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Mariners squad HAL 10 ~ 2014/15

Forum Phoenix

Well-Known Member
I sat with Matty's mother when he made his debut. It was amazing to watch her joy and be deafened as she repeatedly screamed at lung busting levels. "We love you Matty Simon and your beautiful face!!!" Have to assume it was a pun on the face only a mother can love joke :innocent:

He's been a great Mariner. But to be fair, the Mariners have done well by Matty Simon too. He got his chance here. He was backed through his development even when returning no goals, then went on to play some great games, even got a Roos call up, made some good coin, was very well loved - even after he had his best season, and as is our wont, we had to sell him OS to stay afloat - so it's no surprise this brings out some emotions in us all. It should. But the club does not owe Matty, and neither does Matty owe the club (unlike some other wage thieves we could mention)

Professional football is a cruel mistress. Matty has not played a lot of football in the last 3 years, and we don't know the numbers, so we can't be sure the real shape of it, however the club presumably thinks it can do better than Matty. Is this possible? Well, it's certainly not without question is it. Even just as a squaddie? We really might struggle to do better here, but aside from a potential wage issue that could impact our level of affordability on a first choice striker, we also might even be able to better replace him with the next youngster who deserves their chance too... But we don't know. We can't. Some decisions you simply have to wait until time bares out whether they were good or bad ones.

Wombats point about Fitzy would be very apt, if not for the fact Matty was out for the season. So this is next seasons plans we're talking about, and there's what, nearly half a year to recruit and still even have some pre season? So the Fitzy point is moot.

It would be pretty un-coastie not to be very sad to see Matty Simon go, so I'm glad to see the support he has. It's also very hard I think for some of us to let go of players you know will always put in and contribute and play with love for the shirt - especially in modern football, where selfish lazy footballers abound. But the clubs future on the field must always outweigh sentiment, so we will now have to wait and see if they can do better. The club has a right to try, (we often expect them too) even when it means moving players on that we love, and undoubtedly, we will judge them on whether they succeed or fail. So not much point second guessing it till then.

But I'm gonna shed a tear for Matty S.
Always a Mariner. Both him and his beautiful face.
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Well-Known Member
It is a shame that we are losing our last 'Coast' product but we have to view the decision after the rest of the recruitment. IIRC Fitzgerald was part of a ' Wahroonga?' based academy run by the Mariners so I would still count him as a local.

TBH - we need to move a couple of contracted players along as well.

My shopping list would be 1 GK, 3 CBs. 1RB. a potent LW a la Fabio on the right and 2 CS. 6 of the 8 need to be first team players


Well-Known Member
I would love to see Matty playing with Fabio & Isaka pumping stuff in to him from the wings. I reckon we'd see the Matty we all know & love then. If Matty had been on the end of the cross that Fitzy headed at Velaphi in the City game, there was another goal for him.
IMO Matty has never been a lone striker, he needs someone up there with him - his best seasons were when he had Sasho & then Macca beside him. I think of the season when he scored 11 (I think), he had Sasho there, then after Sasho fell out of favour he got bugger all.
I hope what we're discussing is still just rumour.


Well-Known Member
Just read that as well so is confirmed. Sad news as i think Matty would still have lots to offer. I'm thinking the club offered him a reduced salary which he didn't accept. If we continue to develop Major and Bingham then i guess its understandable as we really need a top draw striker. Will be a very interesting off season, i can see about 10 new players coming in


Or we could be playing with a 5ft 7in winger instead.

Terrible decision for mine with our current squad.

Or current squad obviously isn't going to be the one we have next year.
If the guy wasn't injured then he'd be playing the year out. But he is so he's out.

This comes down to money & what he thought he was worth. If they've been looking at his contract as he says for 8 weeks then obviously one was put on the table for him. If he decided it wasn't good enough then who is to blame for that? The club? Or his injury? Or maybe his manager? Or the fact he hasn't played much football over the last 2yrs?
Any way you look at it he is not the Matt Simon that left here a few years back & never will be.


Well-Known Member
Or we could be playing with a 5ft 7in winger instead.

Terrible decision for mine with our current squad.
Whether or not it's a good or bad decision will come to light in the next few months i guess. At present we don't have a single one, fit,A league standard striker so we will see what eventuates. Major and Bingham probably need another couple of seasons to get to that level if they do well. Fitzy is a winger for me. Storrie did say something along the lines of there are a few players on very good coin who haven't contributed much this season. I'm thinking unfortunately Matty was one of those players. Like everyone else i will always have a very soft spot for Matty and it will be hard watching him playing against us.


Whether or not it's a good or bad decision will come to light in the next few months i guess. At present we don't have a single one, fit,A league standard striker so we will see what eventuates. Major and Bingham probably need another couple of seasons to get to that level if they do well. Fitzy is a winger for me. Storrie did say something along the lines of there are a few players on very good coin who haven't contributed much this season. I'm thinking unfortunately Matty was one of those players. Like everyone else i will always have a very soft spot for Matty and it will be hard watching him playing against us.

If he wouldn't take a reduced offer from us I struggle to see him getting onto any other a-league squad.


Well-Known Member
I would love to see Matty playing with Fabio & Isaka pumping stuff in to him from the wings. I reckon we'd see the Matty we all know & love then. If Matty had been on the end of the cross that Fitzy headed at Velaphi in the City game, there was another goal for him.
IMO Matty has never been a lone striker, he needs someone up there with him - his best seasons were when he had Sasho & then Macca beside him. I think of the season when he scored 11 (I think), he had Sasho there, then after Sasho fell out of favour he got bugger all.
I hope what we're discussing is still just rumour.
also when he and Ibini were working together before going to Korea, they were prolific together (and what got him the buy methinks)

Shame. If we could keep him as a squaddie on squaddie wages he'd be well worth keeping. For bigger $'s as a key striker...well probably not


Well-Known Member
Before making my mind up for good on whether this is a good call, I'll wait for our recruitment to be completed. Our current squad is not exactly the squad we're carrying into 2015/16; our recruiting isn't finished.

Agreed - I could be wrong obviously, it certainly wouldn't be the first time.

But at this point, I've seen little to support that, so while I reserve the right to change my view, at this point I stand by my previous comment :)

Although, in fairness - the main thing is, if wasn't coming to the table, money-wise, I can see how it would've ended up like this.

To my mind, he brings enough to be one of our better paid players, but that doesn't mean that he should be the best paid or that he can just demand whatever he wants. So I'll add the proviso that, if it comes out that he was looking for a million a year and the club had to let him go, then I can't blame the club.

It'd surprise me a bit though...


Well-Known Member
Probably head to the Jets. Sydney don't need him, I don't think WSW are about to take gambles after how this season has gone and I honestly can't imagine another club ponying up the cash. Added bonus - he doesn't have to move house.


Well-Known Member
Tbh I sort of hope that noone in the A-league would sign him... Hate to see his career end but would hate even more, to see him playing against us ;)... Hopefully someone in Thailand or something would pick him up.
That said, I stand by my previous comments... I don't think he's anywhere near as bad as he is made out to sound... He's not a brilliant striker - never was - but there are a plenty of average players in the league, that have been signed, so I don't see why he would be in a worse position than that.

soccer mad

Well-Known Member
Mattys Work rate has always been his mantra.In the right set up though Matt can still be effective as long as he's fit.So it's obvious that the club is moving in a completely different direction and sweeping of the broom has definitely started .There's no doubt that Matt is a sentimental favorite to most of us and will be missed, but I'm quite excited about the mariners next chapter there's is definitely intrigue for 2015/ 16 season as to where they are going. The way I see it if Pellogrino can get a run in Asia Mattys got no problems


Well-Known Member
McBreen was 3.39 games/goal
Petrovski was 3.14 games / goal
Simon 3.61 games / goal
Ibini 3.66 games / goal
Kwassie 3.89 games/ goal
Janko all time record is 1.88 games/ goal ... not a bad strike rate

In defence of Matty the last two seasons he has played as a lone striker in an ultra defensive line up. Back in the days of 442 he was scoring well.
Janko would have probably only got 5 or 6 in our team this year.


Well-Known Member
Not going to engage with you on football (there's no point), but am curious what the hell Brad Porter has to do with it?

You used to sing his praises as a local product.....when it was obvious he was below the required standard. Seams you have changed your tune.

I don't want you to engage with me. You can save your "football manager" waffle for the kids who are easily impressed.


I'm an idiot savant without the pesky savant bit
Mattys had a rough couple of years after signing with the club O/S, lots of injuries and bugger all football, but prior to that he was on fire, which got him o/s in the first place....came back to gosford ....had an outstanding 8 mins in the F.A Cup, I thought he was back until he tore whatever he tore at that game....then I believe he had some struggles with his newborn, which distracted him, as it would anybody, then he tore his quad and that was that....always an annoyance on the field with a fairly short fuse....club didn't want to give him the same coin he was on or wanted, So as someone said, maybe he should go play with Pellers in Thailand, it's good money and if his still keen, it makes sense, I doubt any HAL team would sign him, any way....here's to Matty, Matty , Matty, Matty Simon ...The East Gosford Cyclone....thanks for everything

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