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Well-Known Member
Yeah it’s super cut throat, wouldn’t normally care much for this match but the battle for the spoon makes it very interesting.
Vic anchored to the bottom is a small price to pay to see another sydney team out of the top six
Also why is they VUC?


Well-Known Member
Ok so we are on 37
Wanderers on 35 (3 games left)
Nix on 31 (4 games left)
Sydney on 29 (3 games left)

So without us picking up a single point, the only ones who could jump us are those 3. To do that Nix would have to win 3 of 4 as we would beat them on goal difference.
Sydney would have to win all 3 games. Wanderers obviously are best poised. Which would still leave us in 4th.

From my view, too 4 is looking pretty decent.. if not, worse case 5th or 6th and unless it’s the Nix that fire ahead or Adelaide drops below wanderers, likelihood is a NSW based final.

Am I right?

Edited to add.. Perth could actually beat us if they won all 4 games but we will know that in a few hours..
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Well-Known Member
@Dan the Membership Man I just got an email about bring a mate which i sent to a heap of friends, they're telling me they get an error message saying the member number must be maximum 6000 when they enter my number.

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Well-Known Member
If Perth bet Victory then they could kick us out of six if they win last three games and we lose last 3 games. This is by my reckoning.

Forum Phoenix

Well-Known Member
I've still got hope we might take 2nd. It could end up being that last game vs Adelaide that decides it.

City with nothing to play for might bring a junior team next weekend. Only if things fall that way or it might go the other way... this final run in is very exciting!
Be nice, but unfortunately I can’t see western or Perth stopping them. Never know though.

Combine city losing four on the trot and we win the plate. Man that would be fun.

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