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Lets get the Soccer out of the Socceroos


Well-Known Member
midfielder said:
It really disheartens me every time I hear people call football, soccer — even more so when it’s in the media.

I think in order for us to make serious strides we really need to change the name of the Socceroos to something else. What to, I’m not sure, but it definitely shouldn’t have ’soccer’ in it.



Well-Known Member
Greenpoleffc said:
Get rid of the name.

Stupid pandering to the mainstream when we needed any possible edge we could get.

We are the Australian Football Team.

End of
Hear hear.Why do we need these stupid nicknames at all.

Hockeyroos,kangaroos,olyroos,soccerf$%kinroos .It gets on ma tits.

They are all called AUSTRALIA for f%$ks sake!!!! :soapbox:


Well-Known Member
Bearinator said:
midfielder said:
It really disheartens me every time I hear people call football, soccer even more so when its in the media.

I think in order for us to make serious strides we really need to change the name of the Socceroos to something else. What to, Im not sure, but it definitely shouldnt have soccer in it.


Put the opening in as well

On another general sports forum the following thread is being discussed there are the normal trols that make there way on but some interesting ideas and passion.

Anyway to the discussion...................


It really disheartens me every time I hear people call football, soccer even more so when its in the media.



Well-Known Member
Fire up grumpy!!!

I didnt even bother to read the link, I thought was was writen under it was something you actually wrote


Be like every other country and known for its country's name.
So we are Australia.
Not the socceroos.

Auburn Mariner

Well-Known Member
Suggestions for the name of the Australian Football team (and I like the fact we have names for our teams, by the way):

1. The Stingrays that got Steve Irwin
2. The Emus (headless, brainless black chooks on 'roids...mmm, nah)
3. The Paranoid Androids (suggested by one M. Bleiberg, c-/Skilled Park, Robina)
4. The Errrr, Single Syllables (suggested by one P.Okon, c-/NISC, New Lambton)
5. The Merv Hughes Love Children

And, now, seriously:

1. The Bulls
2. The Crocodiles
3. The Green & Golds

4. The Johnny Warren XI

5. Sorry, please refer to number 4, I'm not capable of suggesting anything remotely close to that.

Cheerio from a quiet UTS,



yeah i know you would have.. just doing my share of advertising a great show. lol

Capn Gus Bloodbeard

Well-Known Member
Meh, I really couldn't care less if people call it 'football' or 'soccer'. 

I like the name 'socceroos'.  There's a lot of history and passion behind that name.  I don't see any reason to change it.

Besides, it sounds better than 'footballroos' ;-)


Well-Known Member
Most national teams have a nickname ... that only sticks is the fans use it. Just 'cos many European countries don't doesn't mean we can't.

Australian Men's national football team - Socceroos since about 1972
Women's - Matildas
Under 23 Men's - Olyroos
Young Women's - Young Matildas
U20 Men's - Young Socceroos
U17 Men's - Joeys

As I say they only stick if people use them

Oh, and it is football!


Well-Known Member
dont change the name i think that socceroos goes with it because all the other sports teams have used other possible names.

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