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Mariners Squad - HAL 14 - 2018- 2019 - The challenge for Mike Mulvey is over


Well-Known Member
New signing ...... millar ........... ex melb city, 21yr old from melb hellas in vpl. Been trialling apparently.

In one way it is good .......... I like mulvey’s reputation with young players .............. no fear he cost a lot.
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Well-Known Member
f**king miserable bastards. Probably bemoaned jedi's signing as well. Newsflash
This is what we do

For every Jedi there were twenty Matthew Fletchers.

Besides, how many years ago was Jedi. What has been our cheap squaddie success the last few years and what has been the strike rate?

true believer

Well-Known Member
For every Jedi there were twenty Matthew Fletchers.

Besides, how many years ago was Jedi. What has been our cheap squaddie success the last few years and what has been the strike rate?
We wouldn't know . We haven"t had a stable enough squad to develop anyone .

I remember how sains was paned when he entered the squad and how did he turn out ?
Mircales don't happen over night they come with hard work and patience
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