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Craig Foster on the Mariners


Well-Known Member
Having seen this clown "play" or should say appear for Northern Spirit the comments about "good football" are laughable - I dont know about win ugly but at Spirit he used to lose ugly every bloody week! :pirashoot: :pirashoot:


Well-Known Member
.....how is it possible that despite winning the Premiership, being first into the Grand Final and leading all the rounds except a few - most of which only had others leading on goal difference, we have managed to obtain 'underdog' status?

Wonder what the rest of the football world think of this article?


Well-Known Member
Yeah Im sick of these tools using their "expert" status to rubbish the mariners. They should at least openly state the team that they support rather than attacking us from a neutral stand. I hope In retirement Viddy goes into media because I doubt that he would rubbish the Mariners or Lawries style of play


Well-Known Member
Sacko said:
Having seen this clown "play" or should say appear for Northern Spirit the comments about "good football" are laughable - I dont know about win ugly but at Spirit he used to lose ugly every bloody week! :pirashoot: :pirashoot:

Arnold was his coach with Robbier Marriner- hater on the right mid. Talk about the blind leading the blind no wonder we loss most weeks.  I can still here the calls ARNOLD OUT.

Sacko you bring back a lot of bitter sweet throughts from the past. Spirit Point, little spirit point, we hate spirit point.

LOL but, it did in time, lead to the Mariners after the NSL melt down and why I keep coming each week.


Well-Known Member
Chimmi said:
.....how is it possible that despite winning the Premiership, being first into the Grand Final and leading all the rounds except a few - most of which only had others leading on goal difference, we have managed to obtain 'underdog' status?

Wonder what the rest of the football world think of this article?

I'm glad we've been tagged as underdogs.  The boys always perform better when they know that.


I think there's a fair bit of unfair criticism about Craig Foster here!  I think you got it wrong.... whatever comment he might make, he's a good bloke.  He was an outstanding team captain at Northern Spirit as well.

FFC Mariner

Well-Known Member

Why does his "niceness" or otherwise come into it??

He doesnt like us, slags us off and wont/cant do anything constructive other than snipe from the sidelines.

The venom directed at him is deserved IMHO


Well-Known Member
striker #9 said:
I think there's a fair bit of unfair criticism about Craig Foster here!  I think you got it wrong.... whatever comment he might make, he's a good bloke.  He was an outstanding team captain at Northern Spirit as well.

using his SBS position as a platform to advance an agenda that is poorly thought out (if i'm kind) to the detriment of our club and to the detriment of the league as a whole based on little more than prejudice disqualifies him from being a 'good bloke'.

say what you like about andy harper, but as brett reminded me the other day at least he's written books and is involved with the FFA's work in developing a top-to-bottom technical program. he's in there getting his hands dirty.

all the while foster spouts a thousand words of horseshit weekly and rants for half an hour on SBS to an ever dwindling audience. even when he's right, he spoils it through his basic ignorance of and refusal to give credit for the work the FFA's doing on development. maybe the source of his bitterness is that harper's got a gig with the FFA and he doesn't?


Well-Known Member
Craig foster.....Dic$head.....Dic$head.....Dic$head.....Dic$head!

Unless Melbourne or Sydney are winning with Fred, Foster writes off the game. I have respected his comments in the past and will still at least listen to them in the future, but hell, how much does he hate the Mariners.

Every player can't be a Fred or Zidane.

I beat he had trouble trying to work out how the Mariners ended up outplaying the Jets in all areas last Sunday. It was easy they play exciting football. Foster give the local game a break!

FFC Mariner

Well-Known Member
How can he possibly give the local game a break and retain his current job??

SBS is all about elitist minorities. Now the game is taking its rightful place in Australia, its too big for a clique of elitist wankers to drone on and on about "their" vision of the perfect future safe in the knowledge that they would never get the chance to have to do anything about it themselves (like socialism really).

Unlike these bitter has beens, most of us who truly love the game are delighted to see a strong local comp, to see players return from OS, to see young players be able to learn here rather than go to crappy, third tier euro leagues. We enjoy the additional media coverage, we like the National team being headline news.

He cant rejoice in the fact that there will be a big crowd for a GF, cant enjoy the media coverage because he wants a small irrelevant game that will listen to him.



Well-Known Member
striker #9 said:
I think there's a fair bit of unfair criticism about Craig Foster here!  I think you got it wrong.... whatever comment he might make, he's a good bloke.  He was an outstanding team captain at Northern Spirit as well.

I'm sorry, anyone who spends their time slagging of our national competition and our national team is a massive w**ker. Constructive critisism is one thing but slagging of our 3 year old competition constantly is doing nothing more than doing anything they can to slow, stop or destroy the increasing interest in football in Australia. This f**kwit I'm sure realises that without increased crowds and sponsorship and therefore money which is a direct result of postitive publicity the game will stall. This f**kwit is doing everything he can to do exactly that.

He is a complete joke and I doubt very much whether he is anything more than an arrogant, narrowminded tosser. I pity his family living with a guy who would surely be negitive about everything.


Well-Known Member
Foster is a twat.

He makes little sense when he speaks and repeats the same useless crap over and over and f**kin over!  A small minded, droning, nobody.
Only a very average player in his day and a Z grade "expert" now.


New Member
I have a song we can sing for Craig on Sunday and it goes something like this.....

For too many years,
we've been listenin' to a twat,
named Foster,

Craig Foster!

Who the f$&k's Craig Foster?!


Well-Known Member
Should the Mariners take the lead:


Well-Known Member
And again, Foster proves his irrelevancy and downright idiocy...... from this article on The World Game about Short Sided Games:


"Now is the perfect time for Rob Baan, the FFA Technical Director - who since working with the Olyroos hasnt been sighted and in my view lacks either the technical know-how, the personality, or the passion and willingness to lead this country at a critical time for the game, and possibly all of the above - to prove his worth by taking the lead in driving this revolutionary step forward.

Baan has proven he can coach at senior level but as yet I see no evidence of a technician with in-depth knowledge of youth football, the very area we most need assistance on, and it is high time a panel of Australian football experts took a long hard look at the outcomes of his work."

Seriously "Fozzie", what the f*ck is your problem??  Grow up and be constructive, or f*ck off and die.  EVERYONE (well, everyone sensible) is over you and your tired old criticisms.

Boring Boring Foster.


Well-Known Member
Fosters final season in the NSL was as captain of Northern Spirit.

Throughout that season I watched the most negative, boring, football I have ever seen in my life.

The first game of the season had over 9,000 in attendance at NSO. At the end we were happy to get 2,000.

This is what he wants to bring to the A-League. ::) The idiot is a troll.

Thank heavens he retired and Lawrie replaced Hickman as coach and we had a team we could watch for the final 2 seasons.


Ursus, what is the guy like?

I worked with a guy who used to drive the coach for the Spirit team. He said that Foster was - as you see on TV -a dickhead.

Patrick was invited and allowed into the dressing rooms by management of Spirit and Foster (as captain) tried to have him thrown out, because he wasn't "one of us". By that stage Patrick had driven the team around for a good season or more and got to know a few of the players and management. He only ever took up the invite because he wanted a softdrink for free, ffs!


Active Member
Ursus said:
Fosters final season in the NSL was as captain of Northern Spirit.

Throughout that season I watched the most negative, boring, football I have ever seen in my life.

The first game of the season had over 9,000 in attendance at NSO. At the end we were happy to get 2,000.

This is what he wants to bring to the A-League. ::) The idiot is a troll.

Thank heavens he retired and Lawrie replaced Hickman as coach and we had a team we could watch for the final 2 seasons.


Another supreme irony about this immense twat is that he played most of his overseas club career in the English lower divisions.


Well-Known Member
Not sure if this is the right spot to post, but a rebutle (kinda) from Petrovski about the Fosters comments...


Mariners shocked by broadside

    By Ray Gatt
    February 19, 2008

CENTRAL Coast striker Sasho Petrovski has labelled an attack on the club's style of play "shocking and disappointing" and says he and his teammates will use the comments as a spur in Sunday's grand final against Newcastle Jets.
Petrovski was reacting to criticism by former Australia player, now SBS-TV football analyst Craig Foster, who declared that last Sunday night's preliminary final between Newcastle Jets and Queensland Roar would have been a more worthy season decider.

In a clear reference to the Mariners, the outspoken Foster suggested the A-League rewards "grinders" and that Central Coast deserved to be placed in the bottom tier of the competition, alongside Sydney FC and Perth Glory, in terms of quality of football played.

He rated the Jets and Roar in tier one as the most attractive footballing teams in the competition and Melbourne Victory, Adelaide United and wooden spooners Wellington Phoenix in level two.

While he said he was not insulted, Petrosvki was dumbfounded by the Foster's comments.

"It's shocking, disappointing ... I can't get my head around it to be honest," Petrosvki said.

"To say we don't deserve to be in the grand final and that the Jets and Queensland do, well, that's wrong.

"We worked hard all season to get where we are. We came from a 2-0 deficit (in the first leg against Newcastle) to win the second leg 3-0 and qualify for the grand final.

"We also won the minor premiership and that is usually the real mark of a team. We were the best and most consistent side over the whole season.

"Craig Foster has his opinion, but he is wrong. We can take it either way. It will be a spur for us, but we can also just flick it off the shoulder and not worry too much about it."

Petrovski's strike partner John Aloisi pointed out that "you don't win minor premierships and make grand finals by being a bad team".

Asked how the team will react to Foster's comments, he replied: "By playing normally and winning the grand final.

"We can't worry about what other people are thinking. We were the second leading goalscorers in the preliminary season and played some unbelievable football.

"Look, there are times when you can't always play so-called attractive football.

"Just take a look around the world ... there is only one team in the world in the last five or six years that has played attractive football and won ... Barcelona.

"What about Manchester United. They struggled in the early part of the season then had five 1-0 results in a row, but you wouldn't call them grinders."

Aloisi said the expectations of some people were far too high.

"Some people want to see teams string together 20 passes then score," he said. "It just doesn't happen. I've played with and against a lot of teams around the world and putting together five passes then a goal rarely happens."

Mariners coach Lawrie McKinna, who has fought long and hard over the three seasons of the A-league for his side to get the respect it deserves, was unfazed by Foster's comments.

"Everyone has an opinion and he is entitled to his," was McKinna's laidback approach.

"We have played our share of good football over the three seasons. You have to remember that you don't do what we have done (a minor premiership and two grand final appearances in three seasons) and not be a good team."


Well-Known Member
What is funny is while he ranks the jets so highly after losing posession in the medfield they almost always resort to the long ball game to score with Joel outrunning backs after North fires on from one end to the other. Perth Glory Coach mentioned in the paper today that while the coast has been accused of being long ball specialists the Jets had resorted to the long ball on both meetings with Perth this year . You only have to watch the last few meetings between our teams to know that it is fact that they do this more than us if a team is good enough to shut them down in the midfield, which we are.

Lawrie McKinna should be coach of the year for gaining the Premiers plate and entry to the GF and more so if we win and take the double. I do wonder who the almost redundant SBS team will consider the best coach this year if we take the double. I could have a guess, but I would'nt want to encourage stupidity.

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