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    ccmfans.net is the Central Coast Mariners fan community, and was formed in 2004, so basically the beginning of time for the Mariners. Things have changed a lot over the years, but one thing has remained constant and that is our love of the Mariners. People come and go, some like to post a lot and others just like to read. It's up to you how you participate in the community!

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Songs 'N Chants


Well-Known Member
After a decent save to the tune of Halleluja Chorus...

Birighitti, Birighitti
Birighitti, Birra - gi-i - tiiiii


Well-Known Member
When beating Newcastle...

Oh they're weird and we're wonderful
And we are such a better team
We've got electric boots
And they're galoots
To play them every week would be a dream
Oh oh oh....
Beating up the Jets


Well-Known Member
For those who remember Flipper...

Everyone loves Joshua Nizzy
Ever so good at football is he
Don't matter if he's only quite small
On the pitch he's best of all
They call him Nizzy, Nizzy
Faster than lightning
No-one you see is bigger than he
And you know Nizzy, lives in a world full of wonder
Radar goes under

Shaun Mielekamp

Well-Known Member
Hey everyone, I just wanted to give a short update on this weekends game in regards to the recent governments "No singing or Dancing" restrictions.
Some of you might be aware that concerts and festivals around the state have been shut down by these government regulations.
We are looking to get a clear definition on what this means for our upcoming games and in particular the game on Saturday. We aim to have some communication go out tomorrow to members.
The way it reads at the moment is that signing and dancing isn't allowed and that will affect any coordinated chants and songs.

Drums and clapping in time as a group is still permitted and although we are expecting a small crowd we don't want there to be any issues with security because of these rules that have been imposed.

I did challenge the interpretations saying that "Chanting is not singing" although I didn't get far to be honest.

Its a tough one because we need to be good citizens and do the right thing, yet no-one wants the fun police out there as well either.

I'm keen to hear anyone's thoughts or passions on this topic so we can try and find the right balance here.


Well-Known Member
This is ridiculous. What is the difference between screaming out supporting your team which is allowed and singing it I don’t class what we do in bay 16 as singing. Football fans unite in protest get the Jets fans over to sing in bay 16 yes it ridiculous but it would get attention to the ridiculous rule

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