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Mariners Squad 2023/2024


Well-Known Member
You know something? I think one of the rocks of our squad is we actually engaged sponsors that have stuck in for a number of years too, just an opinion.


Well-Known Member
Does he? No-one would know as no-one gives a f$*k about the oil league. The only time I'd watch a team from there is when the Mariners beat them in the AFC Champions League final in a years and a bits time.
Funny I though the GOAT was in Miami


Well-Known Member
Theo ain’t ready to move back OS. Moresche just back from injury, loves the coast. Steeley ain’t ready. Niz and max not getting real interest is phenomenal for us.
Tapp just back from injury.
I doubt the very introvert Fazz is ready for a move.

Mcgarry is a maybe but I would assume he’s more aware after his failed move to Holland.

Tulio could be the “regular” moving on, but why would he join back up if a move was imminent?..
Maybe Kuzi could be the non regular? Millard might be storms new back up..
Who knows at this point. The club and Monty would be very aware we can’t lose too many more if we want a smooth transition this season.

Edit- totally forgot about beni somehow, there’s been no sight or word from him yet. He’s probably the favourite. Been here 2 good seasons, probably due a move.


Well-Known Member
OK soooooo...

Were the two everyone was speculating about leaving Beni and Tulip, or is there still movement afoot?

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