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CCM Fans and the club

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Well-Known Member
Shaun will be on the show this afternoon, if you have any questions, ask away.
It's pretty obvious, but what is the ideal set-up for the Stadium arrangement? Reported today that a 5-10 year lease is on the table. Would this include scope for the club to do some basic renovations (change of seats, other match-day operations etc) as previously discussed on the pod?

Thanks, Paul.


So the meeting and 9 mil are true, but liquidation fears are so far off the mark it's ridiculous.
Once again, people "in the know" aren't really in the know, you know.

Also means the person on reddit is either a shareholder or works for one.
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Capn Gus Bloodbeard

Well-Known Member
Once again, people "in the know" aren't really in the know, you know.

Also means the person on reddit is either a shareholder or works for one.

Reckons he has a friend who works at the club. That seems a more likely explanation for him getting only part of the story correct.

Seems like the reddit poster's intentions were good and not a troll, but also significantly incorrect.

Pirate Pete

Well-Known Member
You'd probably need at least 3 councilers I would have thought.
Having one would just get things voted down.

I don't think just standing as the Mariners party would do much good.
I would guess that more supporters would be die hard Liberal or Labor voters.
Lastly if you asked any of the candidates standing what they would do about the
stadium etc I would say they'd say what they thought you wanted to here.
Once elected it would be a different situation.

Big Al

Well-Known Member
Whats the likely hood of a strike if the group formed to deal with FFA on behalf of the clubs is not offered a satisfactory deal. Is that a possibility. How far off are they. Are they happy with the cap and not the grant or both?

The FFA are supposed to be talking about handing the game over in these negotiations, is that true or as close as expansion.

We all these teams wanting in why are they being blocked? Are CCM served better by expansion or things staying as is?

Why was Ivan terminated, was it so he could go get another job or something else? His announcement was different.
Also the reaction to his comments and what does the club do, do they threaten him or does he adjust on hos own after criticism?

What is the thought process involved in these player exit announcements? Why not all on same day?

Why nothing mentioned about Faty and Taveras. Why did they not announce Taveras injury earlier during the season, we all see him in a moon boot at the game and he says he was going home for surgery and we got nothing from the club for quite a while. Whats the go with Taveras and the insurance, was some whispers of it being a two year thing, how does that work, is he still a contracted player and foreigner? Is he any chance of playing for us on recovery or have we moved on?

Why no announcement about Peterson leaving?

Will Roy be given a snake of the year award at the awards night?

Where has Paulo gone on his overseas trip what are his targets? GK experienced CB etc. is he looking to bring some Aussies home or just looking for foreigners.

And the biggest one of them all. MONTY ?

Also what the response to his question about the Members vs fans thing. Was he surprised, happy etc with the responses.
What is the split in membership of season tickets vs game passes
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Big Al

Well-Known Member
Also his thoughts on the draw. This year we have the 3 NSW teams coming to town if things don't change. Is there a chance it will?
Are the FFA aware of the problems this causes in crowd fluctuations and the ability for away fans to attend as there as to many NSW derby games on top of there own membership and it becomes a very expensive season for them to attend them all so how donwe maximise them coming here over other games.

What about $20 tickets to members to away games. Exactly like the Newcastle deal but extended to WSW and SFC but they pay but at a cheaper attractive rate instead of free.

Luca Brasi

Well-Known Member
Central Coast Football - 0.72%
CCF kicked the can for $50,000 towards the establishment of the Mariners in 2005. This has been represented in their financial statements under financial assets, shares in unlisted entities. It does however have a 100% provision for impairment meaning that they are essentially worthless.

Big Al

Well-Known Member
I note that we are still looking at other options in other areas though so a game or two will still be away from CC Stadium.
Yeah Shaun has been saying as much, even if they had got the management rights I still felt they would be doing so. Partly trying not to exhaust the fan base part financial opportunities.

Shaun had mentioned a regional council was keen but it got knocked by FFA maybe due to ground issues I think but it would have been effectively a free hire, so there was an opportunity to make money
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