, pace..........3 things we cant do.

As for the players:

Danny - Disaster. Almost Trottesque in the 1st half and a mean person might think he could have got to the freekick for their winner??

Clarkie - Mr dependable but can you see the winner of HAL V4 with a Clarkie in their line up?? No, me either

Boogs - V solid 1st game back. Class act

Wilko - Thought he couldnt get worse that last week. I was wrong

Bojic - LB is not his position but he is a good footballer. We will no doubt train him out of his annoying habit of trying to play the ball out of defence soon though.

Hutcho - Overwhelmed in CM but did well

Porter - Today he started to look like he was out of his depth at this level

Car-Chair-Arse - Our most creative player by far but goes missing more than Tommy

Elrich - Shit IMHO. Cant run, cant cross, cant tackle.

Saso - Outstanding in a poor side that played badly.

Matty - Has there ever been a footballer who has come on so fast in just 2 years?? MOM for his close control alone

Mrdja - only got a few mins and managed to miss a free header and stuff a freekick.

Oh well, V2 again then

I can't agree on the Danny one - great free kick and the ball kept going away from him.
Not sure why you would blame him for either of the two goals - from where I was sitting he had no play on either of them - Very poor defensively on both goals.

The centre of the park was where we lost this game - FC had way too much time and made great runs.

I actually thought Elrich and Car Chair Arse played well, I think we get one dimensional and play to Elrich too much.

Both forwards played well - Sash ran and Matty well - we know how Matty goes.



Well-Known Member
Greenpoleffc said:
Well we got what we deserved from the game. Absolutely nothing.

Our piss poor passing and inability to keep the ball was blindingly obvious (again) and one wonders when we might realise that this league is now more technical and "effort" is not enough.

SFC just passed us off the park and were organised and broke quickly. Pass, organise, pace..........3 things we cant do.

As for the players:

Danny - Disaster. Almost Trottesque in the 1st half and a mean person might think he could have got to the freekick for their winner??

Clarkie - Mr dependable but can you see the winner of HAL V4 with a Clarkie in their line up?? No, me either

Boogs - V solid 1st game back. Class act

Wilko - Thought he couldnt get worse that last week. I was wrong

Bojic - LB is not his position but he is a good footballer. We will no doubt train him out of his annoying habit of trying to play the ball out of defence soon though.

Hutcho - Overwhelmed in CM but did well

Porter - Today he started to look like he was out of his depth at this level

Car-Chair-Arse - Our most creative player by far but goes missing more than Tommy

Elrich - Shit IMHO. Cant run, cant cross, cant tackle.

Saso - Outstanding in a poor side that played badly.

Matty - Has there ever been a footballer who has come on so fast in just 2 years?? MOM for his close control alone

Mrdja - only got a few mins and managed to miss a free header and stuff a freekick.

Oh well, V2 again then

agree with everything except for maybe the elrich statement, he didnt go too badly just has to work on his fitness and his accuracy abit more

FFC Mariner

Well-Known Member
I can't agree on the Danny one - great free kick and the ball kept going away from him.
Not sure why you would blame him for either of the two goals - from where I was sitting he had no play on either of them - Very poor defensively on both goals.


The first goal went through his legs FFS. He just stood and watched it. 2nd he charged out of the goal and left it undefended.


Shannons a girls name

We were pretty pathetic, but did show in small patches the form of old.
With Heff and Mile back in the sqaud we will be completly different.
Was absolutley gutted tonight. I dont think we'll be like we were in season 2, we'll be pushing for a spot in the finals.

Oh and Danny, he was woeful, but we can put that down to disapointment I guess, last game for 5 weeks.

Capn Gus Bloodbeard

Well-Known Member
jaypee said:
Not sure why you would blame him for either of the two goals - from where I was sitting he had no play on either of them - Very poor defensively on both goals.

Are you kidding me??  The first goal was practically a soft pass by FC that went straight through his legs.

Even the second goal, I thought was well within his ability to save but he panicked and hopped around on the spot, instead of charging the kick down like he normally would.

The 3rd, he didn't really have much chance.  That was just an awesome free kick. 


Well-Known Member
Anyway, on a lighter note, here's a few happy snaps from the Kendall Bar....
















Hey Bex, you'll need a good lie down after that lot!!! :vhappy:


Well-Known Member
(dons flame proof suit)

I realy hate the bagpipes. Most annoying instrument ever imho i would rather listen to an ABBA . soundtrack.


Well-Known Member
I'm not really sure what to make of the game. Obviously gutted we lost but we also played some positive stuff at times (albeit not enough).

Overall, the defence was woeful. As much as I love him, Clarkey had a shocker in the first half along with Boogs. Wilko wasn't a whole lot better.

Sash was our best player and he seems fired up for a big year. Elrich was terrible. Needs to work harder.

2-2, choppers down to ten men with 20 or 15 to go, whatever it was, we should have been the only side to win it. To use a pommy term which I hate doing, there seems to be times we bottle it. By that I mean we lose games we shouldn't.

We have to win at home and the first two rounds haven't been good enough. Please no V2 again.


Well-Known Member
ok, 5 j.d & cokes down, its time for my match review.

Danny............he is dead to me. Jesus man, my little sister could have done a better job.
Matty.........I worship your shadow, Its seems you have forsaken any notion of scoring with your feet, so now your trying to head everything (keep plugin away tiger :) )
Sash.......... thank christ for him.
Nik.........WTF, it was like he was channeling Kwas when he took that penalty. :vomit:

All that said, an entertaining match despite the result. Cant wait to macca to get back on the field.

Bring on queensland, flame me now!


Well-Known Member
We shouldn't panic. Talk of season 2 is just hysterical
Many of our best players are out injured at the moment.
Look at the goal scoring talent we have now, compared to Kwasnik, McMaster and Petrie as in season 2.
Opinions are divided on Elrich - everyone here's bagging the bloke who provided both our goals. Porter is struggling.
If we get passing players like Jedinak and Heffernan on the park, we should hold the ball better and not be so stretched across the back.
So I'm not so pessimistic.


Well-Known Member
Greenpoleffc said:
I can't agree on the Danny one - great free kick and the ball kept going away from him.
Not sure why you would blame him for either of the two goals - from where I was sitting he had no play on either of them - Very poor defensively on both goals.


The first goal went through his legs FFS. He just stood and watched it. 2nd he charged out of the goal and left it undefended.

Just checked out the replays and you can simply see Danny saying on the first he couldn't see it. He has one of our defenders and an attacker in front of him, Corica comes from behind both of them. As a keeper thats the hardest one to stop.

He charged out on the second to stop Bridge, in fact the issue is we have 4 defenders not attacking the ball - 2 of them stay on the goal line and two other just look around, Danny ran from Bridge to Brosque to Corica without one yellow shirt going after them. I would say the only reason Danny didn't jump in was that the pass could have gone back again.....

I guess maybe I am a touch more sympathetic to Danny as I am a keeper as well and know sometimes what can seem like an easy play to a non keeper can often not be (eg - going between legs when you are not sighted).

In terms of Elrich - I am more than happy with his play.... Hutch and Porter where schooled... I am wondering about both long term....


Well-Known Member
jaypee said:
I can't agree on the Danny one - great free kick and the ball kept going away from him.
Not sure why you would blame him for either of the two goals - from where I was sitting he had no play on either of them - Very poor defensively on both goals.

The centre of the park was where we lost this game - FC had way too much time and made great runs.

I actually thought Elrich and Car Chair Arse played well, I think we get one dimensional and play to Elrich too much.

Both forwards played well - Sash ran and Matty well - we know how Matty goes.

+1 all the way here
I am absolutely baffled as to how Danny could be blamed for first 2 goals- terrible defence more like it (and this is coming from a striker's mouth)...
We definately lost the game in the middle!
That's where Sydney got to us with 1st 2 goals
they came through middle with little challenge and were able to put the passes through...happened for 1st and 2nd goal!!!
Yesterday IMHO showed what an important player Mile Jedinak is who is at least the best CM/DM in HAL if not the best player (IMO he is)!
But attack was not bad...Elrich has come a long way already and i think he will keep getting better...and then throw Heff + Macca into the fray with a injury free Mrdja (if such a thing exists :p) and at very worst V1 all over again! (top 4 finish is the least I would be happy with!)


Well-Known Member
First time I got to hear the radio broadcast (streamed) from Mick & Co. Super work gents! I just loved Mick's fearless comments.

From bed and without the benefit of vision, I saw the game this way:

. Poor crowd considering who was playing, and the first home game being on a Sat night. I did my bit by making sure someone (from Newcastle) went in my place.
. Could hear the Cove singing well
. The midfield\defence sounded wafer thin - one second we were pissing about in their box, fluffing our kicks, and 2 secs later they were putting the ball away in ours.
. Maybe that's the way the game went, but I don't think I heard the name 'Caceres' once in the second half.
. Sounded like we couldn't hold the ball for more than 0-1 passes
. I think we are definitely missing Tommy
. I really hate it when we are lower in the table than the scum.

Two hard trips away now, before another tough one against Victory. Hopefully we'll have a full squad at some stage.

Here's hoping Bozza will inspire us and get our campaign moving.


Well-Known Member
Yep - Cove came in good numbers and did well....

The Crowd number was good (I think our highest first game of the year crowd?) and considering the Olympics, Thugby League and Union still on and that the weather looked crap for the past 2 days It wasn't too bad. Yes I admit I was slightly disappointed with the crowd but when put into some perspective its not too bad.

We didn't miss Tommy as much as you may think. It wasn't about creativity in the centre - we just had no-one owning the center of the park (like Mile)..... If we don't fix this quickly we will be struggling as Hutch and Porter were not up to it.

Perhaps Bojic could push up, move Boogs into the center of defense and get Heff onto the left?


Well-Known Member
Defence was shocking... I was embarrassed watching it, the second goal was  quite possible the shittest defending I have ever seen. Does Lawrie dare drop our skipper??? I think it must be playing on his mind and probably needs a great game next to avoid the axe IMO because he looked amateur last night.

Osman Bojic Boogs Heff


Well-Known Member
jaypee said:
Perhaps Bojic could push up, move Boogs into the center of defense and get Heff onto the left?

I would not take Bojic out of defence, I hink he is our best defender at the moment


Well-Known Member
Greenpoleffc said:
About 10k I think???

At least that scum monkey boy got sent off.

We also reckoned Danny had been at Bozza's gear before the game

Even if he had he would not have been that lost, Bozza at least can organise his defence better no matter what stuff he is on.

Its time for Danny to sit back at the back of the class for the next sixt weeks and watch haow to organise himself.Im sure that Bozza over the last six years had time to think and work out how to position himself on the line.

I also wonder why our coaches did not do their homework on the free kicks as this player takes the same kick all the time, look back and prepare for your games in future and we would have defended that kick easy he wont be getting them in by the end of the season.

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