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CCM vs Snowtown FC elimination final leg 1

Big Al

Well-Known Member
Played some absolutely ferocious and sparkling football in the first half and should of had 3 at least.

The mentality after that early penalty was something I haven’t seen at the Mariners for a while. Could have lost the whole thing right after it. Absolutely fantastic recovery.

Then 2nd half we took Adelaides hay maker. Going to their preferred end with their superstar it was always going to be them throwing everything they have and Farrell and co showed we can also grind. Our counter wasn’t working as well as usual but the defense was great.
Then halfway through the second half they had to move Irankunda to the other side to get a breather from Farrell.

Get an early goal at home and I think they’ll break. Especially with the injuries. They took a chance at home with Ibasuki ans Clough and paid the price with Ibasuki.

God dam i would love to smack Isasis. Great player but that kiss after getting the yellow on Farrell was some top shithousery.

What a great game


Well-Known Member
Who was the main commentator last night? I thought he was good and him and McBreen probably the best combo. There was a good amount of enthusiasm, actually talking about the game instead of banging on about random stats. That sort of stuff is for pre and post game shows that we don't have. The only thing I think is missing still is some good analysis of the tactics and basically what's going on in the game other than a passes to b, b passes to c, gets tackled by d, etc etc.
Stil miss cockerill and speed,


Well-Known Member
Played some absolutely ferocious and sparkling football in the first half and should of had 3 at least.

The mentality after that early penalty was something I haven’t seen at the Mariners for a while. Could have lost the whole thing right after it. Absolutely fantastic recovery.

Then 2nd half we took Adelaides hay maker. Going to their preferred end with their superstar it was always going to be them throwing everything they have and Farrell and co showed we can also grind. Our counter wasn’t working as well as usual but the defense was great.
Then halfway through the second half they had to move Irankunda to the other side to get a breather from Farrell.

Get an early goal at home and I think they’ll break. Especially with the injuries. They took a chance at home with Ibasuki ans Clough and paid the price with Ibasuki.

God dam i would love to smack Isasis. Great player but that kiss after getting the yellow on Farrell was some top shithousery.

What a great game
Totally agree
Every time we’ve played them this season they try to kick us off the park and when we score they completely crumble, it’s so enjoyable to see. Then they try their best to cheat a way back into the game.
The score line was a combo of bad lack on our part (could’ve been 5-1) and them trying a little harder in the 2nd half because it was a semi.


I'm an idiot savant without the pesky savant bit
I'm with Ancient on this one, it's ridiculous trying to play with your arms behind you. Referees should be capable of discretion, especially with VAR available. The old rule was ball to hand didn't count, hand to ball was a....handball. It's gone too far.
utter bloody laziness by the "rule making committee" or who f**king ever thought it fine to reverse it

Capn Gus Bloodbeard

Well-Known Member
So proud of the boys that night. I thought they handled the game with a lot of discipline as well. When we went down a goal early, we could easily have collapsed, especially coupled with the pressure of the event and AU fans constantly booing us (which I thought was pretty piss-poor from them).

Instead, we didn't panic, didn't change anything - we had a job to do and we had faith that we'd get there, and we did.

Then during the game, we're dealing with AU diving and pretending to be hurt, along with some unpunished fouls in the second half, and - in my opinion - some poor refereeing in the second half that all went their way (heck, I've had games myself when I've refereed where all of my errors happened to go in one team's favour. No reason why, it just happens). We had a moment when it all blew over, understandably, then we just got on with it. In the past we may have been sucked into their game, given away more fouls, but we just got on with it. Amazing performance by the boys. Danny did great in goals. What Monty and the team behind the scenes have accomplished, to put together and support the team on the field, is incredible this season.

Really finding myself liking AU less and less.

Like others, I can't help but wonder if we went a little too defensive in the 2nd half - whenever we did attack, we just didn't have the support up there and any pass or cross went straight to the defence. I feel like we didn't really give ourselves the chance to score a 3rd which would have sealed the deal, and while our structure and defence worked well to keep them in check, there were a few nervewracking moments where they mounted a good attack, and while they weren't the better team in the second half, I feel like they were more likely to score than us - particularly nervewracking when it felt like they had more possession, especially early on. I wonder how our structure might have changed if they equalised. I am sure Monty had a plan for that.

Gotta admit, I was seriously worried that Evans would try to call for a red card for Farrell's 'backhand' when he got booked...

Great to go into this second game with the advantage, and it's kind of incredible/terrifying to find myself daydreaming about what could happen in 3 weeks.

But, our position is still a little precarious, being only 1 goal up. It's going to be a stressful 90 minutes, for sure.

I'm with Ancient on this one, it's ridiculous trying to play with your arms behind you. Referees should be capable of discretion, especially with VAR available. The old rule was ball to hand didn't count, hand to ball was a....handball. It's gone too far.

That was always a 'rule of thumb', never an actual rule. For all this talk now about 'natural position' - those were always considerations in the advice to referees at the back of the laws. Put short, lunge in with a widely flailing arm and you'd always be pinged for it. Self-deflections were an area that the LOTG failed to address, so you'd have different interpretations by different referees. Unfortunately I don't think these have been adequately dealt with.

Even when the laws briefly said that a self-deflection wasn't a handball, the exception was when the arm is in an unnatural position. Now, the laws are pretty blank again on a self-deflection.

A player is considered to have made their body unnaturally bigger when the position of their hand/arm is not a consequence of, or justifiable by, the player’s body movement for that specific situation. By having their hand/arm in such a position, the player takes a risk of their hand/arm being hit by the ball and being penalised

The argument being that players should be keeping their arm closer to their body when lunging in.

Had the arm been more out to his side and not so high in the air, and the ball hit his arm, he'd probably have been fine. It's having the arm up so high which I think did it.

There was still a subjective element to that decision, but I think it was the right one.

If AU had done that and not been penalised, we'd be furious about it.
Last edited:

Capn Gus Bloodbeard

Well-Known Member
Regardless, Adelaide still are the biggest divers and one of the dirtiest teams in the comp this year. Has to be Veart's culture and coaching.

Yellow Cards​
Red Cards​
Adelaide United
Adelaide United

No, they are the dirtiest team this year. Although we're apparently not far from behind.

Having said that, we know most of our reds were BS, while some fo the AU players seem to be getting away with way too much.

Of course, cards are only 1 measure - fouls can be completely different.


Well-Known Member
So proud of the boys that night. I thought they handled the game with a lot of discipline as well. When we went down a goal early, we could easily have collapsed, especially coupled with the pressure of the event and AU fans constantly booing us (which I thought was pretty piss-poor from them).

Instead, we didn't panic, didn't change anything - we had a job to do and we had faith that we'd get there, and we did.

Then during the game, we're dealing with AU diving and pretending to be hurt, along with some unpunished fouls in the second half, and - in my opinion - some poor refereeing in the second half that all went their way (heck, I've had games myself when I've refereed where all of my errors happened to go in one team's favour. No reason why, it just happens). We had a moment when it all blew over, understandably, then we just got on with it. In the past we may have been sucked into their game, given away more fouls, but we just got on with it. Amazing performance by the boys. Danny did great in goals. What Monty and the team behind the scenes have accomplished, to put together and support the team on the field, is incredible this season.

Really finding myself liking AU less and less.

Like others, I can't help but wonder if we went a little too defensive in the 2nd half - whenever we did attack, we just didn't have the support up there and any pass or cross went straight to the defence. I feel like we didn't really give ourselves the chance to score a 3rd which would have sealed the deal, and while our structure and defence worked well to keep them in check, there were a few nervewracking moments where they mounted a good attack, and while they weren't the better team in the second half, I feel like they were more likely to score than us - particularly nervewracking when it felt like they had more possession, especially early on. I wonder how our structure might have changed if they equalised. I am sure Monty had a plan for that.

Great to go into this second game with the advantage, and it's kind of incredible/terrifying to find myself daydreaming about what could happen in 3 weeks.

But, our position is still a little precarious, being only 1 goal up. It's going to be a stressful 90 minutes, for sure.

That was always a 'rule of thumb', never an actual rule. For all this talk now about 'natural position' - those were always considerations in the advice to referees at the back of the laws. Put short, lunge in with a widely flailing arm and you'd always be pinged for it. Self-deflections were an area that the LOTG failed to address, so you'd have different interpretations by different referees. Unfortunately I don't think these have been adequately dealt with.

Even when the laws briefly said that a self-deflection wasn't a handball, the exception was when the arm is in an unnatural position. Now, the laws are pretty blank again on a self-deflection.

A player is considered to have made their body unnaturally bigger when the position of their hand/arm is not a consequence of, or justifiable by, the player’s body movement for that specific situation. By having their hand/arm in such a position, the player takes a risk of their hand/arm being hit by the ball and being penalised

The argument being that players should be keeping their arm closer to their body when lunging in.

Had the arm been more out to his side and not so high in the air, and the ball hit his arm, he'd probably have been fine. It's having the arm up so high which I think did it.

There was still a subjective element to that decision, but I think it was the right one.

If AU had done that and not been penalised, we'd be furious about it.
Who'd be a ref eh?! Tough decisions. I suppose there will always be differing opinions on this because the wording calls for a decision about what is natural position vs unnatural. If you've got your arm up to balance you because you're belting along at top speed or trying to lunge for a ball, isn't that natural? It's all interpretation I suppose which is why an unbiased ref with good decision making skills is so highly valued.

Going back a long way here, I seem to recall indirect free kicks for this sort of thing back in the 90's, or did I imagine that?

Capn Gus Bloodbeard

Well-Known Member
Who'd be a ref eh?! Tough decisions. I suppose there will always be differing opinions on this because the wording calls for a decision about what is natural position vs unnatural. If you've got your arm up to balance you because you're belting along at top speed or trying to lunge for a ball, isn't that natural? It's all interpretation I suppose which is why an unbiased ref with good decision making skills is so highly valued.

Going back a long way here, I seem to recall indirect free kicks for this sort of thing back in the 90's, or did I imagine that?

Yeah exactly - and there's also a bit of 'well, I know you need to have your arm out for balance, but you also need to maybe control your arm a bit and have it in a different position for balance'.

Anyway, I started refereeing in the late 90s and it was always a DFK. Out of interest I downloaded the 1990 LOTG and it was still a DFK then.

Sure, you may have seen it awarded as an IFK, but if you did it was wrong :D

All of the LOTG dating back to 1903 are available at https://www.theifab.com/laws-of-the-game-documents/?language=all&year=all

1903 - still a DFK/PK.

Offside used to be measured against the 3rd last line of defence though, not the second.

Ancient Mariner

Well-Known Member
I was not disagreeing with the ref's decision. My point was, how is a defender meant to stay with a strong attacker in a physical, jostling, moving contest with your arms behind your back and still maintain your balance.
There are times for hands behind the back and times when it is just impossible.


Well-Known Member
I was not disagreeing with the ref's decision. My point was, how is a defender meant to stay with a strong attacker in a physical, jostling, moving contest with your arms behind your back and still maintain your balance.
There are times for hands behind the back and times when it is just impossible.
I think the Brian Pen was similar to Wilko's when Shitney played the Drive Byes in the elim final. Wilko was also unlucky in that he was falling when the ball hit his upper arm and had next to no time to react. Funny enough both teams that copped these early Pens went on to win their respective matches. I was OK with the decision on Brian, was also happy it was very early in the game and it seemed to steel us for what was a ferocious attacking display where we were opening them up like cans of beans at a camp fire.

Second half there was no doubt we went defensive, Monty's substitutions confirmed the same as they were quite late and used to kill time in the last 15 mins not inject fresh legs to attack. We also replaced attacking players with defensive ones. Worked a treat. I was nervous however some of that is PTSD from being a fan of this club for so long.


Well-Known Member
I can understand Mike (a man with a real passion for the game) but Speed was dreadful.
Cockerill yes, Speedy not so much, although he was preferable to Hill and Thompson imo as they both spout too much irrelvant trivia and stats during games instead of providing relevant observations on the game itself.


Well-Known Member
Apart from the obvious advantage of a one goal lead going into the home leg, the other big thing is that we are now well and truly in the Adelaide player’s headspace. They threw everything they could at us, at home with a capacity crowd and still came away empty handed.



Well-Known Member
Watching the match replay now and I can see why there is so much praise for our first half from those watching on the TV. One of the best halves I've seen us play, despite giving Adelaide a bit too much space in between defence and midfield at times. McGarry is the steal of the season. Tulio will be back off to Europe after this season I feel, hopefully we get a good transfer fee. Cummings does a lot more work off the ball than I've previously noticed. Still no idea how Faz got that yellow card, Isais isn't well liked by his own fans it seems too.

Monty all business at the end of the game, he knows it's only half time. 2nd leg is going to be nervy, but we're playing with a confidence I don't think I've ever seen from the mariners.

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