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New Owners?


Well-Known Member
Our cough cough cough friends at SBS are pouring cold water on the deal or at least suggesting nothing tangible is happening and MC is still looking for a new buyer and intends to continue to fund and run the club if a new buyer is not found prior to the season starting....


Well-Known Member
Our cough cough cough friends at SBS are pouring cold water on the deal or at least suggesting nothing tangible is happening and MC is still looking for a new buyer and intends to continue to fund and run the club if a new buyer is not found prior to the season starting....

Mike said he was selling but he also said to the right person. Shaun confirmed this and has said as much on the podcast and elsewhere. The delay in signings seems to be more related to nailing down the CBA, the salary cap and the salary floor.

The other interesting quote was

Existing kit sponsor MATE are interested in taking a staged stake in the club.

The Australian-owned and operated telco provider recently partnered with former Mariners goalkeeper and current Socceroo Mat Ryan, and are looking at ways of boosting brand recognition.
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Well-Known Member
i hope we remain on coast it would be devestating if we ended up relocating or folding

Ancient Mariner

Well-Known Member
Anti-vaxxer, far right Trump lover.

I am getting that guy feeling as well.
A worry if true. Being an anti-vaxxer it demonstrates ignorance and an inability to understand science or do basic arithmetic.
Being a Trump lover is also a worry which indicates self centredness and a lack of empathy.

However, scratch the surface of any multi millionaire who owns or can afford to own a football club and in the majority of cases you will find someone of the far right with a lot under the surface not to like.

There are exceptions but they tend to put their excess dollars into charitable trusts and not football teams unless they are football tragics, and they are scarce.

As long as any potential owner keeps the team on the Coast and does not rip us off, I think it is better for peace of mind not to look too closely at their beliefs or politics.


Well-Known Member
A worry if true. Being an anti-vaxxer it demonstrates ignorance and an inability to understand science or do basic arithmetic.
Being a Trump lover is also a worry which indicates self centredness and a lack of empathy.

However, scratch the surface of any multi millionaire who owns or can afford to own a football club and in the majority of cases you will find someone of the far right with a lot under the surface not to like.

There are exceptions but they tend to put their excess dollars into charitable trusts and not football teams unless they are football tragics, and they are scarce.

As long as any potential owner keeps the team on the Coast and does not rip us off, I think it is better for peace of mind not to look too closely at their beliefs or politics.

i tend to agree with this, especially as his Spanish club has a far left active support, but there are also murmurings that the financial side of things don’t stack up as reported.


Well-Known Member
There wouldn't be too many Trump loving Muslims would there?

Plenty of far right anti-vax ones though. I have a few as Facebook friends.

Never understood how the teachings of Jesus and Muhammad aligned with far right ideologies over the centuries.

But that is probably a debate for another thread.


Well-Known Member

Abdul just shared this on LinkedIn.

The possibility that the owner of a former La Liga football club will take over the Central Coast Mariners has come one step closer, with talks reportedly reaching final stages with the FFA.

Sydney-based businessman, Abdul Helou, is set to purchase the club and its associated property after it was put up for sale back in August by Mariners Chairman, Mike Charlesworth.

No new details have been released as they are currently going through finals legalities and FFA approvals.

Helou said he had big plans to develop the club and the Centre of Excellence at Tuggerah.

“We have huge plans for the Centre of Excellence with additional resources in planning, so we heavily rely on Council supporting our journey,” Helou said.

“It obviously means hundreds more jobs are created, more money poured into local businesses and the community.”

The Mariners Centre of Excellence at Tuggerah.
Helou is not new to the football world, owning stakes in former Spanish La Liga club, Rayo Vallecano.

He has looked at and negotiated with three other A-league clubs but said he settled on the Central Coast Mariners because of their potential.

“None had the fiscal potential and growth potential surrounding community engagement and support,” Helou said.

“The community that stands behind Central Coast Mariners during its golden years are like no other.

“We are in desperate need of some silverware, several overseas players, and to gain the respect the Central Coast needs.

“I believe, once we reshape the business, inject the necessary funding, the obvious growth and wins will follow through.”


Well-Known Member
A whole lot of nothing much so far, let's hope the council come to the party. For me the best sign to date of some faith is Birra signing, hoping we can read into that decision that he's been given reassurances we won't fold and there are brighter times ahead.

Cheque book at the ready for a season ticket when the new owner shows up and a mate who'll be a new member ready to sign up too. I think the community will come back for a new owner.


Well-Known Member
I am prepared to accept the article at face value.

Assuming the council come on board and given their meeting to keep the Mariners on the Coast ... maybe we can assume its a process now ... I hope so anyway.

BUT BUT BUT, given he wants to keep the team on the Coast, and he wants to takeover the CEO, and that he wants to improve the CEO... and he is Australian, and although he lives in Sydney he is close enough to be involved... it ticks a lot of boxes especially if you consider the state of the league and at this stage FFA have not released what funding they will give the clubs..

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