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Mariners Squad 2024/2025 ALM and ACL Elite


Well-Known Member
Yep, and there's been this awesome club that has shown everyone how to be successful on reduced coin, so it can be done
Yes. But I have a feeling that our “reduced coin” budget is about to become “pennies only.” How much more can you cut an already budget Club and retain quality? Particularly with less academy players coming through?

I think we too will see an impact, along with the impact of not having Serg’s scouting network. Definitely not saying we won’t pick up players with potential still, it’s just already feeling / looking very different.

Time will tell.


Well-Known Member
Look I’m going to remain my usual pessimistic self, for fear of completely throwing out the equilibrium and offsetting the usual trajectory… 😊
When you think of who we've lost it's totally understandable. Niz is worth 3 players on the field and will leave a huge hole. They all will (Faz, Maxy, Dan, etc.).

But it appeared the same last season when we lost all of our top goal-scorers.

And when I look at who is left - we still put out a pretty formidable team. Other teams also have to cut back and downgrade. We have the best coaching team in the country, quality young players full of belief and buy in, and honestly I feel very positive about the season. May yet have some incoming. I do expect to lose a few more games - but it would be crazy to think we could replicate the exact form of last year (although hope is always quietly there!)

From page 1 (thanks pjennings)


Di Pizio

Ancient Mariner

Well-Known Member
I do not wish to be pessimistic, but we have lost most of our spine, replacements are going to take time to replace them. I am not saying they are not capable over time but I see this as a bigger rebuild than last year.
I think we should make the six, but trophies will be a bonus. Looking forward to seeing new young players developing, wins will be a plus.

It was not that long ago that such a prediction was optimistic.


Well-Known Member
I do not wish to be pessimistic, but we have lost most of our spine, replacements are going to take time to replace them. I am not saying they are not capable over time but I see this as a bigger rebuild than last year.
I think we should make the six, but trophies will be a bonus. Looking forward to seeing new young players developing, wins will be a plus.

It was not that long ago that such a prediction was optimistic.
There's big shoes to fill but Steele and Tapp being integrated into the squad already is a massive head start over starting cold. I think between young players (CB, GK particularly) we'll have some avoidable moments but our continuity should be decent and I'd expect we start well.


Well-Known Member
I do not wish to be pessimistic, but we have lost most of our spine, replacements are going to take time to replace them. I am not saying they are not capable over time but I see this as a bigger rebuild than last year.
I think we should make the six, but trophies will be a bonus. Looking forward to seeing new young players developing, wins will be a plus.

It was not that long ago that such a prediction was optimistic.
Kinda agree, however with the reduction in APL funding, me thinks this could possibility be the weakest overall season the A-L in general has had in a while.

Most sides appear to be cutting back and looking to local young players....

How all this plays out I have no idea..... but what I do have faith in is our core Admin in chairman Richard supported by Matty S in his technical role with Jacko & Co we have as good as anyone. Meaning we will be competitive, just how competitive depends.... If MDP can take over the 10 role, and Alfie replace Ballard we will be very competitive...


Well-Known Member
This is the thing, it will hinge on the development potential of some of the lads. Jacko seems to educate and prepare them well so I'm on the optimistic side of things for now.
Other teams will definitely be weaker too.

But let's look at what we know.

1. Proven performers already entrenched in the style and culture:
Kaltak, Doka, Roux, Steele, Tapp

2. Players who are there or thereabouts and with some improvement fit into the above list:
Theoharous, Edmondson, Kuol, Smith

3. Youth who could be stars with a little more development:
Di Pizio, Kuzevski, Eames, Brandtman, Duarte

4. New players who come with big potential:
Herrington, Mauragis, McCalmont

5. The who really knows list, but probably on the outer:
Paull, Wenzel-Halls, Wilson

Cat 1. is 5 of the starting 11 already.
We need to add 5 outfield players, and subs, from Cats 2-4.

My intuition says that players like Di Pizio and Edmo will go next level this year.
If Theo maintains his form he is serviceable, but I would still like to see a little more improvement from him. Same with Kuol, but both can, and have, been impactful for us.
Mauragis has just been holding Faz out of the LB position for Aus so has to be a reasonable replacement. Herrington and McCalmont come with decent raps and from what I hear look like they'll go well.

Then we have the young bloods with lots of growth potential and x-factor:
Kuzevski, Eames, Brandtman, Duarte.
All exciting young players who may have break out years. Eames maybe a little later (he's 16 or 17) but can say from experience he is quality.

I still expect another signing or 2 as well.

We will definitely ship goals through inexperience. But overall this should be a smart, fit, fast and dynamic team with an exception team culture.
We will score more than we ship, most games, once we settle in. I genuinely think we have a good crack at taking the Australia Cup this year.
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