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Mariners Squad 2022/2023


Well-Known Member
With the potential he showed, as a player, or even a player agent you'd have to be disappointed with his career so far. Could have been so much more than a career aleague player
You’re right, he can be pretty inconsistent. But there’s not a lot wrong with being “only an aleague player”. He still has time and still shows big glimpses of quality (his goal last week). Still a better trajectory than Trent B who I expect to be in NPL very soon. That kid is struggling BIG TIME.


You’re right, he can be pretty inconsistent. But there’s not a lot wrong with being “only an aleague player”. He still has time and still shows big glimpses of quality (his goal last week). Still a better trajectory than Trent B who I expect to be in NPL very soon. That kid is struggling BIG TIME.
Trent B isn't struggling. He still in the Aliga, mofo should be NPL. He's kicking goals, just not literally.....?

Big Al

Well-Known Member
That would seem a little premature imho
Nah you can see the potential. They can get there training into him and off he goes.

He can develop and learn playing against better attackers than the A League

You can see Kye has some deficiencies at the top level that maybe leaving earlier might have helped get rid of them before they are habbits.

Pretty good scoop by Monty if can sell him within the year we took him from WSW

Monty signed him to 2 yr contract straight away so definitely has something


Well-Known Member
My only critique of Triantis is his pace, he isn’t quick at all and that has caused some errors in my opinion with marking players.


Well-Known Member
Not really. He's what they want in a defender in Germany.

But they want to get them when they're cheap. Another season will probs double his value.

So it'll be on us to convince him the ALM is better than 2nd and 3rd div in Germany.
The value thing is a key part of this. They might be interested at the current price point and not at the next one. With $2mil to make up they need to make a sale.

Forum Phoenix

Well-Known Member
Like all now, I’m a massive Rowles fan. And I defended him through early development when he was making mistakes and having typical youth related off periods. Happy to be proven correct on him. But Triantis has better feet, is stronger and more aggressive and so for mine is in front of where I think Kye was at the same age.

Kye always had that cold steel in him though that you can’t buy. And Triantis has to keep walking the path awhile yet.


Well-Known Member
Kye was a bit of a ball watcher when he first joined us - and would suddenly find himself out of position, which cost us a handful of goals. But he always had the other attributes needed for an excellent CB and as soon as he learnt to concentrate for 90 mins went skyrocketing up the levels. I'd rate him already one of the best CBs in Scotland and likely to be an EPL star before much longer.

Sains could have done that but took the money - which is fair enough. Hard to turn down 18 mill pretty much tax free (I was told).


Well-Known Member
Triantis is a beast already and doesn’t give up. At the moment he is learning off Kaltak who is rapidly coming up to speed himself.If he continues to grow he’ll be a Socceroo for sure. To get the most out of him extend his contract now for another 2 yrs and look to let him go at the end of the season. The extension shows confidence in him and clubs watching him would have to swoop
Quickly to get him at a cheap price…


Well-Known Member
Do we think that Hally should shift to DM? He seems a pretty good passer and has the obvious defensive talents to be a DM.

It doesn't really improve our midfield though.

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