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The EPL thread


Well-Known Member

on your way lads


Well-Known Member
Oh how I love Fernando.

Absolutely killing Nemanja Vidic.

1-1 in the 36th.
Ronaldo (pen)

I'm loving this shit! :)


Well-Known Member
44th and Evra takes down Gerrard in the box.

Penalty! Gerrard! GOALLLLL!
Steve Gerrard Gerrard, he scores from 40 yards!
2-1 Liverpool with a minute 'til halftime. :):):)


Well-Known Member
Liverpool were the better team, blah blah blah.  Well done (GRRRRRRRRRRRRR).

4 points clear, game in hand - end of discussion.  :p


Well-Known Member
dibo said:
meh. i care about how liverpool goes, but i care far more about what's happening on these shores in the next few days.

Ride that bandwagon hard son, ride it good.  ;)

We've now got to turn it around with an epic performance next weekend - I feel sorry for Fulham having to face up to a wounded Man U so soon after the 4-0 cup loss.  Sorry Andrew. 

FFC Mariner

Well-Known Member
Notwithstanding last nights result, does anyone here really think that Manure will now "do a Newcastle" and NOT win the EPL?

Braver man than me to bet on that

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