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The EPL thread


Well-Known Member
Okay, legitimate question for the Scousers on here:

Was in Liverpool yesterday (made it out with all 4 hubcaps  :eek: ), and I proper want to know, where are you putting this new stadium of yours??  Unless it's in Stanley Park itself, there's no room??


Well-Known Member
serious14 said:
Okay, legitimate question for the Scousers on here:

Was in Liverpool yesterday (made it out with all 4 hubcaps  :eek: ), and I proper want to know, where are you putting this new stadium of yours??  Unless it's in Stanley Park itself, there's no room??

in stanley park is exactly where it's going. just to the north east of the present ground.


serious14 said:
Okay, legitimate question for the Scousers on here:

Was in Liverpool yesterday (made it out with all 4 hubcaps  :eek: ), and I proper want to know, where are you putting this new stadium of yours??  Unless it's in Stanley Park itself, there's no room??

Ok. I read that as "made out with all four hub caps"....

Your not getting THAT desperate  are you? :p

FFC Mariner

Well-Known Member
A fantastic story from the unofficial Fulham MB about the trip to Brum on Saturday. Love the last line too. See, we are not that different after all lol

= = = = =

A week ago some of us were in the boozer, the big man asked a very drunk Simon if he fancied going to Birmingham to watch Fulham play.

Of course Si said yes, but in the cold, sober light of day had no intention of spending the day, in Birmingham, with Joe.

Anyway Joe went ahead and bought the coach and match ticket for Si.
Si tried to get out of it, tried to sell the ticket etc. In the end he had a choice; going for a day on the lash or loosing the money with nothing to show for it.
So he decided he would go to the game.

OK so this is where the ridiculousness starts:
Friday night, me, Greg, Si, Joe, Jeevo and Martin go to the pub. We have a beers and decide to go to Greg's new flat.
A crate of beers, 4 bottles of wine and a failed attempt to order a hooker later, we decide enough is enough and its home time.
It's 4am by now and in the cab home Si and Martin decide to go back to Si's for a few more beers.
They get back (probably try to get a hooker again - but I'm only guessing) and have some more beers.
At 7.30am while playing the wii, Si's alarm goes off because its time to go and get the train to meet Joe in Fulham, to catch the bus to Birmingham.

So the coach is leaving Fulham at 9am.....
Joe and Si follow standard procedure and have a 7 or 8 tins before stopping about 20 minuets from Saint Andrews. This leaves a couple of hours in the pub before getting back on the coach to do the last bit of the journey.
So anyway, in the pub they have a few beers and some Jaeger bombs...... In fact I spoke to Joe at this point and he told me he was on his 12th pint (not that he was counting or anything).

Back on the coach and Si is feeling the effects of the past 16 hours drinking session. However, it's the big man that vomits all over the back of the coach while Si falls asleep.

At the ground Joe can't wake up Si so he leaves him on the coach, but takes his match ticket with him.
The livid driver wakes up Si, who is now taking the blame for the puke covered back seats and is kicked of the coach.

By this time Si's phone has died.
Clearly not thinking straight Si decides it is best to try to go home on his own rather than waiting for Joe to get back.

He takes a bus to Birmingham station. Goes to buy a ticket to London and realises he has left his wallet on the bus.
No wallet. No phone.
Being incredibly drunk he is full of bravado and confidence he decided to jibe the train.
The journey is a couple of hours so he can relax and have a little sleep.
Unfortunately his sleep wasn't little and he woke up travelling away from London. The train had arrived at St Pancras and pulled back out heading back up North!

Somehow, Si managed to befriend a Sri Lankan man who leant him his phone. Knowing Greg's mobile number, and knowing he was up North watching united he called him.
Incredibly, travelling in opposite directions, the next stop for both of them was Stoke.

Si got off and managed to meet Greg for some beers. They headed back towards home, went to Paulie "Double Ya's" party and crawled in at 3am yesterday.

In summary Simon Day is a Clown.



Well-Known Member
Paul Hart gone from Pompey, no surprise there

Bookies favourite to take charge is Darren Ferguson which would be very interesting with us taking on his father on Saturday


Well-Known Member
F*ck's sake - we were going to lose that game anyway (away to West Ham and Pompey - without fail we conspire to make it difficult every time), New Manager's Syndrome isn't going to help things.


Well-Known Member
For all the blue side of Mersey coming off having a little chuckle at Liverpool's exit from the ECL ... Hull just beat Everton 3-2 ...

FFC Mariner

Well-Known Member
A nice easy stroll against Blackburn. 3-0, shoulda been more and we were missing AJ & Murphy too.

Blackburn looked very poor indeed

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