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Craig Foster on the Mariners


Well-Known Member
YEP im hearin it ..  and  good on scott levi ..

so what we dont play like the arsenals and whateva..  Is there an actual correct way to play football ?  i thought every way was excepted as being individually unique not  there being one right way of playing and the rest wrong .  I admit we do not play the best style    but there are two things here .  1. you can play the sexy arsenal style of football and just entertain and not necessarily win anything  or 2.  play  the way we are and win trophies .  I sure know what i would prefer.  I am also sick and tired of him talkin bout Brazil .. We are not Brazil.. We are Australia  still young with football. We have 3 or 4 other codes of sport to compete with  and they  have had it there for centuries.  He also said  "mariners are the worst FOOTBALLING  team"  well  guess  wat we dont care we are the most successful club in the country and u cant tlk bout sexy football cuz u never played it even as a player  .. FOOL..  so sick of his rubbish


Well-Known Member
Timmah said:
Craig Foster is being ripped apart by Scott Levi on ABC Radio 92.5

Care to break it down and give some highlights for those who missed out on the unofficial, verbal-execution of the rookie Brazilian-football analyst?
Craig Foster is a f**kING idiot. He has no idea about football and he contradicts himself all the time. About two months ago on the world game, he said Mariners have the best playing style, with quote "effective use of overlapping fullbacks", now he comes out and says this shit. Oh and btw Craig Foster, has he looked at the table lately. How can the worst playing style be winning the league??? Oh and just wondering did anybody watch, Newcastle vs Queensland. It was the shitest game ive seen, how can they be the best styled team. f**k Craig Foster, f**k newcastle, and Go the MARINERS come sunday :pirashoot:


Well-Known Member
hehe, he hated it when levi quoted george negus saying that foster, in his playing days, was only a grafter and didn't play an attractive style of football


Well-Known Member
I was disappointed that I couldn't listen to Craig's verbal execution, I think that's made sure he'll hate CCM forever.


Well-Known Member
Levi's point was always so simple - the Mariners are doing what's necessary to win games, scoring goals and they're in the final. While Craig tried to say "yes, well done", he was simply trying to hand it holus bolus to the Jets for their "far more attractive" brand of football.

He then went on to disparrage the English game as well in the process, but then later conceded he was still learning.

Funny thing about the Jets... they can play the prettiest football in the land but it won't mean squat if it doesn't put their name in the history books as Champions 2007/08. They're yet to win a trophy at any level of the League and we're aiming to claim our third piece of silverware on Sunday, in what is just V3 of the competition.

Ugly? Maybe. Efficient, yes. And it's brought record numbers through the gates.

But we're too emotional right Mr Foster?

Time will tell.


Well-Known Member
ye with all his  " well dones and  i congradulate the fans up there , they are doin wonderuful  blah blah blah "  thats just so he can get himself outof hot water . because he is rubbish analyst and should be sacked never did like him . but i still still stick by my theory that what he said is incorrect  as there is not a "correct"  way to play football ...  so he can go shove it  because the way we consider to be the  "correct " way is by winning and i think people would agree with me when i say that  so foster should go move to brazil ..  :thumbup:


Well-Known Member
We aren't signing Aloisi as marquee next season.

Turnbull's 'grand plan' is to sign Cesc Fabregas. Then who will be playing the most attractive football?



FYI This week we chatted to:
Peter FitzSimons  7 mins in
Fozzie's is 30 mins in goes for 12mins

finally retired

Well-Known Member
so did y'all watch Lawrie on Total Football last night ?  Even there (or probably because it was there) the Panel pointed the finger at comments from "certain media analysts" on the Mariners football style...and basically told Lawrie to just ignore "him"...being Foster.
when asked whether the 3 rugby league games on at teh SFS would cut-up the pitch and hamper either team, Lawrie stated that "as we don't play proper football....it can only help us"...with a very cheeky grin on his face.  Good onya Lawrie....and I think you answered everyone of dickead Fosters comments perfectly.... javascript:void(0);


Well-Known Member
almost retired said:
when asked whether the 3 rugby league games on at teh SFS would cut-up the pitch and hamper either team, Lawrie stated that "as we don't play proper football....it can only help us"...with a very cheeky grin on his face. 

ROFL - that is class


The ludicrous thing, is we DOOOO bloody play attractive football!!!! Not all the time.
NOBODY DOES ALL THE TIME!!! Even Freaking Brazilians!!!!!!!!

It's insulting that we even have to bother giving these claims any sense of validity at all by actually refuting them. However FOSTER THE BURKE leaves little choice. Lawrie deals with this impeccably well except that I confess it hurts when I hear him say (because he is not an arrogant nor prideful man) "well I don't know, we might not play the most attractive football... etc" CCM has played loads of attractive football in my opinion. Adelaide was playing clearly the most classiest football I felt till we beat them 2 - 0 in a performance that no one in their right mind could call "unattractive" QLD? QLD?? Roar have played some INCREDIBLY BORING football, how on earth do people find that attractive? Nothing is ever achieved, and when all is for nought, I really struggle to find that attractive and I'd bet my life the ratings would reflect such a statement, if that was all we saw all year. Scoring goals is clearly a very attractive quality. In football, IT IS THE MOST ATTRACTIVE QUALITY! This is followed by players beating other players, passing, goal saves and then defense. While "truly great" moments in any of these categories may at times eclipse all challengers. In general it cannot be argued that the reason highlight reels are largely of GOALS, is for a pretty simple reason... There can be no argument about it.

We could say, that is it all depends on your personal definition of what's attractive. Me I'm a bum man, but for my friend it's all about the boobs. The EPL is more "attractive" to me than Spanish football. We each have different tastes yes, Foster.... Foster is not basing his ideas on what happens in front of him... or even his personal tastes... he's not honest enough with himself to know or to see clearly. Fosters beliefs are based upon Fosters bitter ego and his personal agenda, he is blinded by his own conceit, and now it's karmically starting to bite him back on the ass!!!  Time to grow up Foster.  :naughty:


Well-Known Member
Well I can think of one team who won a major trophy recently playing unnattractive football- the Italian Football team!


Well-Known Member
BJ said:
Well I can think of one team who won a major trophy recently playing unnattractive football- the Italian Football team!

No no DJ, you're getting "unattractive football" and "cheating" mixed up.  ;)


Well-Known Member
BJ said:
Well I can think of one team who won a major trophy recently playing unnattractive football- the Italian Football team!

Oh how true that statement is. A team thast based their whole game around 'fortress Italy' and only ever scored on the counter is hardly a team that could be said played 'attractive football' but very effective and produced a WC win.

I wonder whether their is an Italian eqivelant of CF out their sh*tting on their style of play. I doubt it very much and the sooner this to88er is relegated to history the better.

I'm sure his hero Johnny Warren would be turning in his grave to think we have for the first time a real competition and this grub is trying to do his best to f**k it up.

I hate the c**t partly because I use to think he had good things to say to support the game but since SBS lost the rights and control......

I really hope he gets hit by a f**king bus ASAP


Well-Known Member
Despite diving/cheating against us to win, I think Italy did well. Their style is defensive and they did well to absorb our pressure, and some of their goals in their other games during the WC were rather impressive.

I still hate them though. I would have preferred Portugal or Argentina to win it (other than us of course)


Well-Known Member

If Craig Forster fires up our team so much that they thrash the Scum on Sunday, will he be our hero?


Well-Known Member
. i think our boys have plenty of things motivating them at the moment, some of them don't deserve acknowledgment or credit


Well-Known Member
MrCelery said:

If Craig Forster fires up our team so much that they thrash the Scum on Sunday, will he be our hero?

No, but he'll say it was his world clarsh coaching of the Mariners that did it.

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