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Mariners Squad 2024/2025 ALM and ACL Elite


Well-Known Member
Some mixed response from the Carlisle fans. A few calling him lazy, not wanting to play, not wanting to be a part of the Club.
Trust Jacko’s judgement though.. We have heard all that before.

I can understand why he wouldn't want to play, the coach wasn't very good, and he wasn't given any direction. Is it no surprise it has taken near on a 6 month period to get Edmo up to scratch, even though he was meant to be match fit?


Well-Known Member
My only concern with this pickup (which will probably work out well) is that it doesn't show what MJ can bring us in terms of recruitment from other than the Leeds Academy.
I was thinking the same thing. Doesn’t give me a whole lot of confidence in jacko’s recruiting ability and contacts compared to Monty and serge, but I trust jacko knows what he’s doing and will bring us good replacements and continue succeeding!


Well-Known Member
I was thinking the same thing. Doesn’t give me a whole lot of confidence in jacko’s recruiting ability and contacts compared to Monty and serge, but I trust jacko knows what he’s doing and will bring us good replacements and continue succeeding!
A N Ireland under 21 who can score and has played with our key striker, on our budget that's a pretty good result. I think you're going to see him score a few but most importantly feed Edmo the kind of service he's been lacking.


Well-Known Member
My only concern with this pickup (which will probably work out well) is that it doesn't show what MJ can bring us in terms of recruitment from other than the Leeds Academy.
You can look at it that way, but I think that’s jumping the gun a little bit.
He’s signed a player he knows, trusts and is exactly what we need right now. And we could do a lot worse.

Simmo and Jacko know we need to be frugal with our business, in all honesty the network Serg had is probably gone for us now he’s gone. Trust the process, Jacko hasn’t let us down yet and we know Simmo will only give his best for the club and fans.


Well-Known Member
Isn't there still some staff at the club with a Portuguese or South American background?

If so could be a useful tool in identifying players from that area as previously done.
I know it may not be possible but I would love to see an X Factor player like Tilio or the other guy, to be on the left wing.
Theo is decent and deserves a shot however after watching some highlights of Tilio etc they make a massive difference to games


Well-Known Member
The other guy apparently based on unfound rumours, may be acquitted from his charges due to insufficient evidence.

We can’t exactly re-appoint him but is an interesting discussion about why do we need to ‘take a side’ when things like this happen in sport.

For some reason teams need to be seen to either back there player or cut them loose, however I don’t see why statements from clubs just stipulate we are aware of the situation and will let the investigation take its course.

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