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A-League Transfers and Rumours


Well-Known Member
Terry Antonis reportedly going to the Wanderers, they're building an intersting squad wonder if Robinson's performance at the Jets wasn't just a flash in the pan though.


Well-Known Member
Seems like a Drive bys player is anti vaxx, and been sharing his views on social media.
Going to make for some interesting times, when States require people to be vaccinated to enter them. :popcorn:


Well-Known Member
My money is on Juric though
Troisi has definitely been sharing that bs, pretty sure I've seen Juric mentioned in the same vein. Duke had a few things called out then kept his head down afaik. Those views are probably across the league to varying degrees but some players are smarter (or less arrogant) than others in terms of what they share with the world.


Well-Known Member
You think each club would have already had a meeting with their players outlining expectations as well as consequences for social media posting.
Expectations are fine but if they arent enforceable they haven't got a leg to stand on. Sharing anti vax memes isnt the same situation as slagging off your employer or harassing people that have broader precedents and laws, it comes down to how the contracts have been worded.

And even if they are enforceable they need to decide if they're prepared to let the player go - thin ice if you're a squaddie but a first XI player with limited replacement options? Lets say Birraz went full tin foil - would the club really be prepared to cut him loose?

Pirate Pete

Well-Known Member
Expectations are fine but if they arent enforceable they haven't got a leg to stand on. Sharing anti vax memes isnt the same situation as slagging off your employer or harassing people that have broader precedents and laws, it comes down to how the contracts have been worded.

And even if they are enforceable they need to decide if they're prepared to let the player go - thin ice if you're a squaddie but a first XI player with limited replacement options? Lets say Birraz went full tin foil - would the club really be prepared to cut him loose?
They might have no choice if he can't travel to say NZ or maybe even Qld or Vic.


Well-Known Member
They might have no choice if he can't travel to say NZ or maybe even Qld or Vic.
That would move in to different territory about being able to perform his duties but you're right it may force action. Also gives an easy out for a contract if you know your big $ player is essentially making themselves unavailable for around 20% of your games.

But that player could get the jab and still keep posting crap and that would be more complicated. Fox news over in the US has a vax mandate but their on air personalities still push a hard right narrative. What one says and does can be very different.


Well-Known Member
Expectations are fine but if they arent enforceable they haven't got a leg to stand on. Sharing anti vax memes isnt the same situation as slagging off your employer or harassing people that have broader precedents and laws, it comes down to how the contracts have been worded.

And even if they are enforceable they need to decide if they're prepared to let the player go - thin ice if you're a squaddie but a first XI player with limited replacement options? Lets say Birraz went full tin foil - would the club really be prepared to cut him loose?
There was chat that some senior players were pro-covid. Or did I misread that?

FFC Mariner

Well-Known Member
The question is, is it reasonable for an employer (club) to require a contracted player to travel interstate and to NZ to fulfil said contract. You'd have to say that it is.
Therefore it might not be "un" reasonable to insist players are jabbed.


Well-Known Member
The question is, is it reasonable for an employer (club) to require a contracted player to travel interstate and to NZ to fulfil said contract. You'd have to say that it is.
Therefore it might not be "un" reasonable to insist players are jabbed.
The whole thing is built on sand but if i didnt want to get vaxed I would say its against my religious beliefs and there would be not legal grounds for a employer to push the Govt line??

I'm getting my 2nd vax next week but as a small business owner Im not sure what I'm supposed to do for both staff and customers and morally this is a delimma for me.


Well-Known Member
The whole thing is built on sand but if i didnt want to get vaxed I would say its against my religious beliefs and there would be not legal grounds for a employer to push the Govt line??

I'm getting my 2nd vax next week but as a small business owner Im not sure what I'm supposed to do for both staff and customers and morally this is a delimma for me.

There would only be a small number of very minor religions where this is against their beliefs i.e Dutch Reform (see link below). Then you would have to prove you are of that religion.

People then cite the constitution but this would have to be tested in the High Court of Australia and that would take many months to be play out with the smallest chance of success from what I have read.

Of course there would be the even smaller chance of a change in government legislation.


Well-Known Member
There would only be a small number of very minor religions where this is against their beliefs i.e Dutch Reform (see link below). Then you would have to prove you are of that religion.

People then cite the constitution but this would have to be tested in the High Court of Australia and that would take many months to be play out with the smallest chance of success from what I have read.

Of course there would be the even smaller chance of a change in government legislation.
If a player wont get the jab, is unable to complete their duties as expected and tries to enforce their contract rather than mutually terminating they would be destroying their career in Aus regardless of if a legal battle succeeded. Only way I could see it happening is a player on the verge of retirement with a killer or backloaded contract they know wont be able to match elsewhere. There's not that many players that fit the bill but WSW may have one.


Well-Known Member
There is of course a 'duty of care' under WHS legislation to provide a safe workplace.
Really though, for ever you have had every chance of catching the flu and other viruses from your workplace and it was just accepted. People still die and get really sick from the flu and these other viruses. Any workplace would just have to take reasonable steps to make the environment Covid safe, that would then be complying with their duty of care. If people were not vaccinated by choice and they got really sick that is not your employers fault.

I just think it's people hating been told what to do, plain and simple. There will always be a percentage that take this moral high ground on their freedoms when the intention is to protect your health. I haven't heard a reasonable excuse from any anti-vaxer on why they shouldn't get the jab. I don't class people with underlying medical issues as anti-vaxers.


Well-Known Member
Really though, for ever you have had every chance of catching the flu and other viruses from your workplace and it was just accepted. People still die and get really sick from the flu and these other viruses. Any workplace would just have to take reasonable steps to make the environment Covid safe, that would then be complying with their duty of care. If people were not vaccinated by choice and they got really sick that is not your employers fault.

I just think it's people hating been told what to do, plain and simple. There will always be a percentage that take this moral high ground on their freedoms when the intention is to protect your health. I haven't heard a reasonable excuse from any anti-vaxer on why they shouldn't get the jab. I don't class people with underlying medical issues as anti-vaxers.
I hate this phrase in the NSW pressers when talking about deaths. In reality more than 50% of Australians have what are classified as underlying health issues. It just smacks of victim blaming.,

I realise that they are using it to urge people to get vaccinated but in reality people have responded well to getting vaccinated WHEN there is sufficient supply and now that pharmacies are involved the takeup is accelerating as access becomes easier.


Well-Known Member
I realise that they are using it to urge people to get vaccinated but in reality people have responded well to getting vaccinated
It comes across cold but I guess its as much as they can say to refute the "SeE tHeY wErE vAxXeD aNd StIlL dIeD" crowd while maintaining confidentiality. Unfortunately there's a very loud crowd of assholes that will use a person already in a bad way before COVID was a factor as evidence to push their beliefs. Those same people will also do everything they can to blame unvaccinated deaths on underlying factors or comorbidities.

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