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Mariners Squad - HAL 14 - 2018- 2019 - The challenge for Mike Mulvey is over

Forum Phoenix

Well-Known Member

Worse advice in the world.

Okons part of the old boys frat and so now we have yet another one in Grella to grind an axe against us.

But the advice is shocking.

Let’s just play one hypothetical. Even though I think his poor attitude affected his game well before the end of the season. Lets just say he doesn’t have a tantrum and refuse to play against the Jets. Instead he has a standout game and states his case that he is still clearly one to watch...,

Does he get a call into the training camp for the Roos and possibly shine and impress?

Would his final performance have been enough to tip over the city group to spend the extra cash they balked at?

Would a European offer have come in?

Sure maybe not. But by not playing he guarantees that result.

As the bard said. Nothing comes of nothing,

And mikes right. Terrible for his brand and his development,

His councillors should be ashamed of themselves.

Great stance by Mike.


Well-Known Member
Let's see you prove that the FFA grant money is spent on the COE. The point I was making that you've hijacked is that the FFA grant is not MC money It's CCM's to be spent on CCM and it doesn't cover the total and nor is it meant to. CCM use the difference between grant and cap floor to limit the operating loss. If he's been syphoning it off to the COE then we'd have heard about it well before now and the FFA and the rest of the league would be up in arms and we'd have more than likely lost our licence. I'm sure that CCM has to account for the spending of the grant in detail and syphoning off money from a loss making entity is not an easy thing to do. Not that I've ever tried.
Also someone syphoning money would not be operating on the floor. We'd be reporting maximum cost and most likely inflated operating costs.

That's a good point.............. but I haven't hijacked anything.
Mc is the license holder. ccm is his club . It is his purse that everybody dips into including the club to run it's business. Syphoning is not an accounting term that would be used but how many other clubs only spend the min floor.
Your club is the only tenant of the coe at this stage isn't it ???.

You don't buy the concept Of the club ownership that I have formed from years of watching the ccm club unravel and that is fine. I cannot prove ...... Nor do I want to prove anything. Like I said previously ............ I do not begrudge the way mc chooses to run his business ............... I do choose not to like the way he limits the team to only spending the floor on a squad of players that are not competing for championship honors in the spirit of the league. How he accounts for the rest of the cap money is his business.


Well-Known Member
I can't see a player swap working The Mariners would only be after players that Sydney would not want to lose. They need a CB, RB or DM. I can't imagine Corica wanting to lose Wilko, Grant, Brilliante or O'Neill.

Grella needs to get his arse into gear and get him an OS gig or the kid will be getting splinters for a long time.


Well-Known Member
Well said Mike!!!

Charlesworth vows to stop ‘on strike’ De Silva walking out on Mariners

Miffed Central Coast Mariners owner Mike Charlesworth has told contract rebel Daniel De Silva he will not be allowed to renege on the remainder of his four-year deal, unless the club are “adequately compensated”.


The fringe Socceroos attacking midfielder has effectively “gone on strike”, according to Charlesworth, by snubbing the opening week of pre-season training in Gosford as he seeks to end his association with the club and sign instead for Sydney FC.

However, Charlesworth is digging his heels in, offering De Silva, 21, a blunt “get back to work” message.

With three years left on his Mariners contract, De Silva is still officially under the umbrella of Serie A club Roma, who signed the one-time prodigy from Perth Glory before farming him out to Dutch club Roda JC.

He was brought to the Central Coast last season by former Mariners coach Paul Okon, with Charlesworth insisting: “He’s contracted to us for another three years and we want him to see out the contract.

“He’s not leaving, and what I’m saying is he should get in his car and turn up for work.”


Charlesworth questioned the advice De Silva has been receiving from his management team, which includes former Socceroos stalwart Vince Grella, inferring they may be behind the player’s no-show stance.

“Him not turning up and effectively going on strike is not good for his development, nor his brand,” added Charlesworth.

“He’s not leaving unless we are adequately compensated.”

Compensation, if offered by Sydney, could come in the form of a player swap deal.

Either way, Charlesworth is in no mood to allow a smooth exit, adding: “A couple of years back Daniel was being talked about as one of the great hopes of Australian football.

“He has a lot of ability but now he’s being advised not to go to work. What sort of advice is that? I don’t believe he’s decided this on his own.


“He should be coming in and proving himself and showing his calibre to eventually get a contract back in Europe.”

The Mariners have taken legal advice on where they stand in the dispute.

“Our position is very strong, he is contracted to us. I think his representatives felt they could get out of the contract, but they can’t,” continued Charlesworth.

“It’s pretty straightforward from our point of view.

“How can a club give him the security of a long-term contract on decent money and he is then able to walk away?
“That’s not what contracts are about. Players shouldn’t be allowed to just walk away when it suits them.”

While the Mariners aren’t responsible for the entirety of De Silva’s wages, they do contribute around $200,000 per season.

And Charlesworth is prepared to keep paying while De Silva is effectively left in limbo, to make what he believes is a point of principle.

“I’m prepared to pay him whilst not playing him,” he added.

The World Game sought comment from De Silva’s management team on Thursday night.


. that is probably the most sensible, agreeable thing I have read from Charlesworth

... I'm glad he is now reading the forum before he talks to the media :vhappy: ;) :piralaugh:


That's a good point.............. but I haven't hijacked anything.
Mc is the license holder. ccm is his club . It is his purse that everybody dips into including the club to run it's business. Syphoning is not an accounting term that would be used but how many other clubs only spend the min floor.
Your club is the only tenant of the coe at this stage isn't it ???.

You don't buy the concept Of the club ownership that I have formed from years of watching the ccm club unravel and that is fine. I cannot prove ...... Nor do I want to prove anything. Like I said previously ............ I do not begrudge the way mc chooses to run his business ............... I do choose not to like the way he limits the team to only spending the floor on a squad of players that are not competing for championship honors in the spirit of the league. How he accounts for the rest of the cap money is his business.
Fair enough. This is a very very different post to the one in which you first responded to me but ok... ...


Well-Known Member

Worse advice in the world.

Okons part of the old boys frat and so now we have yet another one in Grella to grind an axe against us.

But the advice is shocking.

Let’s just play one hypothetical. Even though I think his poor attitude affected his game well before the end of the season. Lets just say he doesn’t have a tantrum and refuse to play against the Jets. Instead he has a standout game and states his case that he is still clearly one to watch...,

Does he get a call into the training camp for the Roos and possibly shine and impress?

Would his final performance have been enough to tip over the city group to spend the extra cash they balked at?

Would a European offer have come in?

Sure maybe not. But by not playing he guarantees that result.

As the bard said. Nothing comes of nothing,

And mikes right. Terrible for his brand and his development,

His councillors should be ashamed of themselves.

Great stance by Mike.

Dds is not the only client that grella has over sold in the market. Can't remember his name but he went to turkey from memory. Definitely an agent for young boys to stay away from. He seems to sell them on speculation to the club for future sale and prospects to the player to get a foothold in Europe ............ When they should have stayed at home playing rather than sitting on the bench ............ Look at all the guys coming back.:popcorn:


Well-Known Member
Fair enough. This is a very very different post to the one in which you first responded to me but ok... ...

Yes it is ............ I rely on basically third party info and internet articles for my info which although is mostly accurate it is not quotable. Being specific about how the club does their business is not an area that I want to go further with. I am confident in accounting and taxation minimizing practices having spent six years in the bankruptcy administration business ............ and have no doubt that mc uses them to his advantage as does every other cash protected capitalist millionaire. When a millionaire says he has lost money, such as mc on the ccm franchise, he is really just stating that the costs outweighed the income ............. On that particular item in his investment portfolio. It does not mean that his personal bank balance was reduced by the amount of the losses and his family had to eat Vegemite sandwiches for a month because he was broke. You should know that but I do not want to stress anybody or get involved in this type of discussion as it requires personal knowledge which I don't have in relation to ccm.

You can still say you won the point. Thx for the discussion. :popcorn::popcorn:


Well-Known Member
As much as I understand the stance of we want to be compensated why keep the little shit at the club? If he doesn't want to play for us then f*** off, use the money on someone who does and might actually be a positive influence in the dressing room. Also, if he doesn't turn up for work fine him, in any job I know if you don't turn up when you're supposed to you get leave without pay, performance management and then you get shown the door. He's in breach of contract surely by not turning up to work when expected.

On the team I feel we're so weak up front, not sure where the consistent goals will come from, I also think our midfield needs a strong player, McGlinchey isn't our answer to creativity and goals. We need an attacking midfielder who can get a good return of goals and assists, I don't see that personally in what we have. Goalkeepers are locked in, I think we're weak there too but hopefully we're saving the money for some exciting signings as we need them or it'll be another tough year.


Well-Known Member
As much as I understand the stance of we want to be compensated why keep the little shit at the club? If he doesn't want to play for us then f*** off, use the money on someone who does and might actually be a positive influence in the dressing room. Also, if he doesn't turn up for work fine him, in any job I know if you don't turn up when you're supposed to you get leave without pay, performance management and then you get shown the door. He's in breach of contract surely by not turning up to work when expected.

On the team I feel we're so weak up front, not sure where the consistent goals will come from, I also think our midfield needs a strong player, McGlinchey isn't our answer to creativity and goals. We need an attacking midfielder who can get a good return of goals and assists, I don't see that personally in what we have. Goalkeepers are locked in, I think we're weak there too but hopefully we're saving the money for some exciting signings as we need them or it'll be another tough year.

Although I agreed with you it was mainly to do with the state of the squad strength. Not knowing what the contractural arrangement is with dds, as first advice was he had an escape clause conditional on okon but now it seems he doesn't, it is now up to mc and mm to use his contract as a bargaining tool I would imagine.
Your sentiments to have him walk the plank is shared by everybody I would imagine. If he turned up to play a game it would be standing room only to be there to "boo" him every-time he touched the ball :overheadl::overheadl::vhappy:

Big Al

Well-Known Member
As much as I understand the stance of we want to be compensated why keep the little shit at the club? If he doesn't want to play for us then f*** off, use the money on someone who does and might actually be a positive influence in the dressing room. Also, if he doesn't turn up for work fine him, in any job I know if you don't turn up when you're supposed to you get leave without pay, performance management and then you get shown the door. He's in breach of contract surely by not turning up to work when expected.

On the team I feel we're so weak up front, not sure where the consistent goals will come from, I also think our midfield needs a strong player, McGlinchey isn't our answer to creativity and goals. We need an attacking midfielder who can get a good return of goals and assists, I don't see that personally in what we have. Goalkeepers are locked in, I think we're weak there too but hopefully we're saving the money for some exciting signings as we need them or it'll be another tough year.
1. He has a contract. If you ignore that then all players will want the same when it suits them.
2. We are able to pay less of the salary floor from our cash as his Roma money counts to the cap. MC would be loving this deal.
3. If we sack him he is free to go where ever he wants.

What if we let him go and he has a great year (unlikely) and gets a transfer. We would look stupid and miss out.

But as you say no one wants him here. We still have 4 months till season starts and Europe window not closed. So we should hold on. Even till the January transfer window just to prove a point. Also by then no one else will have cap room for him. They already struggling but if SFC don’t get him in say 3 weeks. They will spend their money on imports.


Well-Known Member
As much as I understand the stance of we want to be compensated why keep the little shit at the club? If he doesn't want to play for us then f*** off, use the money on someone who does and might actually be a positive influence in the dressing room. Also, if he doesn't turn up for work fine him, in any job I know if you don't turn up when you're supposed to you get leave without pay, performance management and then you get shown the door. He's in breach of contract surely by not turning up to work when expected.

On the team I feel we're so weak up front, not sure where the consistent goals will come from, I also think our midfield needs a strong player, McGlinchey isn't our answer to creativity and goals. We need an attacking midfielder who can get a good return of goals and assists, I don't see that personally in what we have. Goalkeepers are locked in, I think we're weak there too but hopefully we're saving the money for some exciting signings as we need them or it'll be another tough year.
Look out for the announcement of a striker very soon. From overseas, but not from where the speculation has all been.


Well-Known Member
Look I understand where DDS is coming from.. my red ball gets taken away from me I refuse to do anything after that moment until it’s returned.. granted I also went past the age of 4 and got on with my life but hey..
If he does end up back on the pitch I will not be one of those ppl booing but I can assure you there is a lot needed to regain my trust that’s for sure!!

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