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CCM Fans and the club

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Well-Known Member
Hi Shaun,
Amongst the 1,000`s of things to do in preparation for next season could someone have a think about a basic home /away draw?
The 2 game away/ 2 game home business just doesn`t work .
Anything other than home/away disrupts the flow of the season & I`m sure it costs us bums on seats.
Also, could we get an update on the stadium management rights negotiations

Shaun Mielekamp

Well-Known Member
Hi Shaun,
Amongst the 1,000`s of things to do in preparation for next season could someone have a think about a basic home /away draw?
The 2 game away/ 2 game home business just doesn`t work .
Anything other than home/away disrupts the flow of the season & I`m sure it costs us bums on seats.
Also, could we get an update on the stadium management rights negotiations
Hi Style_cafe
Yes we are pushing hard to not get any back to back matches next season, whilst we also did this last season we still ended up with back to back games on three occasions. Often this is caused by the away teams availability as once they lock in specific match ups such as Derbies for the broadcaster the Sunday afternoon matches get lumped with whats left.
In regards to the stadium management rights we have been told that the council will look to make the upgrades that we offered to do to the venue as part of the offer we proposed and as such they have essentially rejected our offer for the time being as they look to improve their own operations. However they are yet to confirm this in writing or publicly inform the community. With a new council elections due in September I am sure the community will cast a firm eye to this one to ensure the best outcome for everyone is achieved.

Shaun Mielekamp

Well-Known Member

Can you advise if Paul can spend up to the cap or we will still spend below the cap for the upcoming season? Thanks in advance for your reply.
Now that we have some initial indication from the FFA on what the grant will be we are working through this process now and will be discussing with Mike when he is here next week.

Shaun Mielekamp

Well-Known Member
Great, given I have away on business for a bit, and busy at work, I appreciate the thoughtfulness of your reply ... maybe you could have provided the answer and said where you got it from, then again its a forum and you had victory in showing what a good fan you are and what a poor fan I am... congrats on your win... well done..
At this stage the cap is sitting at $2.92M, this could possibly rise if the free to air deal is significant although it appears unlikely at this stage.


Well-Known Member
So Mike is looking to spend the cap and put out a competitive team for a change?? We don't need a Marquee just some decent players......the sort others club would consider signing.
Maybe Mike should have a sign on his office wall, when thinking about signing a new player...."Now what would Arnie do?".

All joking aside. Great to hear Mike will be here next week planning for next season.
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Well-Known Member
Hi Style_cafe
Yes we are pushing hard to not get any back to back matches next season, whilst we also did this last season we still ended up with back to back games on three occasions. Often this is caused by the away teams availability as once they lock in specific match ups such as Derbies for the broadcaster the Sunday afternoon matches get lumped with whats left.
In regards to the stadium management rights we have been told that the council will look to make the upgrades that we offered to do to the venue as part of the offer we proposed and as such they have essentially rejected our offer for the time being as they look to improve their own operations. However they are yet to confirm this in writing or publicly inform the community. With a new council elections due in September I am sure the community will cast a firm eye to this one to ensure the best outcome for everyone is achieved.

Thanks Shaun....pssst (do we have a few candidates running?)

Capn Gus Bloodbeard

Well-Known Member
Post on reddit:

"Central Coast Mariners calling an extraordinary meeting of shareholders next week as the club is in almost $9 million of debt.
Meeting is for CCM and their lawyers to give an ultimatum: either shareholders put more money into the club, or they will be forced to liquidate.
Source: Friend who works for the club."

Nothing verified and it's an account created just to post that.

Not buying it for a second, but I figure it'll go around other circles now, so figured I'd put it on here for awareness.


Well-Known Member
Post on reddit:

"Central Coast Mariners calling an extraordinary meeting of shareholders next week as the club is in almost $9 million of debt.
Meeting is for CCM and their lawyers to give an ultimatum: either shareholders put more money into the club, or they will be forced to liquidate.
Source: Friend who works for the club."

Nothing verified and it's an account created just to post that.

Not buying it for a second, but I figure it'll go around other circles now, so figured I'd put it on here for awareness.

this along with Buckingham Palace, it's a good day for rumours and waiting around


Well-Known Member
The only way the club could possibly be in $9m debt is if Charlesworth called in all the capital he's sunk into the joint since he took over as majority shareholder in 2013.

I doubt he's calling that in any time soon. I call BS


Well-Known Member
Post on reddit:

"Central Coast Mariners calling an extraordinary meeting of shareholders next week as the club is in almost $9 million of debt.
Meeting is for CCM and their lawyers to give an ultimatum: either shareholders put more money into the club, or they will be forced to liquidate.
Source: Friend who works for the club."

Nothing verified and it's an account created just to post that.

Not buying it for a second, but I figure it'll go around other circles now, so figured I'd put it on here for awareness.

Wait - I thought Mike was the only shareholder now?
Wasn't it a non-listed entity with three shareholders until Mike took over the portfolio from the other two in return for taking in the debt liability?


Well-Known Member
Post on reddit:

"Central Coast Mariners calling an extraordinary meeting of shareholders next week as the club is in almost $9 million of debt.
Meeting is for CCM and their lawyers to give an ultimatum: either shareholders put more money into the club, or they will be forced to liquidate.
Source: Friend who works for the club."

Nothing verified and it's an account created just to post that.

Not buying it for a second, but I figure it'll go around other circles now, so figured I'd put it on here for awareness.
I would have thought that if there was any truth to it the press would be all over it, these situations are difficult to keep quite especially with all the press around the new TV deal and club grants. Somebody with a big spoon trying to stir things up perhaps.


Well-Known Member
Wasn't it a non-listed entity with three shareholders until Mike took over the portfolio from the other two in return for taking in the debt liability?

That's Mariners FC Developments Pty Ltd, which owns the CoE and the majority stake in the club.

Here's the current shareholders of Central Coast Mariners FC Pty Ltd (doesn't add up to 100% due to rounding):
  • Mariners FC Developments Pty Ltd - 72.28%
  • CCMFC Pty Ltd - 9.35% (sole shareholder Alan Williams)
  • Afrelen Pty Ltd - 7.22% (shareholders David & Marie King)
  • Done Nominees Pty Ltd - 2.88%
  • Ian Kiernan - 2.16%
  • Brian Sewell - 1.44%
  • McKinna Investments Pty Ltd - 0.90%
  • Lawrie McKinna - 0.90%
  • Jerry Raterman - 0.72%
  • Andrew Sylvester - 0.72%
  • Central Coast Football - 0.72%
  • Scott Higginbotham - 0.72%
  • Lyall Gorman - 1 share


Could be something to this.
I think Mike is going to ask for shareholders to invest more. I'm going for the angle that he wants to deliver on his promise of a competitive team this year and is not relying on the ffa grant to do it.
It also wouldn't be out of the ordinary for a request like this to come with the threat of him packing up his bat and ball and f**king off.
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