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Mariners Squad - HAL 14 - 2018- 2019 - The challenge for Mike Mulvey is over


Well-Known Member

Perez was signed by Arnold as much to help train Musty as for his play I can recall Arnold talking about the need for Musty to learn from Perez, Trent was paired with Dutchie, Danny with Crawley, Ryan with a number of people including Vanstrattan.

I am starting to think MC may have lead MM to believe we would sign better,


Well-Known Member
First of all I have not updated the first page since the Millar announcement was not from the club. The guy must have impressed MMM on his trial and Mike probably wants to spend more going forward.

Secondly Middy I was just in the middle of saying something similar in terms of young guys learning - we are getting together an 'interesting' squad. Most of the young guys now have an older player to, for want of a better word, 'mentor them'. Pearce and Gauci have BK, Rowles has Golec and Clisby, Aspro has Golec and Cisse, Berry and Melling have Tom. Shabow has WeeMac.

If Boymans is the Dutch striker you would assume he would be another moneyball buy. He would have to be heavily discounted because of lack of game time and injury concerns but he could also teach Gamiero a thing or two. While he is not really young he has lost a lot of time in development.


Well-Known Member
Squad & Coaches to date 19 players .... 9 coaching staff...
3 Keepers, ......... Kennedy, Pearce, Gauci
6 Backs ....... Golec, McGing... Clisby ... Rowles ... Aspropotamitis---Cisse
7 Mids .......... Berry, Melling, Hiariej... Pain... Mario Shabow ... McGlinchey... Matthew Millar
3 Forwards..... Hoole, .... Gamerio .....Matty S
English OR Dutch forward --- Darren Bent ----- Adam Le Fondre ?? ---- Ruud Boymans
English Defender -name unkown
from CCM -- is DDS staying
Youth side possible upgrades
Coaching Staff
Head Coach:... Mike Mulvey
Assistant Coach: Nick Montgomery
Assistant Coach: Ray Junna
Goalkeeping Coach: Matt Nash
Head of Performance: Andrew Young
Physiotherapist: David McGinness
Central Coast Mariners Academy Director: Ken Schembri
Team Manager: Jesse Canning
Kit Manager: Melissa Woods


Well-Known Member
Secondly Middy I was just in the middle of saying something similar in terms of young guys learning - we are getting together an 'interesting' squad. Most of the young guys now have an older player to, for want of a better word, 'mentor them'. Pearce and Gauci have BK, Rowles has Golec and Clisby, Aspro has Golec and Cisse, Berry and Melling have Tom. Shabow has WeeMac.

If Boymans is the Dutch striker you would assume he would be another moneyball buy. He would have to be heavily discounted because of lack of game time and injury concerns but he could also teach Gamiero a thing or two. While he is not really young he has lost a lot of time in development.

PJ is this what you have in mind

3 Keepers, .... Mentor Kennedy, ----- for Pearce, Gauci
6 Backs ......... Mentors Golec, & Clisby ------ for McGing... Rowles ... Aspropotamitis---Cisse
7 Mids ........... Mentors Hiariej & McGlinchey. ------ for Berry, Melling, ... Pain... Mario Shabow ... .. Matthew Millar
3 Forwards..... Mentor ??????? ------ for Hoole, .... Gamerio .....Matty S


Well-Known Member
The issue surrounding DDS must be driving the club up the wall. With a $500, 000 salary cap attachment until he goes we stuck re both the salary cap and what MC will spend.

I wonder aloud if this goes to the season start and beyond and DDS is still on the books but refusing to play if there is any practical thing we can do.

Me thinks this is what Grellar is after a kinda Mexican stand off.

Sometimes players reaction and spitting the dummy i.e his preferred coach is sacked for gross under performance and sulks on the side line, then after a good coach is appointed refuses to train. Seems to me along with his 500K bite in the salary cap, his attitude may be a huge turn off to other coaches.


For every Jedi there were twenty Matthew Fletchers.

Besides, how many years ago was Jedi. What has been our cheap squaddie success the last few years and what has been the strike rate?
That's just the landscape of Australian football. It's more miss and less hit. Besides neither of the 2 whining above will know in depth about Millar or Gauci the only 2 NPL players we've signed. They both look promising and at a young age and have been fairly consistent over their very limited time playing against men in the top flight of their respective state NPL groups. So IMO we haven't recruited with cheap npl squaddies we've signed almost exclusively experienced a league players (not vouching for their skill level here) and 2 decent young npl prospects.


Hard work and patience.. our best prospect is sitting on the side lines refusing to play.. that’s whats become of us these days.. I hope to god this all turns around. (I don’t know anything of the young blokes coming in so I’m just hoping it’s all good waves from here on)
A stuck up Muppet that thinks he's better than where he is without proving it, is not a best prospect. That's your biggest liability.


Well-Known Member
Millar ::(:(
Cheap ................. check:)
Two legs .................. check:)
Young ........................check:)
Played before .............check:) .......... ex city failure:(
2nd chance dance ................ check.:(

That looks like a mulvey opportunity to polish a tu ............. oh wait ???? No ............ a project.:popcorn:

Capn Gus Bloodbeard

Well-Known Member
I was just thinking....it's interesting the difference in how we're signing. What I mean is that under Okon, we've allowed players to say 'I care so little about the club that I'm going to leave if the coach leaves'. Obviously none of us are party to the negotiations, but it just seems like the club has bent over backwards to accommodate the players that Okon wanted. That the club has entered negotiations with a position of great weakness, and as a result we have the DDS issues. Speculation, but I can't imagine why else they'd allow such a negative clause.
Compared to this season - Mulvey is signing about attitude. Even making players move to the coast if you want to play.

Last season, signings were done the player's way. This season, it's our way or the highway.
That's a pretty significant turnaround...

Ancient Mariner

Well-Known Member
Squad & Coaches to date 19 players .... 9 coaching staff...
3 Keepers, ......... Kennedy, Pearce, Gauci
6 Backs ....... Golec, McGing... Clisby ... Rowles ... Aspropotamitis---Cisse
7 Mids .......... Berry, Melling, Hiariej... Pain... Mario Shabow ... McGlinchey... Matthew Millar
3 Forwards..... Hoole, .... Gamerio .....Matty S
English OR Dutch forward --- Darren Bent ----- Adam Le Fondre ?? ---- Ruud Boymans
English Defender -name unkown
from CCM -- is DDS staying
Youth side possible upgrades
Coaching Staff
Head Coach:... Mike Mulvey
Assistant Coach: Nick Montgomery
Assistant Coach: Ray Junna
Goalkeeping Coach: Matt Nash
Head of Performance: Andrew Young
Physiotherapist: David McGinness
Central Coast Mariners Academy Director: Ken Schembri
Team Manager: Jesse Canning
Kit Manager: Melissa Woods

A solid squad without looking exciting, but that may change if some of the youngsters come off. IF this is a squad of fighters, who will bleed yellow and blue I can see it making the six and making us proud.

For excitement there are still places to be filled and, I imagine, a fair whack of money still available. There is also something that will happen when DDS gets sorted.

Just a couple of things to remember;
Gamiero was a real danger and a fan favourite at Sydney before injuries. IF he has regained his fitness he could be the "dark horse" for the successful signing of the season.
Foe anyone who watched Matty Simon when on the pitch last year you would see he has developed since he left us and could possibly now even play in a #10 role (a la Mc Brean) if necessary.

At this stage, quietly hopeful.


Millar ::(:(
Cheap ................. check:)
Two legs .................. check:)
Young ........................check:)
Played before .............check:) .......... ex city failure:(
2nd chance dance ................ check.:(

That looks like a mulvey opportunity to polish a tu ............. oh wait ???? No ............ a project.:popcorn:
I'm sorry ....... What team do you think you support? Carryng on as if this wasn't expected


Well-Known Member
A solid squad without looking exciting, but that may change if some of the youngsters come off. IF this is a squad of fighters, who will bleed yellow and blue I can see it making the six and making us proud.

For excitement there are still places to be filled and, I imagine, a fair whack of money still available. There is also something that will happen when DDS gets sorted.

Just a couple of things to remember;
Gamiero was a real danger and a fan favourite at Sydney before injuries. IF he has regained his fitness he could be the "dark horse" for the successful signing of the season.
Foe anyone who watched Matty Simon when on the pitch last year you would see he has developed since he left us and could possibly now even play in a #10 role (a la Mc Brean) if necessary.

At this stage, quietly hopeful.
Hadn't thought of playing Simon as a 10. If we don't end up with one I'd be happy to give that a go


Well-Known Member
A solid squad without looking exciting, but that may change if some of the youngsters come off. IF this is a squad of fighters, who will bleed yellow and blue I can see it making the six and making us proud.

For excitement there are still places to be filled and, I imagine, a fair whack of money still available. There is also something that will happen when DDS gets sorted.

Just a couple of things to remember;
Gamiero was a real danger and a fan favourite at Sydney before injuries. IF he has regained his fitness he could be the "dark horse" for the successful signing of the season.
Foe anyone who watched Matty Simon when on the pitch last year you would see he has developed since he left us and could possibly now even play in a #10 role (a la Mc Brean) if necessary.

At this stage, quietly hopeful.

I see where you are coming from .......... and when you say “solid” ............. I am thinking that any team in this league will have a hard time breaking down the bus. We still don’t have an avenue to goal and the people that will be needed to lay on those opportunities against some of the midfields and defenses we will have to face.
As far as simon is concerned ........... he only played the last fifteen twenty minutes of a game supported by a dominant midfield and attack. Anybody would look good against a dominated defense falling apart late in the game. Expecting him to provide the quality that he had supporting him against far better defensive units that are shaping up this season is a bit much.
With Gamiero ........... I share your optimism ............. but I fear that the train may have left the station as roar have already assessed giving him numerous opportunity to perform. He also had superior support players at roar than he will get here.


Well-Known Member
Millar played at RB with Melbourne City and RM?RW with South Melbourne. The feedback from South Melbourne is that he has a great engine but his decision making approaching goal is not great. Maybe, he has been signed as a RB.


Well-Known Member
The next 3 or 4 signing s will be pivotal....much more of a balanced squad than last year and there will be a much better attitude. We still lack 3 or 4 players of quality who can create and score. If 3 or 4 of the younger players have great seasons, i'm tipping Aspro, Gameiro, Rowles and Berry, then we can go well.


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry ....... What team do you think you support? Carryng on as if this wasn't expected

No ....... don’t apologise for what you don’t understand. My expectations for team quality is obviously higher than yours ............. and I believe in the reality of events.
I don’t understand “ carrying on as if this wasn’t expected “???. No I don’t expect to be excited about a signing for the reasons I posted.

You obviously don’t understand my sarcasm. You also have missed reading into the post that millar is obviously a player mulvey thinks he can turn into a jewel.


Well-Known Member
The difference being squaddies chosen by okonomous and those sort out by mulvey :tv:
Most of Mulveys signings have had proven A league experience at a young age...Clisby, Aspro, Gameiro, Matthews, Shabow, or have proven experience as in Cisse, Simon and Weemac. So far i have no problems with any of these signings. With good management and encouragement guys like Berry, Rowles, Hoole and Pain can also turn into very good players. With what we have we still need 3 or 4 very good signings but must have a decent amount still to spend.


Well-Known Member
A solid squad without looking exciting, but that may change if some of the youngsters come off. IF this is a squad of fighters, who will bleed yellow and blue I can see it making the six and making us proud.

For excitement there are still places to be filled and, I imagine, a fair whack of money still available. There is also something that will happen when DDS gets sorted.

Just a couple of things to remember;
Gamiero was a real danger and a fan favourite at Sydney before injuries. IF he has regained his fitness he could be the "dark horse" for the successful signing of the season.
Foe anyone who watched Matty Simon when on the pitch last year you would see he has developed since he left us and could possibly now even play in a #10 role (a la Mc Brean) if necessary.

At this stage, quietly hopeful.

Matty also played quite successfully under GA as RM in a 4-4-2 line up. If we sign stronger central strikers he may also be deployed there.

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