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Mariners Squad - HAL 14 - 2018- 2019 - The challenge for Mike Mulvey is over


Well-Known Member
I thought that the application for the women's inclusion in the spare spot would have been good for both us as a club and for the ffa ........... But the rejection I hope is not a reflection on the position that ffa holds mc.
I think it is more like the FFA making business decisions instead of football decisions.
Women on the CC deserve a team as much as anyone, but it musn't stack up for the FFA bean counters.


Staff member
I've never understood the whole idea of business decisions vs football decisions.
Wouldn't it make sense to make football decisions which then gets the fans, clubs, broadcasters on board, followed by advertisers, investors, and generally making it rain money therefore football decisions === business decisions?
Am I looking at it too simplistically?



Well-Known Member
Not necessarily deluded positivity, perhaps more a realistic embracing of the reality of our situation?

As has already been posted, I can live with a team that struggles (for whatever underlying reasons) much more easily than I can with the thought of no team at all.

The idea of playing in a league is to win it and be champions.
The ffa finance the cap for teams to buy and pay quality players which nine of the ten teams do.
Mc has down sized the spend on players to such an extent that another spoon looms ............ and relegation is around the corner. At this stage there is no talk of anybody other than the owner paying 2nd div players wages.
The plug is well and truly out of the bath and the vortex has formed which will take everything with it ........... Ok, so now I am a naysayer .........sorry.
If mc has a plan to recover the player roster so that relegation is not in the future I would like to hear it. I would like to hear that the cap money is not finishing the centre and once it is complete the team is for sale ...............

I'm really depressed today ....... One of my goldfish died:(:(


Well-Known Member
I've never understood the whole idea of business decisions vs football decisions.
Wouldn't it make sense to make football decisions which then gets the fans, clubs, broadcasters on board, followed by advertisers, investors, and generally making it rain money therefore football decisions === business decisions?
Am I looking at it too simplistically?


Nine out of ten teams are doing that ............ The successful competitive ones. Last season at the beginning of the season it looked like any team could beat another on any particular day. Ccm v sfc for example.


Well-Known Member
I think it is more like the FFA making business decisions instead of football decisions.
Women on the CC deserve a team as much as anyone, but it musn't stack up for the FFA bean counters.

Or the bean counters prefer the numbers that are realistic to the new teams coming in .......... rather than those of mc. Mc has proven that being competitive is not on his agenda so why risk a women's team in the same boat.


Well-Known Member
This is a salary capped league!!
For a team to consistently struggle in a salary capped league is crazy. The whole idea of a salary cap is to even things out.
CCM is being poorly run.

Forum Phoenix

Well-Known Member
I do not share your optimism.
Cisse and Hiariej might hold their own in other a-league starting squads although Cisse is an unknown quantity at the moment. Kennedy is no worse than most other keepers and I hold out a lot of hope for McGing this season ............. I see the rest as having been discarded and unwanted by other teams even as bench warmers. Rowles, Melling and Pain have the opportunity of rising to the level required but I see another spoon coming up with that squad.
I'm not really a '' naysayer" I just prefer to measure things in real terms and believe that the club is not competing in the spirit of the league to be competitive.
I can understand that this post will attract a lot of disagreement red crosses but I would really like somebody to change my mindset. :-|:-|

What Gratis said.

I think current squad, with Golec back and Aspro available as well, and we’re a bit over half way but not quite two thirds of the way to being a genuinely conpetitive team. And by that I mean one that can win regularly. Not just make a contest of it.

Fortunately that is Mulveys stated goal. To win. Not just play attractive football or advance my career.

So that and the fact we’re clearly not finished recruiting is where your optimism should be placed imo. Not on the current best 11 we could field.
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Forum Phoenix

Well-Known Member
Once again the concept of millions of dollars out of the owner's own pocket is floated. Millionaires don't accumulate their funds by spending their own cash. To put it simply .......... They can pay tax on their profits or their accountants can write off the profit on business expenses like advertising etc or donations to political parties and charities.
Other owners are in it to wallow in the success and popularity of being an owner and are competitive in their nature.>............. Whereas mc looks to me like he is using his football connections and experience to complete a business opportunity in the industry rather than compete in the sport.
Yes it is his prerogative to spend his money the way he wants but it appears to be at the ccm fans expense.
To me I struggle with the combined team and centre which since they were combined under the one ownership has been the start to the teams demise????.

I think I have said too much :doh::(:(.

Amazing business opportunity we represent.

You can offset your profits in your football business with the losses in your football business. But first you have to make profits.

We are not his tax break. And though so many people seem bizarrely convinced of it. He’d have to be bonkers and lack any business nouse to have been seeing us as his future cash cow. I don’t think he’s bonkers or that he lacks nouse.

So imo we need to come up with another answer for his unwillingness to fund the club beyond the floor.

Some have, they say it’s ‘his moral short comings. I don’t find the he’s just an evil pikey argument convincing and so find myself more inclined to believe the actual answer he has given. He can’t afford to keep losing more than a million on us a season.
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If he was in it to sell it off then we'd have seen alot more go into the COE. Dragging construction out does not fall into the good business model for development. The fact that the latest update for the COE on the website is may 2015 should speak volumes. The website still states that completion is "due" for 2017.
I think he's in it to own a football team but it's just not the top of his priority list.
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Well-Known Member
What Gratis said.

I think current squad with Golec back and Aspro available as well, and we’re a bit over half way but not quite two thirds of the way to being genuinely conpetitive team. And by that I mean one that can wing regularly. Not just make a contest of it.

Fortunately that is Mulveys stated goal. To win. Not just play attractive football or advance my career.

So that and the fact we’re clearly not finished recruiting is where your optimism. should be placed imo. Not on the current best 11 we could field.

I think you have to give aspro ......... time to get over the injury. It is too much to expect him to come back at optimum match fitness.
I keep forgetting about shabow, maybe a dark-horse for a starting position.
Mulvey's goals and wins are stated ........ As are Malcolm's jobs and growth :doh:


Well-Known Member
Amazing business opportunity we represent.

You can offset your profits in your football business with the losses in your football business. But first you have to make profits.

We are not his tax break. And though so many people seem bizarrely convinced of it. He’d have to be bonkers and lack any business nouse to have been seeing us as his future cash cow. I don’t think he’s bonkers or that he lacks nouse.

So imo we need to come up with another answer for his unwillingness to fund the club beyond the floor.

Some have, they say it’s ‘his moral short comings. I don’t find the he’s just an evil pikey argument convincing and so find myself more inclined to believe the actual answer he has given. He can’t afford to keep losing more than a million on us a season.

Good argument except for the first assumption. He's a multi millionaire so you can assume he is no fool and therefore he must make profits.It is obvious that ccm is not his cash cow but he does receive the ffa cash that he doesn't spend............. but any losses he makes in the football arena ......... Sorry, read business expenses, can all be written off. Now that you point out the delayed coe that in itself would be booking enormous losses ......... Don't feel sorry for me as I'm in mourning ........... I lost a goldfish today, last night actually. I take it he didn't like the aldi chardonnay either.


Well-Known Member
Forgetting about the squad for a minute (which I will address later in another post) and taking up a couple of points on the COE and the women's team.

The COE has basically been stalled by the Council since the completion of the admin building. They would not allow further development until a different access was put in. CCM changed their plans in line with that and Ibis Road has been identified as the appropriate entrance. I believe that the RMS and Council have not allowed the work on Ibis Rd to begin while work on the Wyong Rd and Pacific Highway was ongoing. Conceivably the RMS and Council are now looking at the new traffic patterns and planning what is required for the redesigned intersection at Ibis Road. MC seemed pretty peeved with the delay and from reports has left the completion under the remit of Kathryn Duncan.

It was also reported that the W-League last season had sponsors ready to go that would have ensured a more than competitive team. The feedback was that the only reason we were knocked back was the lack of additional change rooms. CCM had told Council they would pay for the change rooms so that they would have been ready. Now over a year later they are being built (or have just been built) and the Council stuffing around has meant we missed the window we had last year.
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Well-Known Member
Has any trial matches been played or penciled in as yet.

I haven't heard of any fixtures yet except the FFA cup on 1st Aug against Adelaide. Our first hit out last season was on 5/7/2017 against CCF All Stars ( all local clubs represented). MMM may have been waiting to see when the FFA Cup game was before organising the trials.


Well-Known Member
Forgetting about the squad for a minute (which I will address later in another post) and taking up a couple of points on the COE and the women's team.

The COE has basically been stalled by the Council since the completion of the admin building. They would not allow further development until a different access was put in. CCM changed their plans in line with that and Ibis Road has been identified as the appropriate entrance. I believe that the RMS and Council have not allowed the work on Ibis Rd to begin while work on the Wyong Rd and Pacific Highway was ongoing. Conceivably the RMS and Council are now looking at the new traffic patterns and planning what is required for the redesigned intersection at Ibis Road. MC seemed pretty peeved with the delay and from reports has left the ongoing remit under the remit of Kathryn Duncan.

It was also reported that the W-League last season had sponsors ready to go that would have ensured a more than competitive team. The feedback was that the only reason we were knocked back was the lack of additional change rooms. CCM had told Council they would pay for the change rooms so that they would have been ready. Now over a year later they are being built (or have just been built) and the Council stuffing around has meant we missed the window we had last year.

Points noted with thx.

Any humble pie needed to be eaten from ill conceived previous deduced comments now being digested.:unsure:


Good argument except for the first assumption. He's a multi millionaire so you can assume he is no fool and therefore he must make profits.It is obvious that ccm is not his cash cow but he does receive the ffa cash that he doesn't spend............. but any losses he makes in the football arena ......... Sorry, read business expenses, can all be written off. Now that you point out the delayed coe that in itself would be booking enormous losses ......... Don't feel sorry for me as I'm in mourning ........... I lost a goldfish today, last night actually. I take it he didn't like the aldi chardonnay either.
Let's not confuse him with the club. He may be the owner of the club but by no means does he recieve the ffa grant. The club does. The club spends what it has and he kicks in the shortfall. That's the way I believe it happens anyway.

Ancient Mariner

Well-Known Member
This is a salary capped league!!
For a team to consistently struggle in a salary capped league is crazy. The whole idea of a salary cap is to even things out.
CCM is being poorly run.

It is a salary capped league in name only. There is a salary cap which any club can spend between 90% and 100% of the cap.
Then you can add Marquee # 1 for which you can then spend as much as you like.
Then you can add Marquee #2 for which you can also spend as much as you like.
Then you can add (last season) a Player of National significance (Timmy rule) for which you can spend as much as you like and the FFA will help you.
You can also pre load contracts and promise people in the cap Marquee wages in the future.
A club with rich owners could spend 10x the salary cap and still be following the rules.

If you believe this FFA salary cap evens things out you must also believe in the tooth fairy.


Well-Known Member
It is a salary capped league in name only. There is a salary cap which any club can spend between 90% and 100% of the cap.
Then you can add Marquee # 1 for which you can then spend as much as you like.
Then you can add Marquee #2 for which you can also spend as much as you like.
Then you can add (last season) a Player of National significance (Timmy rule) for which you can spend as much as you like and the FFA will help you.
You can also pre load contracts and promise people in the cap Marquee wages in the future.
A club with rich owners could spend 10x the salary cap and still be following the rules.

If you believe this FFA salary cap evens things out you must also believe in the tooth fairy.
Not every club is spending big.
But you make a good point. Abolish the salary cap and pro rel.

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