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Gold Coast cap crowds to 5,000

FFC Mariner

Well-Known Member
If you had been running the Canberra/Wollongong bid you would surely be talking to the press about "We stand ready to take over from Fold Coast" wouldnt you?

thomas477 said:
Jesus said:
Explain how this is different to Con?

Con loves football money and Newcastle himself, Clive is in it for the money pies not the game.



Well-Known Member
Palmer is a key national party figure in Queensland and from what I understand he is taking some sort of legal action against the premier, Anna Bligh. Hes a successful businessman but hes starting to look like a megalomaniac out of his depth. Wouldnt surprise me if GCU fold before the end of season.


Well-Known Member
FFA set to meet with Clive Palmer over crowd cap at Gold Coast United
By Jim Morton
November 01, 2009 .The FFA is waiting on billionaire owner Clive Palmer's reaction to a Gold Coast United fan revolt before moving to end his controversial crowd cap.

With major A-League sponsor Hyundai understood to be furious, a showdown between the sport's governing body and Queensland's richest man looms this week.

The FFA desperately hopes Palmer shelves his stadium cost-cutting measures before the besieged Coast host Sydney FC at Skilled Park on Saturday night.

But few expect him to budge despite disgruntled United supporters sending a loud and clear message during the 2-0 loss to North Queensland Fury on Saturday night.

Just 2,616 fans - the club's lowest attendance and one of the smallest crowds in the competition's five-year history - were on hand as former Liverpool star Robbie Fowler exacerbated the Coast's week from hell with a second-half double.

Of those, the hardiest and most loyal fans made their displeasure known at capping attendance at 5,000 to save $100,000 in high stadium costs.

United supporters group "The Beach" - waving banners that read 'Cap is Crap', 'Want fans not dollars' and 'Scrap the Cap' - turned their backs on the game at one stage and chanted 'Stop the Cap'.

They also broke past security guards containing the small crowd in the western grandstand to briefly set up shop in their usual position behind the goals in a vacant northern stand.

A-League boss Archie Fraser is set to meet in person with Palmer over the issue for the first time in the coming days.

While guarded about its strategy, the FFA isn't about to sit back and idly allow crowds to be limited.

As any fine would be small change to the mining magnate, who is valued at $5.5 billion, revoking Palmer's licence could not be ruled out as his stance runs contrary to the club's participation agreement.

With Sydney FC sitting atop of the A-League, the FFA are determined to move before Saturday night's clash.

"Next week is another big game against a top side in Sydney FC and on paper this match should be attracting a healthy crowd," an FFA spokeswoman said.

"It should be a high-quality encounter between two talented teams and it's a great pity if it can't be enjoyed by a big crowd."

Palmer and United chief executive Clive Mensink could not be contacted for comment on Sunday but coach Miron Bleiberg denied the small crowd affected his team against Fowler's Fury.

"I was quite surprised with the atmosphere today and I thought the noise was as usual and our supporters were as loyal and as noisy and entertained themselves," he said.

Bleiberg, criticised by Fraser for self-promotion during the week, began his post-match press conference by stating he did not want to attend.

He ended it by earning the ire of Fraser, who sat quietly at the back of the room.
I've got an idea, Archie can you listen?" Bleiberg said.

"Maybe we should do the 8,000 (attending Brisbane Roar matches) and 2,000 from here and (make a) 10,000 double-header. You pay one rent and you get 10,000 people."

Fraser was unimpressed, replying: "Just open the stadium up. It's not hard."

Topping off a dreadful week for the Coast was a serious knee injury to Brazilian midfielder Robson which may require surgery and sideline him for two months.


Well-Known Member
I love Bleiberg's comments to Fraser. Amazing audacity. Why don't the shoot fat Clive AND Moron and get it over and done with. Just watched Watchmen again, and I'd like some inappropriate justice served :)

Forum Phoenix

Well-Known Member
So farcical.
Great to have mad messiah complex Miron back...
And now he's brought his fat rich meglomaniac friend too...
The wonders never seem to cease!

Just how much more entertainment can 1 club with f**k all supporters bring to the league?


:piralaugh: :piralaugh: :piralaugh:


Staff member
Yellowbeard said:
I've got an idea, Archie can you listen?" Bleiberg said.

"Maybe we should do the 8,000 (attending Brisbane Roar matches) and 2,000 from here and (make a) 10,000 double-header. You pay one rent and you get 10,000 people."

Fraser was unimpressed, replying: "Just open the stadium up. It's not hard."

I'm a fan of the double header idea, but not the way they went about bringing it up! You bring 80% we'll bring 20% and split the bill is pretty f**kin stupid... love the response ;D


Well-Known Member
the response is just venomous isn't it? that says more about the FFA's views than any of their public statements and shovels the blame squarely at GCU's feet.


Staff member
dibo said:
the response is just venomous isn't it? that says more about the FFA's views than any of their public statements and shovels the blame squarely at GCU's feet.

Just a tad! I think the idea would have gone over better if they had approached the FFA and said what about this... before closing three quarters of the stadium down, and throwing it out there at a press conference. But who knows... maybe they did?

Not Aloi$i FC

Well-Known Member
Aceventura19 said:
crowd for fury game is 2616, thats horrible

All things considered, I think 2616 is not too bad. With the cap, the fans being blamed for not turning up, the public transport debacle and all, I expected not much more than 1000 to be honest. I wonder how many will turn up next week when Sydney rock up.


Well-Known Member
[quote author=via SFCU's 'mixedmartialartist']
Culina admits concerns

Frustrated skipper Jason Culina admits that Gold Coast United's off-field tribulations are affecting on-field performances as A-League boss Archie Fraser urged the crisis-torn club to scrap its controversial crowd cap.

The Socceroos midfielder personally apologised to supporters after United's latest implosion, the 2-0 loss to North Queensland Fury at a near deserted and three quarters closed Skilled Park on Saturday night.

"What's been going off the pitch has been a distraction to the players," he told The World Game.

"You always try and perform to your best level but a certain percentage of the way we've been playing is down to everything that's going on.

"Sometimes it's hard to get motivated for games. It's probably not a good thing to say, but the way things are off the field it's possible we may have lost some of our focus.

"We obviously want to see things sorted out. We all just want the club to go in the right direction and we'll do our bit to make sure that happens on the field by doing our part.

"We've been too patchy and it's a concern to us. I couldn't sleep after the Fury game and we all desperately want things to work."

After owner Clive Palmer's cost-cutting scheme backfired badly with just 2616 turning up for the visit of the Fury, and many of those that bothered brandishing protest banners, Fraser pleaded with the club to scrap its cap and reopen all the gates for the visit of league leaders Sydney FC on Saturday night for a game he feels could attract at least 8000.

With supporters staying away in droves in protest at just one stand being opened to the public amid continuing high ticket prices, Fraser called on Palmer to ditch a strategy which is earning the club headlines for all the wrong reasons and turning it into the competition's problem child.

He also insisted that Palmer's claim of losing $100,000 a game under the terms of the club's ground rental agreement was flawed.

Fraser's stance are backed up by a source from Stadiums Queensland which reveals that United's assertion that it needs 10,000 gates to break even after stadium charges is incorrect.

The true figure it says is 7500 at $15 per head for tickets.

Under the 5000 cap scheme, United currently charge a flat rate of $30 for adults and $15 for kids, still the dearest in the A-League.

Fraser will seek further discussions with either Palmer or CEO Clive Mensink this week in the build up to the Sydney FC match, a game United won 2-1 without Jason Culina before the club descended into turmoil.

"The crowd cap hasn't worked on any level," said Fraser. "It makes no sense and has only served to isolate and alienated people. It's detrimental for United, detrimental for their supporters and detrimental for the A-League.

"It needs to be abandoned. We (Football Federation Australia) are willing and ready to work in any way we can to help the club in getting things right.

"They are on the wrong track with their current policy and you can quite clearly see it's affecting the performance of the team which has lost 6-0 at Wellington and now 2-0 to the Fury in consecutive rounds."

Amid continuing claims of unsustainable losses it can also be revealed that United made a clear $180,000 profit from their pre-season showpiece against Premier League Fulham, a match that attracted 10,336 to Skilled Park.

They were also in the black after the round two 5-0 win over the Fury to the tune of $6000 profit from a match watched by 7561.

Culina, meanwhile, insists that he will honour his three-year deal and isn't seeking to make a swift exit when the January transfer window opens.

"I still believe in the club. I love this club and I don't regret joining at all. I'm here for the long run and I'm not looking to walk away," said the 29 year old.

"What's happening now, on and off the field, has just made me even more determined to succeed."[/quote]

The FFA has just dropped off a crateload of ammunition to GCU supporters.

GCU should offer a mea culpa and drop the cap and while they're there they should drop ticket prices too.

Done right (i.e. make a bit of fanfare about the turnaround), they could get well over 5k for this weekend against the league leaders.

Coming into Christmas and New Year, they could do very well crowdwise -

Perth Glory, December 20
Brisbane Roar, Boxing Day
Adelaide United, January 9
Newcastle Jets, Jan 13

if they drop ticket prices and better yet, sell a package deal for those, they could boost numbers significantly. they shouldn't be tightly beancounting this year, they should be looking to build a base.

FFC Mariner

Well-Known Member

Tell the fat f**k. Our way or the highway and you walk away from your investment so far.

Archie sounds mega pissed off and it will be interesting to see how the FF gets out of this without a humiliating backdown.

Idiot should have read what he signed and realised that the license holder has all the aces and he has no cards to play.

Welcome to football Clive. The FFA own the license, the TV contract and the player registrations. you exist under license.


dibo said:
[quote author=via SFCU's 'mixedmartialartist']
Culina admits concerns

Frustrated skipper Jason Culina admits that Gold Coast United's off-field tribulations are affecting on-field performances as A-League boss Archie Fraser urged the crisis-torn club to scrap its controversial crowd cap.

The Socceroos midfielder personally apologised to supporters after United's latest implosion, the 2-0 loss to North Queensland Fury at a near deserted and three quarters closed Skilled Park on Saturday night.

"What's been going off the pitch has been a distraction to the players," he told The World Game.

"You always try and perform to your best level but a certain percentage of the way we've been playing is down to everything that's going on.

"Sometimes it's hard to get motivated for games. It's probably not a good thing to say, but the way things are off the field it's possible we may have lost some of our focus.

"We obviously want to see things sorted out. We all just want the club to go in the right direction and we'll do our bit to make sure that happens on the field by doing our part.

"We've been too patchy and it's a concern to us. I couldn't sleep after the Fury game and we all desperately want things to work."

After owner Clive Palmer's cost-cutting scheme backfired badly with just 2616 turning up for the visit of the Fury, and many of those that bothered brandishing protest banners, Fraser pleaded with the club to scrap its cap and reopen all the gates for the visit of league leaders Sydney FC on Saturday night for a game he feels could attract at least 8000.

With supporters staying away in droves in protest at just one stand being opened to the public amid continuing high ticket prices, Fraser called on Palmer to ditch a strategy which is earning the club headlines for all the wrong reasons and turning it into the competition's problem child.

He also insisted that Palmer's claim of losing $100,000 a game under the terms of the club's ground rental agreement was flawed.

Fraser's stance are backed up by a source from Stadiums Queensland which reveals that United's assertion that it needs 10,000 gates to break even after stadium charges is incorrect.

The true figure it says is 7500 at $15 per head for tickets.

Under the 5000 cap scheme, United currently charge a flat rate of $30 for adults and $15 for kids, still the dearest in the A-League.

Fraser will seek further discussions with either Palmer or CEO Clive Mensink this week in the build up to the Sydney FC match, a game United won 2-1 without Jason Culina before the club descended into turmoil.

"The crowd cap hasn't worked on any level," said Fraser. "It makes no sense and has only served to isolate and alienated people. It's detrimental for United, detrimental for their supporters and detrimental for the A-League.

"It needs to be abandoned. We (Football Federation Australia) are willing and ready to work in any way we can to help the club in getting things right.

"They are on the wrong track with their current policy and you can quite clearly see it's affecting the performance of the team which has lost 6-0 at Wellington and now 2-0 to the Fury in consecutive rounds."

Amid continuing claims of unsustainable losses it can also be revealed that United made a clear $180,000 profit from their pre-season showpiece against Premier League Fulham, a match that attracted 10,336 to Skilled Park.

They were also in the black after the round two 5-0 win over the Fury to the tune of $6000 profit from a match watched by 7561.

Culina, meanwhile, insists that he will honour his three-year deal and isn't seeking to make a swift exit when the January transfer window opens.

"I still believe in the club. I love this club and I don't regret joining at all. I'm here for the long run and I'm not looking to walk away," said the 29 year old.

"What's happening now, on and off the field, has just made me even more determined to succeed."

The FFA has just dropped off a crateload of ammunition to GCU supporters.

GCU should offer a mea culpa and drop the cap and while they're there they should drop ticket prices too.

Done right (i.e. make a bit of fanfare about the turnaround), they could get well over 5k for this weekend against the league leaders.

Coming into Christmas and New Year, they could do very well crowdwise -

Perth Glory, December 20
Brisbane Roar, Boxing Day
Adelaide United, January 9
Newcastle Jets, Jan 13

if they drop ticket prices and better yet, sell a package deal for those, they could boost numbers significantly. they shouldn't be tightly beancounting this year, they should be looking to build a base.

You would think, open it up, $15 tickets, 5 for kids, they should be able to get close to the 7500 they need. Hell am sure there will be a large sydney support there next weekend.


Well-Known Member
The crowd figure to break even is not important it is how much it cost you..

Say $ 100, 000 .... then 10 , 000 people say 7, 000 aldults and 3, 000 kids...

Be fair 7, 000 aldults at $ 15.00 (net from GST) is $ 105, 000... then wages and next weeks accommodation bill...

You need your crowd figure to pay for the stadium hire two weeks wages and hopefully travel costs...

Not easy running a new football team... IMO Fat Barstard should have sponsored the team for two million a year and let a football group run it....


Well-Known Member
FFC Mariner said:

Tell the fat f**k. Our way or the highway and you walk away from your investment so far.

Archie sounds mega pissed off and it will be interesting to see how the FF gets out of this without a humiliating backdown.

Idiot should have read what he signed and realised that the license holder has all the aces and he has no cards to play.

Welcome to football Clive. The FFA own the license, the TV contract and the player registrations. you exist under license.


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