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Mariners Squad 2024/2025 ALM and ACL Elite


Well-Known Member
If we get fully gutted and loose Farrell, Nizzy, Ballard, Kaltak, Hall + potentially more if we are in a selling mood, then next year will be tuff.

As much as Jacko was clever with absorbing pressure and tactics when we lost Tulio and the Torres fall off, simply put, Nizzy, Ballard, Faz and Kaltak especially are all just machines that made the success fall into place.

But seeing so far how every single team is getting gutted as well and Glory, Marcarthur etc already buying the ‘seasoned’ players.
They simply don’t put in the heart that those that appreciate the opportunity and put their bodies on the line.

If we could even hold on to Kaltak or Nizzy, just one of that spine and let Doka, Tapp and Steele take the rains then I still reckon we will be top 4 next year with Wellington, Aukland, Sydney and WSW.


Well-Known Member
I’d say Brandtman is likely to be extended, got a huge look in over the season for a rookie and showed abit tbh.
Everyone at the club will also do their best to extend Niz so it’s a wait and see there.
Duarte may have to impress in NPL, his injury setbacks have hurt him massively.
I’d personally love to see Kasa extended, definitely good enough but it’s just another DWH situation unfortunately for him.
Kuzi being extended could mean Doka never has to play RB again. Deserves a chance after his injury.

Can’t see Wilson being here next season, was 100% frozen out after his level didn’t improve.
Bails will stick around.
Maksim is off to another NPL club in the upcoming window. Said our goodbyes at the GF afterparty. Top lad and I hope he gets an AL gig somewhere.
Kuz has had an extension of sorts and has been told to report to preseason training when it kicks off in mid July.


Well-Known Member
We currently have Doka, Edmondson, Farrell, Kaltak, Kuol, Paull, Peraic-Cullen, Roux, Smith, Steele, Tapp, Theoharous, Warshawsky, Wenzell-Halls, Wilson for next season.

These guys are off contract.
Balard, Brandtman, Busek, Di Pizio, Duarte, Hall, Kasalovic, Kuzevski, Nisbet

The rumours are:-
  • we have signed Mauragis
  • Balard signed a precontract with Portimense which may fall through now they have been relegated
  • Di Pizio has extended his loan deal with us for another 2 seasons.
  • Hall to Auckland FC

. Doka, Edmo & Brian are three visas ... and maybe Ronnie?

. doesn't leave a lot of room ... and although Jacko and Danny have got plenty out of the squad they were given, i'm not sure how deep their knowledge of aussie players could be to get the recruitment right (and affordable)


Well-Known Member
. Doka, Edmo & Brian are three visas ... and maybe Ronnie?

. doesn't leave a lot of room ... and although Jacko and Danny have got plenty out of the squad they were given, i'm not sure how deep their knowledge of aussie players could be to get the recruitment right (and affordable)
Matty should be able to help out there


Well-Known Member
The fact that we’ll only have 2 visa spots to fill (unless we get a big offer for Brian) tells me that Jacko will want higher quality and Ronnie won’t return. Whilst Ronnie had great impact from the bench we need our visas to be regular starters and big minutes. One look at Ronnie’s physique and you know it’ll take ALOT of pre season work. Which leads into Jacko’s comments about big Eddy getting a huge pre season work load in, he wants him to be capable of starting and doing big minutes.

Ronnie was good, but we can find better and need to find better. ACL won’t be easy, we have to be prepared.


Well-Known Member
Mauragis official now


Well-Known Member
So with the players signed until at least 2025 and ignoring who may leave that are on contract. I've also ignored rumours of players leaving or already -re-signed


Bench: Peraic-Cullen, Smith, Paull, Wilson, Wenzell-Halls.

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