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Euro 24

FFC Mariner

Well-Known Member
The nearly men strike again.TBF under Southgate England has been a team which has been deep into tournaments-two Euro finals,a WC semifinal and a quarterfinal.Probably lack that one outstanding player who could bring them trophies.
Nope - Okon 2.0 is the problem. Klopp,Bielsa etc win with that squad. This is all Southgate. Gutless and boring.
Kane should never have played after the group stages.


Well-Known Member
Nope - Okon 2.0 is the problem. Klopp,Bielsa etc win with that squad. This is all Southgate. Gutless and boring.
Kane should never have played after the group stages.
At that level in such an important match you would expect the players to take the initiative.In the second half after Palmer's goal England had a throw in in the opponent's half.Walker throws it back to Stones who then passes back to Pickford who boots it long and Spain regains possession and any momentum is lost.That is on the players not the coach


Well-Known Member
FFS no cumdog, no macca
It's time to play the music, it's time to light the lights, it's time to get things started on the muppet show tonight!

What a load of utter horseshit.

The team of the best players ever to play for the Mariners, featuring someone who's never played for the Mariners.

Also starring Mueller ahead of Dingo and Macca, which bellend wrote this twaddle, I honestly thought it was a FTBL article at first.

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