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Scum v Mariners (HAL round 1)


Well-Known Member
infirmus said:
kman said:
infirmus said:
Just a little link for you poor uneducated folk. Hope you can understand this one skilbeck.
I seriously feel sorry for you guys. you got schooled in TIFO now your getting schooled in trigonometry.
Trigonometry is to do with triangles. Here's a picture just in case you dont know what one looks like.


I prefer this diagram as it exhibits all of the trigonometric functions of angle θ, which can be constructed geometrically in terms of a unit circle centered at O.


Well-Known Member
piss off back to your own forum before you get kicked so hard you'll re-enter your mums c--t

wait on..me thinks that's what you want haha


Active Member
taylor said:
infirmus said:
kman said:
infirmus said:
Just a little link for you poor uneducated folk. Hope you can understand this one skilbeck.
I seriously feel sorry for you guys. you got schooled in TIFO now your getting schooled in trigonometry.
Trigonometry is to do with triangles. Here's a picture just in case you dont know what one looks like.


I prefer this diagram as it exhibits all of the trigonometric functions of angle θ, which can be constructed geometrically in terms of a unit circle centered at O.
Thats nice. Did you have to go to uni to learn that? Oh wait you dont have one.


Well-Known Member
infirmus said:
skilbeck said:
Well What took you so long. have been waited for something other than thomas's mumblings and now we got it. first of all a 36 degree rotation is not upside down, it you went to school outside of newcastle you would learn that the banner wouldve been rotated 180 degrees not 36 ergo Infirmus = EPIC FAIL. and we were not outdone. we didnt hear you at all that game. sure we had a small contingent but can you honestly say that was the same size scumdron you took to the grand final plus coasties really dont like that place, its a hole.
I said the star, not the banner mate. 360 degrees / 5 points of star = 72. Rotate the star by half of that and its the same as rotating the star 180 degrees. Suck that, back to school coastie.

Infirmus try rotating your tifo by anything other than 90 degree increments and then your banner isnt square then you look like real dickheads or better yet you can go and find joel griffiths im sure he will happily let you use an appendage that you can sit on and rotate to whatever angle feels best to you.

PS no one cares about all that crap that you Infirmus as well as other scummers place on the 442 forum and we all ask you to refrain from placing your opinion there as it is absolute biased bullshit

Capn Gus Bloodbeard

Well-Known Member
Jesus Christ, this Infirmus cock is actually making the other Jets trolls look intelligent.

Mate, just accept that your group f**ked up the flag.  The symbolism is pretty funny.  Why you'd crap on about the star being rotated 36 degrees is beyond me, considering you're not going to be rotating the star independent of the banner, are you?

Though it could be quite funny seeing Infirmus and his primary school buddies pulling out their protractors at the next match and having the entire banner at a funny angle.........

All in all it was a pretty soft game, considering what match it was. 

It's pretty damn obvious you meant to type 360 degrees, because you were too much of a retard to realise the banner needed to be rotated 180 degrees, now you're too much of a muppet to even admit you made a type.

God, you're the worst kind of troll.  At least most of the regulars on here have a bit of a sense of humour and can take the piss a bit.  You're just an idiot.  Buggar off.  Go back to kindergarten.


Well-Known Member
infirmus said:
Well I guess I must have been too mesmerised by the huge gold banner and incredible support to notice that the star was rotated by 36 degrees.

:piralaugh: 36 f**king degrees  :piralaugh: mate you are a complete joke. Better go back and finish high school. :piralaugh:

Its funny how the complete idiots just never know how stupid they look.


Well-Known Member
infirmus said:
Thats nice. Did you have to go to uni to learn that? Oh wait you dont have one.

Actually, we have a campus at Ourimbah, but thats Uni of Newcastle and I'm not interested in learning about stealing hubcaps or reading dole cheques. Consequently, I choose to study at University of Southern Queensland by correspondence for my Engineering Degree, but there are plenty of other correspondence options. However, I doubt anyone from Newcastle would be able to gain entry, which is why you've got to have your own uni I suppose.

I know I said before to piss off and go and f**k something else up but you didn't have to take me so literally. I guess when you're not that smart you just have trouble getting it don't you.


Well-Known Member
Why do we let the scum of the earth on our pure site.
Its not our fult the you love ur family a little bit to much.
Go back to ur shit hole of a home.

Like we say always shit on the gold side of swansea.


Well-Known Member
I can't believe that you guys are going on about how the star was upside down! Why are you gypsie folk not worrying about your piss weak turn up and terrible performance on the field. I think we proved last night that our support is 10 times better than yours. We could not hear the "marinators" at any point during the match, even when you scored, albeit from an offside position.
You guys are a joke. Wake up to yourselves.


Well-Known Member
Man so home to the shit hole. Y do u come on hear we dont go to ur shit site.fark ooofffffff :fireup:
and if it was such a piss week performance y do u dicks try to act like u won.
it wassssssss a drrraaawwwww
we had 5 ppl out ya dick dont come on here acting all tuff


Well-Known Member
taylor said:

I prefer this diagram as it exhibits all of the trigonometric functions of angle θ, which can be constructed geometrically in terms of a unit circle centered at O.

Very well done.

I looked at the replay, Simon is in line with A.Griffiths. Hence NOT offside.

Also, infirmus is acting like a twat.


Well-Known Member
parksey10 said:
I can't believe that you guys are going on about how the star was upside down! Why are you gypsie folk not worrying about your piss weak turn up and terrible performance on the field. I think we proved last night that our support is 10 times better than yours. We could not hear the "marinators" at any point during the match, even when you scored, albeit from an offside position.
You guys are a joke. Wake up to yourselves.

Check the A-League table - Mariners are on top.

Capn Gus Bloodbeard

Well-Known Member
parksey10 said:
I can't believe that you guys are going on about how the star was upside down! Why are you gypsie folk not worrying about your piss weak turn up and terrible performance on the field. I think we proved last night that our support is 10 times better than yours. We could not hear the "marinators" at any point during the match, even when you scored, albeit from an offside position.
You guys are a joke. Wake up to yourselves.

Gypsies?  Is that referring to the unusually high concentration of Russian gypsies living on the coast?

You know you're an absolute loser, lowest of the low, when you need to resort to racial slurs.  You should be embarrassed.

As for your support - you were the home team, your support should've been better.  We have a Friday night football comp on the coast which would keep a lot of people away.

I really don't understand how you can go on about our terrible performance - YOU DREW WITH US MORON!!!!!!!!!  AND you needed a penalty to do it!!!

And jog my memory - exactly how many key players did we have out???

Actually last night's performance was quite positive, in that regard - I think we showed that we still have a LOT of depth to have the players out that we did and not get our arse kicked.

Either that, or Jets are just looking for the wooden spoon this season ;-) (I'm sure Jardel 2.0 will be a key factor in that)


Well-Known Member
Simon was in line so onside, very close call thou

Definite penalty, bad challenge.

We perhaps shaded the first half and Newcastle dominated the second so on reflection a fair result!

To go away with 4 key players out (Boogs, Mile, Macca and Heff) and come home with a point I'm very happy, obviously it's a shame given that we went 1 up with 5 to play!

To all the scummers with nothing else to do, seriously just f**k off as you're not wanted here!

As for the star, yes it was upside down, but I give credit where it's due, the small group who made it in such a short period of time they did a great job!

Our numbers were not fantastic, probably 1 of our smallest at EAS tbh, but everyone got involved with the chants which was great to see.  Because of where we sit we can't hear them and they can't hear us it's not rocket science!  But when I watched the replay the only chant I could really hear from the Squadron was their let all jump for Newcastle.  Friday night, cold, a lot work in Sydney so would not make it, 8pm ko crap for families, local leagues still operating, at least we can say there' room for improvement. The FFA organising this game for Friday night should be shot!

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