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The Reign of Mike Mulvey

Ancient Mariner

Well-Known Member
It's a balance though - when is "our club" no longer "our club"? I think that's very much an individual thing and I think it's mighty harsh, and easy, to judge the actions of others, at-a-distance.
For some people, the club is the ethos and mythos, for others it's the colors, people and location and for others it's all of those and then some. If the ethos of the club plays a major role in why you follow (as it does/did for someone like me) there's no discounting that things have been going downhill for a while and not just in the financial department.
I'm not leaving right now, but I followed, in no small way, because of the whole "Little Club that Could" and "Never Say Die" attitudes thing as well as then representing the place that I love and live... If half of that went away, why should I keep paying membership? If that disappears, the club that I support has essentially ceased to exist and all that is left is a blue-yellow husk.

You're right about the good years, and I don't know HTF Jesters have done it for so long, but I don't pay good money to have a front-row seat to re-occurring depression and disappointment every weekend. I don't need for us to win every year for me to keep going - that was never what it was about... A large part of the excitement after the first couple of games this year, was down to seeing a team who looked like they wanted to be there... In some ways I'm angrier and more frustrated now than i was last year, specifically for this reason... Last year, I wasn't sure if the team had it in them, to play with motivation and interest... So when they didn't t was potentially just a lack of ability.

This year, I know that they just aren't...

Anyway, I think I'm with Wombat on this... I'm probably back for the next season, but that's the end of it if things keep going the way they are. I don't really need anyone's approval to stop renewing my membership - but I also don't particularly want to go down that path.

I guess, as you say it is an individual thing.

I see supporting a small community club like ours is to be done through thick and thin, not just in the good times. FFS compared to Sydney Melbourne etc. we are up against it and have to do all we can to punch above our weight. In fact when the team is playing crap and support is waning it is time to dig deeper. As a supporter the worse thing I can see happening to my club is that it goes to the wall. I will do what I can to avoid this happening.

The club is not just about the owner, the players, the supporters or the community. It is a combination of all those things. If some part of it is not working as well as it should, it is up to the rest to up the ante to ensure survival.

I am here until either the club or I die. It is what I see being a football supporter is all about.

It may explain why I react badly when I see posts here dragging us down, because talking of not renewing membership can build a momentum of its own and kill us quicker than anything else.

Off the booze and feeling grumpy. End of rant.


Well-Known Member
Depending on what kind of team that MM can put together I may sign up as a member again. If not I will pick and chose the games I go to.


Well-Known Member
I guess, as you say it is an individual thing.

I see supporting a small community club like ours is to be done through thick and thin, not just in the good times. FFS compared to Sydney Melbourne etc. we are up against it and have to do all we can to punch above our weight. In fact when the team is playing crap and support is waning it is time to dig deeper. As a supporter the worse thing I can see happening to my club is that it goes to the wall. I will do what I can to avoid this happening.

The club is not just about the owner, the players, the supporters or the community. It is a combination of all those things. If some part of it is not working as well as it should, it is up to the rest to up the ante to ensure survival.

I am here until either the club or I die. It is what I see being a football supporter is all about.

It may explain why I react badly when I see posts here dragging us down, because talking of not renewing membership can build a momentum of its own and kill us quicker than anything else.

Off the booze and feeling grumpy. End of rant.
Look we're not disagreeing, I'm just objecting to the implication that those who abandon ship now are some sort of fair weather supporters. if you define the last three years as fair weather, is really hate to see bad weather ;)
On a more serious level i also feel like out would be ignoring the very real impact that the poor play and results, will have I our bottom line.
Good onya though, for being steadfast. For me, if the players can't be arsed showing up mentally next season then i don't see why i should. For mine they probably have another year to at least try (although the bar is probably going to fall over the next 12 months ;) )

Pirate Pete

Well-Known Member
MM speaks so much better than Okon ever did.
Actually thinking about it he speaks a lot better than the prime minister and the one before.
No umming and arring.

Capn Gus Bloodbeard

Well-Known Member
MM speaks so much better than Okon ever did.
Actually thinking about it he speaks a lot better than the prime minister and the one before.
No umming and arring.
With talking about how hard it was playing against our club legends, all the talk about living on the coach, and a few other things....he really knew how to say the right things to build that emotional connection with the fans. I didn't pay much attention to him before when he was with roar, but at our presser he came off as highly skilled at public speaking / PR in that sense. But none of it seemed contrived.

Not bad skills for a coach to have - directly transferable to discussions with the team.

Ancient Mariner

Well-Known Member
Look we're not disagreeing, I'm just objecting to the implication that those who abandon ship now are some sort of fair weather supporters. if you define the last three years as fair weather, is really hate to see bad weather ;)
On a more serious level i also feel like out would be ignoring the very real impact that the poor play and results, will have I our bottom line.
Good onya though, for being steadfast. For me, if the players can't be arsed showing up mentally next season then i don't see why i should. For mine they probably have another year to at least try (although the bar is probably going to fall over the next 12 months ;) )

Hang in there, things will get better or we will be stuffed.

I think the bar will be a lot lower expectation wise next year, but l agree the players must show up.

From the chat with MM after the meeting I got the clear impression he will demand that players put in, to the limit, so there can be no complaints from the fans. I pray he can get the old Mariners spirit back.

Ancient Mariner

Well-Known Member
Why bother at all?

Why even bother wasting your time on this forum?

Why not do us all a favour and just disappear.

On calmer reflection I wish to apologise for this post. It was argumentative and unhelpful to the discussion and posted in frustration. I will remove it.

In return, I would like know what you see to be gained by supporting other clubs at the expense of CCM, which is what occurs when you attend away games only?

Ancient Mariner

Well-Known Member
Another point that MM helped clarify in the discussion the group had with him after the meeting was when Roddy asked him about a marquee. MM asked Roddy what did he mean by marquee, a top player or one who would put bums on seats. As an example he asked who would you prefer Berisha or ADP.
He pointed out that marquee like ADP can cause more troubles than they are worth at times and can be counter productive to results. The other problem now is that players of ADP's ilk can now get 10x the amount money in the MLS than they can get in the A league, so we are unlikely to see their like in the near future.
I stand to be corrected on the finer points of his words.

As I see it the original concept of a marquee is gone and it has just become an excuse by the FFA to allow their favoured teams to exceed the cap. However if the A league becomes independent of the FFA, the cap, marques and guest players may be a thing of the past.

We definitely live in interesting times. :unsure:
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Big Al

Well-Known Member
Look he’s certainly talking a good game.
My wife was impressed by his words and she doesn’t buy bullshit easily.

The results must match the talk. I think he has the right attitude and desire can he get the players will be the challenge that is make or break


Well-Known Member
The whole salary cap structure needs to be reviewed in my opinion, as it hands an effective advantage to those clubs that can afford to bring in marquees.

This is because if you have a marquee player who is being paid outside the cap, that means you are not paying that theoretical salary out of the cap amount and can either use it to pay one player a lot more or spread the available amount over several players, meaning the overall quality of the roster is better than it otherwise would have been.

For example, a cap of $2.9m spread across a 23-man roster effectively equates to $126k per player average wage. Now we all know that some players will be below that figure and others above it but by not having to pay the marquee players’ wage from the cap, that average wage can be distributed elsewhere. If a club has several marquees, then this distortion becomes even greater.

This is the issue that needs addressing most urgently if the FFA truly wishes the cap system to be effective and it therefore needs to amend the rules so that for every marquee player a club signs, it loses one average cap wage amount from its spend elsewhere. This would provide a much more effective cap system and level the playing field for all clubs.


Well-Known Member
Honestly, with the squad we had this season (excluding injuries) I believe Mulvey would have had us in the top 6.

With some room to recruit I feel good about his tenure. We almost certainly won't compete for trophies but I think we will compete and I hope we can be in the top half of the competition next season.

He knows what he is doing, is no nonsense, can read a game, can make multiple plans and won't take sh*t.

I'm confident next season will be better than this one

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