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Mariners Squad 2023/2024

Big Dog

Well-Known Member
I think thats a mental issue atm rather than a physical. He'll come good. He doesn't need to run all day, even if he has the genetics to do so.
I agree it’s probably a mental issue. From what I’ve seen our wingers are required to do a lot of running. Under Monty and Sergio a lot of the direction to Alou was around a perceived lack of work rate. Interestingly same for Garang.
I actually think Alou has been working hard playing where he is currently. Just can’t see it with how we play our wingers


Well-Known Member
I agree it’s probably a mental issue. From what I’ve seen our wingers are required to do a lot of running. Under Monty and Sergio a lot of the direction to Alou was around a perceived lack of work rate. Interestingly same for Garang.
I actually think Alou has been working hard playing where he is currently. Just can’t see it with how we play our wingers
Agree. I think we can agree that MJ has shown a bit more tactical adaptability than Monty. Certainly our wing play has to change without Tulio. Nothing worng with asynchronous tactics.

TC Redline

Well-Known Member
I think thats a mental issue atm rather than a physical. He'll come good. He doesn't need to run all day, even if he has the genetics to do so.
To me Alou has progressively gotten better through the year albeit slower than I was hoping. I actually think it was really difficult for him and DWH early on with Tulio, Torres and Theo when they were all in the starting team and doing fifteen thousand stepovers before finally crossing and how the hell do you time a run as a striker with that service, It also took away his strength in speed off the shoulder and also allowed the defenders to turn and face the ball coming in with the slow deliveries which is so much easier to defend.

Our only early crosses seem to come from Faz and Storm where we did create chances from these early balls before it appeared MJ got into them as Theo was benched and the other two reduced these down and started crossing bit earlier which seemed to see an uplift in not only Alou’s but the teams form. I have also seen a lot more general work out of him too after these changes so hopefully he keeps improving as the year goes on.


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