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Mariners Squad 2023/2024


Well-Known Member
I know it’s the ‘CCM model’ but this kind of thing makes it really hard for our fans to get invested in their team, when our best players never hang around for long.

I fear that this won’t be the only departure in this window and the loss of key players can only make the job of doing well that much harder.

Why can’t we snag ourselves an owner like Bill Foley?


Well-Known Member
I know it’s the ‘CCM model’ but this kind of thing makes it really hard for our fans to get invested in their team, when our best players never hang around for long.

I fear that this won’t be the only departure in this window and the loss of key players can only make the job of doing well that much harder.

Why can’t we snag ourselves an owner like Bill Foley?
End of season would be somewhat expected. Mid season stings.


Well-Known Member
Was a good symbiotic relationship.
I know it’s the ‘CCM model’ but this kind of thing makes it really hard for our fans to get invested in their team, when our best players never hang around for long.

I fear that this won’t be the only departure in this window and the loss of key players can only make the job of doing well that much harder.

Why can’t we snag ourselves an owner like Bill Foley?

Double edged sword, we only found tulio to cover Urena.


Well-Known Member
Just hope and pray it’s a fee fitting of a player who’s top 3-5 in the league, far and away our most important player. And that there’s future sell on clauses.
Also hope and pray there’s a contingency plan and potential signings are already being spoken to.

No doom and gloom until we have facts, please, gents.

Despite knowing and being fine with us being a selling club (because we have to be) I’m actually gutted by this. My personal favourite player and imo top 3 most naturally gifted attacking players we’ve ever had play for us.


Well-Known Member
What the actual F. Just when positive sentiment is returning and the vibe is starting to build.. the walls come crashing down again.


Cue another email from Peil to say how much he wanted him to stay, followed by “the club doesn’t make that much money from player sales” and that’s why we can’t buy powered quality players?

Every player this season was a freebie except for a small fee for Alou. On the back of selling Cumdog, Silvera, McGarry, the list bloody goes on.

No words for this, if I’m honest. Better not follow with Nizzy and Faz in the window.


Well-Known Member
I thought the sky was falling in when Urena left. Then Kuol. Then Cummings. Let’s see what plays out here.

Rich was saying after a few weeks we would be active in the window, this isn’t a suprise and sure after a couple of months the gaffer now knows what he wants and needs to improve his system.
I doubt improving the system is selling Tulio. That’s pure making money at the teams expense.


Well-Known Member
I thought the sky was falling in when Urena left. Then Kuol. Then Cummings. Let’s see what plays out here.

Rich was saying after a few weeks we would be active in the window, this isn’t a suprise and sure after a couple of months the gaffer now knows what he wants and needs to improve his system.
Its not about retention for just the ladder position. Its because we like these guys and want to see them play for us.

Hard to follow a team when you sell your best players every window.

Edit: also hard to attract and keep casuals who might become rusty's when they can't name the players

Big Al

Well-Known Member
Was a pleasure to watch his silky skills but that little filthy flick around the adelaide defender was my favourite.

Huge test of our ability to replace him. You can’t do it with one player, needs to be two quality replacements not one special one.

Let’s hope Torres is the real deal and not a hot streak because our front line was a worry already.


Well-Known Member
What the actual F. Just when positive sentiment is returning and the vibe is starting to build.. the walls come crashing down again.


Cue another email from Peil to say how much he wanted him to stay, followed by “the club doesn’t make that much money from player sales” and that’s why we can’t buy powered quality players?

Every player this season was a freebie except for a small fee for Alou. On the back of selling Cumdog, Silvera, McGarry, the list bloody goes on.

No words for this, if I’m honest. Better not follow with Nizzy and Faz in the window.
I'm sure you lose up 25% to training fees, sell ons etc. But FFS sell the players we need for the value they're worth then.

Big Al

Well-Known Member
Realistically we did well to hold on to him after last season and get him to sign a two year contract. It was always likely we would sell him but yeah mid season just as we were starting to gel really hurts.

I think he will be fantastic with the Japanese players. Their style and ability will really suit him


Well-Known Member
Did anyone imagine he would actually see out his contract?!?! He was chased hard in the off-season and we worked hard to get a 2 year contract in front of him - surely that was always for the transfer fee?!?

We are a bottom tier league, anyone with talent wants to be somewhere else, it’s our place in life. This league finally has some acknowledgement - and the fall back of that is that players will be poached as we as a league pay like crap.

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